I roll my eyes and slurp my cocktail. That must be her boyfriend.

” Hey babe” She giggle and playfully caress his hair. He whisper something to her and she giggle again.

” Bye ladies.” Alexa says and left with this brunette. Just like that.
I roll my eyes getting tired.

Seriously this place called club is boring. I wish I was at home ,maybe reading my book. And then it dawn to me about my parents reactions tomorrow.

” Ariel , don’t think about it. Have fun.” My conscience whisper. I hate her.

” I’ll be back sis. I wanna dance.” With that said, I watch Leslie walk out too. Now I’m terribly bored.
I look around the club scared to get woo again by some drunk aggressive man.

I already consumed a glass of cocktail and I’m in my second glass.
” You shouldn’t get used to that. It’s like poison.” I heard that familiar voice.

I look up and his amazing grey eyes greeted me before his smirk. He sits on the opposite chair and drop his bottle of tequila that’s already half consumed.

” You look tipsy.” I didn’t reply but stare far from his eyes. Continuous staring at those eyes and I’ll be humiliated. I barely could make out words when I’m with him.

” What are you doing here ?”
” Your friends abandoned you to fuck some random boy.” Great. How can he be so comfortable talking so rough.
” I hate cursing.” I tell him and it burst out like a whisper.

” I noticed.” He mutters and gulp his alcohol.

His eyes stare at me and land on my figure in front of him. His eyes were all over my body and I’m scared. He’s unpredictable and not readable.

” You club ?” He asks landing his eyes on mine.

” No.”
” Then what are you doing here ? Dressed like that ?”
My hands left my half consumed cocktail and sneak beneath the table as i fiddle them.

I know i look stupid. Like some random girl and I hate feeling that way. Stranger scoffs and shake his head sideways before gulping his drink.

” I don’t even know you.”
” I think it’s better that way.” He states and sit back his drink. I take out the straw and empty the remaining cocktail with just one gulp. I feel different again, like I’m a bit drunk.

I rub my temple and raise my eyes to meet this tatted stranger looking right back at me.
” What are you doing here ?” I ask him.

” To party and get laid.” He replies flatly.
” Getting laid ?” I find myself touching my hair and that’s not likely me.

” Yeah. Why ?”
I giggle. Great , when did I start giggling ?

” Every random hot girl would wanna lay with you.” I bite my lip and sip my third cocktail in a really sexy way. This isn’t good. I’m drunk and I can’t stop myself.

” You’re hot.” I tell him and slowly touch his hand that’s resting on the table.

His stare his dark and not leaving my eyes. I withdraw from his hand and shift on my chair. I’m sweating and that’s really weird.
” You’re drunk.”

” I’m not..” I giggle.
” You like to play ?” I touch his hand and his gaze isn’t leaving mine.

” You wanna play ? I bite hard.” He flirts and I think my heart skip a beat.

Being drunk is stupid.
” How hard do you bite ?” I flirt back and twist my hair again before sipping my third glass of cocktail.
” Really hard.” I smirk and it’s crazy I want someone.

” What’s your name ?” I asked him.
He didn’t reply but look at me with those breath taking eyes of his.


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