By Terri Savage

Episode 24

The crowd are still shouting as the competition director hand over the diamond chain to Micheal.

” We got it Selene, have it ” Michael said as he hand over the diamond chain to selene.

” I got it, it is so beautiful ” Selene said smiling shilliy and admiring it.

” Yeah, you did it, you both will make a good couple ” The director said and smiled before leaving.

” Let’s go selene ” Michael said and led the way out of the place.

Pictures has been snapped already and it will surely circulate the internet.

People like spreading gist a lot.

They got back to the car and entered, it became awkward as none of them is talking

They look at each other and when their eyes met, they look away.

” I am sorry for what happen over there, take it as nothing happen, I couldn’t watch our efforts go to waste, so let’s maintain the normalcy ” Michael said.

” Oh.. Ok, it is nothing, let’s maintain the normalcy ” Selene replied.

” We are cool right ” Michael said.

” Yeah ” Selene replied nodding.

He started the drive though Selene found it hard to stop stealing glances at him and when her eyes caught his lips, she almost can’t believe she has been kssed by that same lips.

She didn’t know how sweet his lips are till now and she can’t take that scene off her head.

He got to her house and she came out of the car holding the diamond chain so dearly .

” See you in school tomorrow ” Selene waved and he waved back with a cute smile before driving off.

She smiled and went in.

” Wow, who was that ? ” Brandon asked her as she got in, he had saw them through the window.

” None of your business dummy ” Selene replied, rolling her eyes.

” How was your date ? ” Brandon asked eating an apple.

” Who told you I went out on a date ” selene replied.

” You forgot so soon sis, you told me yourself ” Brandon said.

” Whatever ” Selene replied.

” I know already, you don’t need to tell me before I will know, I saw him drop you, you have gotten a boyfriend huh ” Brandon said as he picked another apple.

” Still not your business ” Selene replied, blushing as she talked.

Brandon saw how she is blushing and he chuckled.

” You are blushing sis ” Brandon said as he laugh.

” I didn’t blush dummy ” Selene replied, she started admiring the Diamond chain again, the fact that Micheal won it for her make her feel so special and happy.

She is smiling sheepishly as she rubbed on it.

Brandon saw the diamond chain in her, he then moved close to her and took it away from her, that brought her back to earth.

” What ! Give it back ” Selene said.

” Who gave it to you ? ” Brandon asked hiding it as his back.

” I don’t wanna get angry now Brandon, give it back ” Selene replied, smiling.

” It is cute, can you give it to me as a gift ? ” Brandon said.

” No, it is special, I will get you another one big bro ” Selene pouted.

” Okay, lover girl ” Brandon said as he hand over the diamond chain back to her.

” Huh ? ” Selene mumbled.

” I will soon find out the guy you went on a date with ” Brandon said, as he went to the kitchen to get more apples.

” Whatever ” Selene replied and ascended the stairs to her room.

Brandon just shook his head and laugh.


” Yeah, I rejected to be his friend ” Jasmine said, she is discussing with Naomi.

” Your enemy is asking to be your friend, well I think you should give it a try ” Naomi replied, arranging some packages.

” You think so, I wanted to accept it but my proud self won’t let me to do so ” Jasmine said pouting.

” You like him right ? ” Naomi asked winking at her.

” I dunno, but I keep seeing him in my memories, even when I dreamt I dream of him, I suddenly develop this urge to see him every time, my heart beat so fast when I am close to him, I am confused girl ” Jasmine replied facing down.

” You are in love with him, but you didn’t realize it, your hatred for him is blocking you from knowing your feelings ” Naomi said with seriousness.

” You are joking ” Jasmine replied with a surprise look.

” I am not , with what you say you feel when you are close to him tells it all, that is how your heart behave when you’re in love, I had experience it before bestie, I am f*cking serious ” Naomi said and Jasmine went mute.

She can swear Noami isn’t joking, she is damn serious, how can she fell for Brandon.

” You may not accept it now but a time will come when you will confess it yourself baby ” Naomi said as she stroked his hair.

” Oh my God ” Jasmine heaved.

” I think I am falling for someone again ” Naomi said and Jasmine look at her.

” Who ? ” Jasmine asked.

” The guy who saved me ” Naomi said, smiling.

” Oh, so fast, it is barely a week baby ” Jasmine replied.

” I know but you can’t make decision for your heart, yunno he is so stubborn, he almost make me to faint today, I woke up late, I was rushing not to be late, I got dressed and came out, I saw him outside leaning by his car, he is so cute ” Naomi said blushing.

” Blushing bch ” Jasmine hissed.

” I don’t want to make the same mistake I made the first time, I want to know if he is for real ” Naomi said.

” Okay baby, I need to go home now ” Jasmine said.

” Okay baby, I still need to put things in place ” Naomi said and stood.

