By Terri Savage

Episode 58

Victor looked at her $lutty behavior and sighed frustratedly remembering how Susie will be feeling now

He laid beside Jenny breathing heavily, she wrapped her hand around him, trailing her fingers on his chest

” You’re are the best Vic ” She said

” You’re so sweet,, can we do this again ? ” He asked

” Yes,, I love every part of it ” She said and he smiled sweetly at her, although it is fake

” The game have just started Jenny Jackson ” He muttered



Susie got home and threw her purse away furiously not minding where it will fall, the only thing on her mind is the picture of Victor kssing Jenny, it make her heart bleed

” Victor why why ” She screamed letting the tears she was holding since to fell freely

” But you’re not dating him ” Her subconscious mind said to her

” It hurts, it hurt so badly, don’t know why I am so much hurt when we aren’t even dating ”

” You’re in love with him ” Her subconscious mind said again

She sat on the floor with her back leaning on her bed

” It hurt in there so much ” She said pointing at her chest ” I hate you Victor,, what did I even expect from a cute guy like him,, he is probably a playboy ” She cried

” Jenny is a bch ” She gritted her teeth hurtfully


Naomi’s place **

The bathroom door opened and Naomi came out with a towel wrapped around her waist, she had just taken her bath

She dried herself up before rubbing the cream on her body after that she took her night gown and wore it

” I miss my baby ” She muttered

She was about to took her phone when suddenly the light in her room went off

” Shit ,, What the fk is that ” She said, wondering what happened

A faint knock came at the door and without thinking she went to open it thinking it was Shelton,, immediately she opened the door a strong hand held her and immediately placed a hanky with a substance in on her nose making her to pass out, the person took her and walked out with her


Club house **

Shelton has won a lot of cash winning every challenger that tried to bet with him

He started feeling restless, having a bad aura that something is wrong, his mind suddenly went to Naomi,, he took out his phone and dialled her number but it was switched off

” No, something is wrong and weird, her phone can’t be switch off ” He said and stormed out, he got in his car and drove speedily to her house, through out the ride his mind is not at rest, he kept having this feeling that something is wrong with her

” I pray she is okay ” He said sullenly, dialling her line again but it’s still switched off

” Fk ”


35 minutes later **

The actual ride from the game house to Naomi’s place is 50 minutes but cos of how he speeded he got there before that time, he got down and rushed to her door

His heart skipped beats immediately he saw the door widely open, he went in and saw no one

” Naomi ,, baby ” He called

” No,, no .. This can’t be happening,, I don’t want to believe it is what I am thinking,, he searched around for her and still didn’t see glimpse of her

” Young master ” A guy said behind him, he swiftly turned around facing him

” Hi you live here ? ” He asked

” Yes ” He replied

” do you perhaps see a lady by name Naomi this night * He asked

” Yes,, I saw a man putting Aunty Naomi in his car and driving away with her,, but she was so weak and the man was carrying her on his shoulders ” He said and Shelton heart almost flew out

” What !! ” He gasped and got in his car driving out

” She is kidnap,, But who could do that ” He said hitting the steering furiously


Monday **

” Good morning sweet sister ” Luna said behind Jasmine who is dressing up for school

” You’re awake,, how was the night ? ” She said

“It was splendid,, yours ? ” Luna said

” Fantastic,, I am almost done,, let’s go and have breakfast ” She said

” Ohh ,, I have to brush ” She replied and marched to the bathroom, she brushed and came out

” I am done sis ” She said, Jasmine walked out and she followed her to the dinning table

” Morning mum ” They both chorused

” Morning my babies ” Mabel replied with a cute smile

” Mum is so beautiful, if I were a guy I would have ask her out ” Luna said and they both laughed

” She is so cute and funny ” Mabel said and she blushed

They ate their breakfast smiling and talking sweetly

” I am off to school mum ” Jasmine said and stood up

” Bye sis ”

” Okay take care, say hi to my son in law ” Mabel said

” say hi to my brother in law ” Luna said

” Little brat ” She replied and left immediately

Shortly after Jasmine left, some people started making disturbing noise outside,,

” What is that ? ” Mabel said coming out of her room

She opened the door to see what is happening but froze as she saw two guys and a man, she shivered in shock

” Good… morn.. morning Ted ” She stammered shockingly

” I don’t need your greetings,, where’s my money ? ” The Ted of a man asked icily

” I … I .. I . please can you still give me some little time ” She stuttered badly

” Do you mean some time after you’ve been owning me for good three months ,, if you don’t give me that money,, I am going in there to take anything worth my money ” Ted said

” Please,, I will pay ” She said pleadingly

” You’re fking wasting my time,, guys get to work ” Ted said and the guys pushed her out of the way but before they could get in a flashy car halted making them to stop

A man came down looking very angry, he saw how the guys pushed Mabel roughly

Mabel gasped and starred at him shockingly, it is Jordan her manager

* What is he doing here *

” How dare you push her that way ? ” Jordan asked angrily

” Who are you to ask such a question ” Ted replied

” I hate ba$tards like you, coming as a bat would have being better ” He said and the two guys gasp including Ted

” You just called me a bat ? ” He asked

” you’re one with that bat face,, how dare you two touch her,, what did she do to you ? ” He asked

” Who are you to her ? ”

“Who am I to her isn’t your business ” He said simply

” If you care to know she is owning me hundred thousand dollars ” Ted replied

” Fools dragging a woman cos of a little cash ”

” Do you just called one hundred thousand dollars little cash ? ” Ted asked unbelievably

” Your account details now ”

Ted starred at him before giving out his details, his mouth open wide as he saw an alert of $ 300k

” Now get out all of you ” He said and Ted immediately left with the guys

” Hi ” Jordan waved at her

” Hi ” She replied

” Sorry for that ” Jordan said

Mabel looked at him without knowing what to say, he is acting different from the arrogant, proud manager he was before

” You shouldn’t have done that ” She said

” I am not complaining,, beside it a way of apologizing to you ” He said and she chuckled

” Seriously,, ” She smiled, Jordan couldn’t help but admired her smile

” Why are you here by the way ? ” She asked with a stern voice

” Will you try being friendly with me for once ” He said and Mabel rolled eyes at him

” Why should I ? ” She pouted folding her hands around her chest

” We should be behaving adult,, not like enemies always ” He said

” Fine ,, so why are you here ? ” She smiled

” Nothing,, I just felt like passing here ,, are you ready ? ” He asked

” I am almost done,, I am coming ”

She came out after some minutes and joined him in the car

” Let’s go ” She said

Jordan looked at her and she starred back,, both of them smiled at each other


Winters high**

Principal office **

Brandon and Jasmine walked into the principal office holding hands and smiling lovely at each other

” Good morning sir ” They both greeted

” Morning Brandon and Jasmine,, please have your sits ” He said gesturing

” Congratulations Jasmine for winning the first contest ” He said

” Thank you sir ” She replied

” You guys can start practicing already,, there is limited time,, the school studio is always available for you,, Henry the producer is also around chose any day suitable for you two to start the practice ” He said stylishly looking at Jasmine’s cleavages

” Okay sir ” He replied

Brandon saw that and quickly held her up taking her outside

” What was that ? ” Jasmine asked immediately they stepped outside

” I don’t like the way the principal was starring at you ” He said jealously

” Don’t be a jealous freak baby,, I love only you ,, let’s go to your lounge,, I miss your lips ” She said and Brandon suddenly swift her off the floor

” Put me down,, people are watching ” She said gigglishly

” Ion care ” With that he started walking to his lounge


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