“So please, will you marry me?” He asked in anticipation, he had started to get scared. What if she said no, what if she said she dospices him so much and didn’t want to have anything to do with him, just what if?.

“Come on, he is waiting, give him a reply” Stanley urged.

“Mummy,” Emily said.

“Yes, yes yes, I will marry you” she suddenly shouted. Noah sign in relieved and went to hug her, he was so happy.

“Aren’t you forgetting something?” Emily said behind them.

“Oh” Noah said and put the ring in her finger, she smiled and stared at the ring, they looked beautiful in her finger.

“Kiss your bride” Stanley said and they looked at each other affectionately before kissing, Stanley covered Emily’s eyes to prevent her from seeing them though she was still trying to look.

“Congratulations guys, so when is the wedding because I can’t wait” Stanley asked.

“Let me talk to dad first” Noah smiled and took Adelaide away.

“I have never seen daddy this happy before” Emily said.

“Same here, it’s good though” Stanley said.

“Let’s follow them, I don’t want to miss the fun,” Emily said.

“Okay grandma,” Stanley said.

“Don’t call me that ” Emily yelled frustratedly which made Stanley to chuckle.
“Everyone come together,I have good news” Noah said, he was beaming with a smile which made everyone curious.

“What is going on?” Mrs Everest asked.

“So me and Adelaide have decided to get married again” he said and held her hand.

“What do you mean by marry again, have you guys divorce before?” Fransisco asked, he was on crutches, his legs and arms still heavily bandaged.

“What are you doing here? The doctor said you have to spend like a week at the hospital” Adelaide said.

“And you think I will stay there till then, you know how much I hate the hospital smell” Francisco said.

“But look at you, you look terrible” Noah said and looked at Autumn.

“I tried to stop him but he wouldn’t listen, infact all my friends do but you know he is very stubborn” Autumn said in her defense.

“You guys should stop worrying about me, you are saying something right?” Francisco asked Noah.

“What do you mean you wanted to marry her, what’s wrong, is there something you guys are not telling me?” Mr Everest asked curiously.

“I didn’t propose to Adelaide, we just went ahead and got married, I didn’t take the wedding vows seriously then because I am a jerk too, so I want everything to be real now” Noah said. Mr Everest smiled after hearing that, he was really happy, he knew what was going on at the beginning of their marriage and that’s why he always wants them to be close together.

“I am so glad you realize how foolish you are,” Mr Everest said, thinking about the fact that Noah actually said the false thing to him about his wife.

“I don’t think getting married again is necessary, at least everyone knows you guys are married, “ Mrs Everest said.

“Let them do what they want, they have the money, “ Mrs Everest said.

“So when is the wedding?” Nicholas asked Noah. People around were shocked that he actually talked to his brother calmly with a smile on his face.

“I am thinking of Sunday, because tomorrow Saturday, I will go for antenatal care with my wife. The pregnancy is three months already so we have to check our baby ultrasound,” Noah said and hugged Adelaide.

“How do you want the wedding to go? Should I start inviting people already?” Mr Everest asked.

“No dad, it’s not a big wedding, I just have to retake my vows, all I need is a priest and some special guest, the wedding will take place here at the mansion” Noah said.

“I am sure she is the one that gave you this cheap idea,” Mrs Everest said. She was going but suddenly stopped, she smiled and walked back to them.

“I can invite two special guests right?” She asked.

“Go ahead” Mr Everest said, she smiled and left.

“Can I invite my friends too, they can come over today and stay till Sunday, they will return home after the wedding” Autumn said, her head bowed.

“You can bring your friends, Peanut” Noah said , Autumn glared at him and focused on their dad.

“You are free to bring your friends over darling,” Mr Everest said.

“Thank you daddy,” Autumn said and hugged him.

“What about you Delaney? Do you have any friends to bring?” He asked.

“No , we have the same friends,” Delaney said.

“Come over here” Mr Everest said, Delaney walked closer and was shocked when he hugged her. Her body finally relaxed and she hugged him back. Mr Everest knows that Delaney doesn’t always show her real feelings, he is not going to wait for her to say anything, he is going to do the right thing.

“Let me go and call them, I can’t wait for them to come” Autumn squeaks and runs toward her room.

“Wait for me Cat” Francisco yelled and started following her gently. Delaney still remains in her dad’s arms, maybe because it’s been years since they last hugged.

“What sort of nickname is cat” Stanley asked, everyone just shrugged without answering his questions.

“You don’t have to go home again, I will order clothes for you,” Noah said. Delaney finally disengaged from the hug, she looked shy as she walked back to her room, Mr Everest smiled before looking at Stacy who was at a corner.

“I need you in my office in five minutes” he said and left. Stacy looks at Nicholas worriedly but he just smiles to assure her.