” Love you ” Jasmine said and peck her right cheek.

” I hate peck baby ” Naomi said making cute faces.

” Should I kss you then ” Jasmine replied.

” Crazy, get going ” Naomi said.

” bye ” Jasmine yelled before leaving.

” You are crazy ” Naomi mumbled.


** Thirty minutes.

Naomi got outside the shop, she is closing, she started walking around to get a car.

A car pulled and stop in her front, she doesn’t need anybody to tell her, it is Shelton.

He got down and waved at her.

” Hi pretty, you are going home ? ” Shelton asked coming close to her.

Naomi maintain a stern face as she gave him no response.

” What are you doing here ? ” She asked.

” To pick you up, it is quite dangerous for a lady to be moving around in the night ” Shelton replied sweetly.

” I appreciate your kind gesture, but I don’t f*cking need it ” Naomi said, almost yelling.

” Stop being stubborn pretty, I’m just trying to help, come on ” Shelton replied.

” I’m old enough to look after myself, so take your car and go home ” Naomi said and started leaving, she know she is happy to see him, but she can’t get him know she is way easy to get acquainted with.

Shelton wasted no time in running after her, he catch up with her and he pulled her by the arm, she loses balance and fall on him.

She look up and stare at him, his eyes is full of perfection, care, affection and concern, she almost got lost staring at him.

Shelton heart is racing so fast, that Naomi felt it.

He slowly held her arm and look at her like to pour out his affection.

” Look Naomi, I know you don’t like me , I am so sorry for disturbing you, since you don’t need me around you, I will respect your decision and I will stay away from you, but just know that I like you ” Shelton said sadly and release his hand from her arm.

He turned and walked back to his car, he started the drive and zoom off.

Naomi stood on her spot, trying to process what just happened, she can’t believe she hurt him with her actions.

” What was I even thinking in the first place , Gosh ” Naomi said sadly.



Jasmine got home and saw her mum sleeping on the couch again.

” Mum ” She call as she rush to hug her.

” Baby, you are back ? ” Mabel asked still feeling sleepy.

” Yeah, don’t you get tired sleeping here all the time ? ” Jasmine asked settling beside her.

” I need to see my baby before I will go to my room cutie ” Mabel said and pinch her cheeks.

” Awnn ” Jasmine said in a babyish voice.

” I was able to raise 500 dollars today ” Mabel said.

Jasmine eyes widened and her jaw drop in surprise.

” How mum ” She said surprisingly

” I sold the pancakes all ” Mabel said.

” Wow, that is great momma ” Jasmine gushed.

” Your food is in the kitchen ” Mabel said.

Jasmine stood up and peck her before leaving for her room.



She ate her food after she had her bathe, Mabel is sleeping already.

Jasmine got in bed and started thinking about what Naomi said.

She kept tossing on the bed, it is way too big to be true, she is just confused about the whole thing, it is making no sense to her, she is saying the other thing, her heart is wanting Brandon.

” I will soon figure it out ” Jasmine heaved.

” This can’t be happening ??.


* Naomi place.

She kept roaming around her room, she can’t sleep with the fact that she hurt Shelton.

Naomi kept pondering as she roamed endlessly in her room, pacing around.

” Gosh, I’m going crazy “.

” Yeah, crazily in love ” Her subconscious mind said and she sighed.

” This can’t be happening.. No!!! ” Naomi yelled angrily and sat on the bed.


* Shelton Place

Shelton is sitting on a chair in his room with his head in his palm, he is pondering about the decision he made earlier.

He wasn’t thinking straight when he said that.

The decision he took isn’t right, there must be a reason why she is avoiding him, she just got betrayed in her relationship, she can’t be so fast to give in into another guy.

” I am missing her already, I have grown fond of her , I can’t stay away from her, I can’t ” Shelton said.

” I won’t give up on Naomi, she is way better than Jenny ” Shelton said and sighed.



* Johnson mansion.

Selene is roaming around her room with her hands folded on her chest.

She can’t believe she kssed Micheal, it was heavenly.

She roamed endlessly smiling foolishly, she touch her lip and wish to kss him again.

She can’t sleep as the she kept seeing the picture of them kssing.

” His lips taste like honey, even more than honey, no taste can be compared to his lips, Michael please love me back, I am going crazy now ” Selene said still touching her lips.

” I can’t wait to have a boyfriend, mich I love you so much, I can’t wait when you will you will fall for me too, I will make sure you love me back ” Selene said and fell heavily on the bed.

” I love you Mich ” She said and drifted to sleep.

*Mean while, not only selene is passing through this, Michael too is finding it hard to sleep, selene is the only thing he is seeing, the kss they shared even though it was brief, it still means a lot to him.

” I can’t wait to have you as my girlfriend Selene, if someday you become mine, I will treat you with so much love ” Michael said.


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