The sides of his hair and back are a bit low as it curly strands are everywhere. His eyes snap me out of my trespassing as he raise his brows with a heart melting smirk.
“What ?” I ask him.

“Stop checking me out like you wanna eat me. It’s rude to stare.” I huff and bite the inside of my cheek. Now he’s gonna think I’m interested in him.

“What makes you think I was checking you out ?” I raise my brows and lean against my window to look at him properly.

“It’s fine. I was checking you out too. Nice sweaters.” What an asshole.
I glue my face to the window to hide my blush.

I’m tired same time I’m not tired. My house is filled with ranting parents. Parents who finds joy in making you look useless.

The car stops as this stranger got out. He didn’t pull the keys out this time. I got out and surprisingly I saw two cars. Not just any type of cars .

I might be a nerd but I can easily tell if I spot an expensive car. One is a red Lamborghini and the other a Bentley.

I watch the stranger stride to the Bentley as one of the men on black suits give him a champagne bottle.
” Seriously..” he turns around and smirk at me.

” You’re okay ?” He ask me.
” Is that your thank you ?” I ask not even remembering the men on suit who stand beside the two expensive cars. I feel like hiding my car in my pants pocket.

He roll his eyes as one of the guys open the back door of the Bentley as he enters inside. The suit man shut the door and I watch the car drive away.

What type of man is that ?


Today’s the most weirdest day of my life. Driving a total cute stranger who end up entering such an expensive car.

I sigh several times as i drive back home. It’s almost evening and I’m really sure a lot awaits me once I get home. I halt the car on the garage and get out ready to face my parents uneasy troubles.

” And where are you coming from ?” Dad ask once I entered the living room.

I stuck both my hands in my back pocket and look at both of them intensely. What am I supposed to tell them ?

” Ariel..” Mom glare snapping at me.
” I took a ride around the city.”
” A stupid ride ? Or you’ve successfully gotten yourself a boyfriend Ariel.”
” Dad , please stop.”
” Did you just cut me off ?” My dad yell.

” What did we do to deserve you in the first place ? You keep on acting like we hate you but your attitude is not even pleasing. Your bad luck brought us to New York , did you forget that ?”

I blink my eyes not to cry in front of them. Why are they acting so annoying and not tolerating.
” I’m sorry.” I say looking at Leslie who is sitting on the dinning room.

” You’re sorry ? For what ? Lying ? Where did you go ?”
” I took a ride.”
” You’re still lying ? Ariel I’m gonna hit you if you don’t say the truth.” Mom points her finger at me shooting daggers at me.

My eyes meet Leslie’s. She barely help matters. She acts like she enjoys my torture. I look back at my parents, their eyes not leaving my figure.

” I..” I stutter blinking. My eyes already crowded and I’m crying again.

” I took a ride because I was tired. Of being treated like shit. You don’t even trust me.”

” Why should we trust you ? You aren’t supposed to be in this house. You’re supposed to be in nun school serving as a nun , but you spoilt everything. Ariel you disgrace us , you committed a stupid sin and that brought us to New York.”

” Really ? It has been always you guys. You don’t even care about me. You started being nice because I choose to go to nun school. Nobody care about my feelings.

Your pressures made me choose to be a sister , because why ? You wanted to boost your ego.” And that’s it. My mom slapped me.

I blink several times but the tears were just flowing down. I wipe my tears and turn to walk to my room.
” Ariel , come back here.” Dad call after me.


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