“Everything is gonna be okay” he mouths to her which makes her smile. Delaney saw their exchange but didn’t say anything. It’s funny that she is the only one that knows about their relationship.
Mrs Everest was fuming in her room, she was just angry with Adelaide, maybe because she wasn’t as perfect as her when she was young, she can’t even understand, she just feels like the girl will spoil everything she has been trying to achieve, her husband isn’t even listening to her again.

Her phone rang on the table, it was Dennis, she smiled before picking it.

“I feel like coming over and bending you over the table right now” that was the first thing he said immediately he picked the call.

“Stop your dirty talk, I really have an important thing to say” she said.

“What is it darling?” He asked.

“They are planning another wedding, I think this will be our chance, I want you to come as a special guest” Mrs Everest said.

“That’s so smart of you Theresa, I hope you have called that witch, I think I have a plan and she will be very useful for it” Dennis said.

“What are we going to do?” She asked curiously.

“Let’s say, we will use her for our game then she will be trapped” Dennis said.

“I can’t wait then” Mrs Everest said and cut the line, she called Jasmine immediately.

“Any good news?” Jasmine asked the moment he picked the call.

“It depends on how you see it, Adelaide and Noah are renewing the vows, I want you to be there because there is a great plan that will really work out and then you can have Noah all to yourself “ Mrs Everest said.

“It’s bad news but since I will still have Noah at the end, I am not sad,” Jasmine said.

“So are you coming to the wedding?” Mrs Everest asked.

“You should expect me tomorrow, I should be there to take care of the bride right now, especially now that she is pregnant,” Jasmine said sarcastically.

“I will be waiting” Mrs Everest ended the call and a smile spread on her face, she dial Dennis number before laying on the bed.
Stacy entered Mr Everest’s office with different thoughts running through her mind. She was afraid. What is the reason for seeing her? She looked around the office. This is the first time she will be entering his office. Everything was beautiful but she didn’t have time to think of that.

“Sit down” Mr Everest said after seeing her, he was smiling which surprised her.

“I can just stand this way,” she said nervously.

“Calm down Stacy, sit down” she was even shocked that he knew her name. She sat down nervously, she was playing with her fingers.

“I saw you with Nicholas some night ago, what is your deal with him?” He asked. Stacy asked widen, does that mean he caught them doing something.

“He is my boyfriend, I am very sorry, you can punish me, I was the one that approached him first please don’t punish him” she quickly said.

“Do you like him?” Mr Everest asked.

“I love him so much,” she said nervously.

“Why did you love him?” Mr Everest asked.

“He is a nice, caring, boyfriend material, he makes me happy and vows to protect me anytime, he is a responsible man too” she said gently.

“Are you talking about the same Nicholas Everest, my son?” Mr Everest asked with raised eyebrows, those things she said sounded unbelievable to him.

“Yes sir, everything is my fault, I know we are not supposed to be doing that, you can punish all you want but please spare him” Stacy pleaded.

“Who says I am punishing you?” Mr Everest asked.

“you are not?” Stacy asked in surprise.

“Why would I promise my son girlfriend, what kind of father in-law would that make me, for Nicholas to be doing all those things for you means he really loves you, I can notice some changes in his life which is all thanks to you, so what reason do I punish you for? All I need is for you guys to choose the date of your wedding “ Mr Everest said.

“Thank you so much sir” Stacy said happily, she was almost crying, she didn’t expect this.

“You should start calling me dad,” he said.

“Thanks dad,” Stacy said and left. The moment the office door close to Mt Everest released the cough he had been holding, he was coughing seriously into the white handkerchief in his hand. By the time he stopped coughing , the handkerchief was full of blood already.

“I have to mend my family before it is too late,” he muttered and coughed again.
“Why did he call you?” Nicholas asked curiously, he had been waiting for her.

“He knows about our relationship,” Stacy said gently.

“What!! Is he angry?” Nicholas asked worriedly.

“No, he was in support,” Stacy said and smiled.

“Really?” Nicholas asked in surprise, Stacy nodded, Nicholas hugged her excitedly.

Noah and Adelaide came out of their car, they are ready for antenatal, and Adelaide was so excited, she can’t wait to listen to the heartbeat of her baby.

They were directed to the doctor’s office since they have had a book since some days ago. The doctor looks at the beautiful couple and smiles, she can see that they are both happy in their marriage.

“Are you ready to see your beautiful baby?” She asked with a smile.

“Yeah I can’t wait” she said excitedly and clicked the bed without being told, the doctor smiled at her cuteness.

The doctor brought out the gel and started applying it on her belly, her baby bump has started showing a little but it still looks cute. After the gel was applied, the doctor used the transducer on her belly and the baby was shown on the monitor. The foetus’ loud heartbeat can be heard and Adelaide smiled just hearing that.

“Wait a second” the doctor said and increased the volume when they realized the sound was not only one. They can hear two or three heartbeats, one was very fast, the second one was fast too and then the third one was a little slow, three different heartbeats. The doctor studied the fetuses and realized they were three.

“Congratulations parent, you are having triplets” the doctor announced. Adelaide and Noah look at each other in shock.





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