
TRUTH AND LIES (My Mr. Perfect) EPISODE 7,8&9

“I’m happy for you” I said when she finally gave me the chance to speak up.
“Of course you should be” she said and giggled.
“I need to catch some sleep now. You know I’ll be going to Mico High tomorrow and it’s going to be fabulous. I wonder how it’s going to be.
“Why don’t you come around tomorrow so I can tell you all about it?” She asked and I hesitated on a reply.
Going out without my mask again?

“Nigel?” She called.
“Uhm…I’ll see if I’d be chanced” I told her and she chuckled.

“Okay the. Bye”.
“W…wait” I told her just before she’d hung up.
“Yes?” She asked.
“Uhm…by the way, Mico’s sorry for what he did” I said levelly and I guess she must have been surprised.

“Mico?” She repeated. “What makes you think so?”

“Well, I…I guess he had no idea you were this lovely” I replied, smiling crazily.
“Oh…well, maybe he is. But if he really is, then he should apologise to me himself” she stated and laughed, knowing it was crazy and impossible.

“Really? You want him to apologise to you?” I asked, also chuckling.
“Well, yes. He has to. But I’m sure that dumb, arrogant, pesky head of his wouldn’t let him do so”.
Did she just say all that about me?

“Anyway, bye. See you tomorrow” she added and ended the call.

I looked at the phone and laughed.
Dumb? Arrogant? Pesky? Me? Mico Salvatore?
Mum needs to hear of this.
I leaned on the wall and laughed again.

Alexa’s Pov:
I stood by the door, listening to Mico’s conversation on the phone. I was startled.
Who the hell was he talking to like that? And why was he laughing?
He seemed so happy.

Picked For You:  DELILAH : EPISODE 1 - THE END

He had left me all alone in the garden just to receive the call.
Who could the caller be?

Alyssa’s Pov:
I ended the call and threw myself on the bed. I was so happy.
I looked beside me on the bed and stared at my neatly arranged uniform. My shoes and stockings were neatly kept on the floor and my books were already in my classic school bag.

Everything was so beautiful and looked quite expensive. Who could this secret helper be?

I sprawled my arms and legs on the bed smiling and dozed off. But I had a dream; somewhat like a trance.

I saw myself walking towards Mico High school. The gates were open, but as I drew near, it suddenly closed up.
I tried opening it but the gate seemed to be retreating and I couldn’t touch it.
I started running towards it and the faster I ran, the faster the gate kept drawing back and I couldn’t get it.

I opened my eyes immediately and discovered it was a dream. It seemed so real.
Well, thank goodness it was a dream. It should probably be the work of my jealous enemies.
Nothing can stop me from going to Mico High. I have a feeling I’ll run into a lot of luck over there.
So, from tomorrow, I’ll be a student of Mico High School – the best school in the city – filled with children of great and wealthy people.


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