Protected: UNTIL I MET YOU : CHAPTER 111 – 120


I slide into my car and drive into the street. God Alexa. I just hope she’s okay. She can’t practically avoid me after hanging out with Vladimir. That dude tried to kill me and now he’s with Alexa. It’s not like he kidnapped her.

They both act like they’ve known each other for ages now. She won’t do anything to hurt me right ? I halt outside her apartment and step out of the car. I shut it and walk into the building. I press the elevator button and press her floor number.

The ride was awkward for me. I lean against the wall hoping Alexa would have a clear definition of what happened and what’s she doing with Vladimir. I really don’t know why I haven’t told Gray. Probably because , I actually wanna sort this out before telling Gray.

The elevator slides open and I step out. I breathe in and knock on her door. There’s no response so I knocked again. Same thing. I twist her doorknob and it refuses to budge.

” Uh , are you looking for Alexa ?” A guy asks. He just step out of his apartment , probably he’s about going out .

” Yeah. Hi.”

” Hi. She’s not in. She’s been absent since Friday I think. She didn’t even attend frat yesterday and that’s strange. I think she traveled.” He says and I nod in appreciation.

” Thank you very much. I really haven’t heard from her since yesterday. I just decide to drop by.”

” It’s okay. If you find her , ask her If she’s attending frat today since it’s Saturday.” I nod again.

The elevator arrives and we both step in. Now I’m terribly worried. Alexa would never stay out of her apartment for two days and also never attends frat. She’s part of the frat and would always go to frat parties. What if something happens to her ? What if she went out with Vladimir ? What if.. A lot of what if’s find their way around my head and I’m about panicking.

” I’m George by the way. I’ve seen you at frat once or maybe twice.” The guy starts a conversation.

” Yeah. I party sometimes. I’m Ariel.”

” It’s a pleasure meeting you.”

” You too.” We walk out of the lobby together and i hurry to my car. I notice the way George gasp to my car. He’s driving a white Ford car compared to my Ferrari. I get that a lot. I wave at him one last time and drive out of the lot.

I dial Piper’s number and put my phone on loud speaker on my dashboard.

” Sup Ariel.” Her voice chimes on the background.

” Hi , pipes. Are you at home ?”

” Yeah. You’re coming over ?”

” Yeah, I’m close.”

” I’m waiting. I made brownies.” I could hear her giggle silently. I chuckle and roll my eyes before hanging up.

I turn up the radio and speed into the crowdy streets. It’s Saturday and so it’s always crowded. Either for people coming into the city or leaving. I pull up at the lot and get out of my car. I shut it and look up at the blocks of flats.

Getting out of the elevator , I knock on their door and Brandon open up. He smiles at me as I walk in. I stalk to the couch Piper is sitting and I sit next to her. SpongeBob SquarePants plays on the TV screen and Piper has a bowl of popcorn on her laps.

” Sup birdie.” She greets.

” Seriously.” I chuckle and eat from her popcorn bowl.

” Sup munchies ?” Brandon chuckles and sits on the single couch.

” I’m good. What’s up with you both ?”

” As you can see, we’re watching SpongeBob SquarePants on a Saturday night , when we’re supposed to be at the frat house.” Piper says and stuff her mouth with the popcorn.

” Talking about frat , are you guys parting today ?” I fold my legs on the couch and move my focus toward the TV.

” I’m fuckin tired today. Brandon’s got a date to plan for tomorrow. Dude don’t wanna look hangover by tomorrow.” Piper chuckles. Brandon rolls his eyes with his cheeks flushed.

” Someone’s got lucky , huh ?”

” Shut up.” He laughs and shake his head.

” You need to see him. Fuck he’s hot. Are you willing to share ?”

” Don’t you go there.” Brandon snap at Piper.

” That means he’s hot.” I muse.

” Fuckin hot. I’m literally feeling the hotness right now.” Brandon chuckles including Piper and I.

Brandon changes the channels and settle for a movie. A Joker movie. I’ve seen this a lot of times with Alexa.

” Have you heard from Alexa ? She’s been out for ages and when I say ages , I mean since yesterday after school.”

” No. Called her and it’s voicemail. Even drop a message and I don’t know… Something seems off huh ?”

” I think buddy went out with her boyfriend.” Brandon says. I can’t just explain she was with a Russian gangster who almost took my life for the second time.

” But that’s not a reason to actually switch off her phone. That’s weird. What if she’s at frat ?” Piper asks and that makes a lot of sense.


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