I never thought I could feel heartbroken or even feel forsaken. I never thought I was ever gonna fall in love with a girl or even care for someone so much. Ariel f**kin made me feel weak.
When you get involved with dangerous sh*t like the Mafia or even decides to do narcotics , you gotta be sure you got nothing to loose. No lover , no kid , nothing , so they won’t hit you back expecting you’re gonna loose something.
When Kennedy was born, I made sure she stays far away from me because, I wanted to make sure she’s okay. But why can’t I let Ariel stay away from me.
Manny sighs after he stiitch up the bullet wound. I got shot when I was trying to save her.
” You’re in love.” Manny says and close the first aid kit. I look down at my bandages around my arm.
” Yeah ?”
” She’s pretty and a nice person. I might not be good with this but, I see the way you look at her. She likes you a lot.” I look up at Manny and sigh again.
” Thanks for the bandage.”
” Sure thing boss. Do you need a break ?”
” No , I’m fine. I’m paying Mr Brown a visit.”
He nods and walks out of my bedroom. I thought about her through out the day and how I f**ked up. It pains to watch her walk away from me. I wanted to go after her , but certainly I couldn’t. I feel guilty.
Why did Vladimir had to tell her that ? I planned on doing that myself and he had to spoil everything. I run my fingers through my hair. She’s f**kin driving me insane.
” Gray.” Reid walks in and I didn’t bother to look at him.
” You killed Vladimir ?”
” What ? Is he your boyfriend ?” I ask sarcastically.
” Did you really have to do that ?”
” I have every right to do what I want. He wanted to shoot my girl.”
Reid scoffs and tuck his hands in his pockets.
” I told you she was gonna bring nothing but trouble but you don’t wanna listen.”
” Reid , give me ten feet , okay.”
” Do you know what you did ? I’m not sure you know. You just killed a Russian Mafia boss. Things won’t go easy this time and it’s because of a girl. A girl , Gray.”
I stand up and walk to my glass wall. I feel Reid’s presence slowly walks to my form.
” Why don’t you give her up and let her go ? You know what you need to do, why don’t you do the right thing.”
” And neglect love like you ? f**k , man , I should make my own decisions.”
Reid chuckles.” You know Vladimir’s got a brother , right ? Once he finds out you light his brother out, he’s gonna start a war.”
I chuckle and shove my hands in my pockets. I turn around and smirk at Reid.” Let him bring the f**kin war. I don’t f**kin care about anyone right now.”
Reid scoffs and turns to leave. He stops and turns around.” Hope you know what you’re doing ?”
I didn’t answer but pick up a cigarette to light it. He shakes his head and walks out of my room. I light it up and tilt my head back to spur out the smoke.
Carl opens the door to Brown’s office as I walk in with my hands in my pocket. He looks up clearly baffled. Manny walks in with Carl and they shut the door before they walk to stand behind Brown. f**kin traitor. He thought it was nice to work with Tucker and rat me out to a damn dectective. Dude’s got balls. They just wanna ruin me and I don’t even know why.
” Mr Carter.” He says my name and swallow like he knew I brought trouble.
” Tell your guard to get out.” I say, referring to his guard who stand close to him holding a gun.
” And why please ? He means no harm.”
” I want to talk private.”
” And you brought your men ? I don’t want him to leave.”
” Okay.” I reply and pull out my gun from my jacket. I point it at his guard and shoot him. He falls down dead.
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