I text Brandon and Piper that I’m leaving and apologize for not driving them back. Piper called and told me to go ahead that they’re fine and not ready to leave. My rings and I pull it out from my pocket.
” Gray.”
” Are you still at frat ?”
” Yeah but I’m about leaving. Alexa sent me a text to meet her at school’s lot.”
” Ariel , it’s 10pm. You should come home.”
” Gray I need to discuss something with her. It’s been long I last saw her and we need to talk.” I say and slide into my car.
” Are you inside your car ?”
” Yeah.”
” Come home straight. You shouldn’t go there. Manny just called me that he saw Vladimir’s men around that frat house. Start coming home or I’m coming to get you.”
I blink my eyes to the information and look around the parked cars for anything that look like Vladimir. There’s no one instead of fleet of cars around the park.
” Ariel.”
” How did you know ?”
” Manny is around the frat house. I ask him to watch after you.”
” Really Gray. I told you I’ll be fine.”
” I needed to be sure you’re okay. Leave immediately , Manny’s gonna follow you home.” I roll my eyes and look at my rearview mirror.
” Fine.” I groan and scoff.
” I’ll be waiting… For you.” I blush and insert my key in the ignition.
Gray hangs up and I pull out of the lot. I drive into the night and there’s a black car on my tail. Obviously it’s Manny. I turn up the radio and continue driving , my eyes not leaving the rearview mirror. The car follow slowly behind me as I pull up at the underground parking lot of Gray’s house. I get out of the car and turn around to see the black car halt to a stop. Manny get out of the car with Carl.
I roll my eyes and shut my door. Will i always run away from enemies. When will this ever end ? I stomp into the house and sweep my palm down my hair.
” Gray , you don’t know what you’re doing.” Reid’s voice made me stop walking.
” Why are you worried about her ?” I hear Gray’s voice. The conversation is coming from the kitchen and I’m pretty sure they don’t even know I just arrived.
I look around and quietly walk closer to the conversation. So much for eavesdropping.
” She’s a threat Gray. She’s gonna bring nothing but trouble to you. Your enemies are gonna strike real hard on you through her. Why can’t you just give her up.”
” Reid , you should learn to mind your business.”
” What did she do to you ? You’re falling in love with her. This isn’t you , what’s she doing to you ?”
” I don’t fuckin understand you bro. It’s my business maybe you should let handle it.”
” Really ? She is a threat to Summit. To you and to the empire we’ve built. You’re not gonna let a little girl bring down an empire we’ve built.”
” We ?” I hear Gray chuckles. ” Seriously , we ? Reid I built summit and not you.”
” Oh..” That sort of sting a spot in Reid. Let’s be sincere , that sort of hurt.
” Ten years Gray. I’ve known you for ten fuckin years. I was with you as a friend. I can never believe you had a choose a woman over your own best friend. You don’t know what you’re doing. You’re falling in love with her and every single rival of yours are gonna hit you through her. They know you value her a lot and they will use her to get at you. Why don’t you think about your precious empire and decipher what you really want. This isn’t you. You’re going weak and soft. You know what you’re dealing with you. I’m just being fuckin concern.” I don’t wanna look selfish but Reid might be right.
Every single person who’s coming after me is because of Gray. And to what I’ve come to understand , Gray’s got a lot of rivals. I think he hurt a lot of people just to get on top at a very short period.
” Reid , do me a huge favor and stay out of my shit. Will you ?”
There’s silence for a long time and Reid speak.
” Okay. I hope you know what you’re doing.” I hear footsteps towards the living room. I walk back to the living room and pretend like I didn’t just eavesdrop at their conversation.
Reid meet eyes with me and glare at me. He shove his hands into his pocket and slowly walk to my frame. He stops in front of me and smirks. His red tongue swipe on his bottom lip alongside with his death glare.
” Pretty little diva.” He chuckles and walk past me.
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