I light a cigarette and stare at the photo Nick sent me. Now I wished I was with her , to probably cover her naked body which is supposed to be seen by only me. The white bikini bottom hugs her skin and she looks irresistible. The thought of some horny fuck face wooing her irritates me. I couldn’t risk her safety and I had to send Nick and the others to look after her.
It’s nearly a week after her declaration that i should stay away from her and I’m missing her badly. This past week was terrible for me. I feel like a high school dork who got dumped by the hottest girl in school. Love is so fuckin annoying. I tried to fight the feelings but I couldn’t. She’s gonna be the downfall of me and i don’t really mind. I’m an asshole. Probably a big asshole who don’t even deserve her. I feel selfish for putting her in between my mess. Mess that i tried to fix but yet nothing’s happening.
I remembered what happened years ago. How I fucked Sinclair up and live under the shadow for a year. Running and hiding from rivals. I had to hide underground and return whatever thing I took from him before he willingly left me. I’m such a fucker. Like I usually fuck people up and now I had to spoil everything with Ariel.
I aggressively toss the half smoked cigarette on the ashtray and remove my tie. I throw it on my couch and walk out of my room. I need to sort out Sarai. She’s been snooping around for too long. She walks in with a file as she smiles. Fuck , I hate her smile. Reid appears from the kitchen with a pipe in his lips as sarai gives me the files. I hand it to Reid and grab her wrist.
” Um , is everything okay ?” She asks as she walks behind me.
” Yeah. Need to tell you something.” I tell her as we take the stairs to the basement.
Reid follows behind slowly. We climb down the stairs and the basement as usual looks dark except for the white bulb that illuminate half of the basement and it looks a bit bright. Sarai turns swiftly to look at me. Fear is written all over her face. She knows what happens in the basement. Torture.
I pull her to stand in front of me. Manny place a chair in the middle of the room and she panics.
” Breathe.” I tell her and tuck her blonde strands behind her ear.
” What did i do ?”
” Nothing.” I say to her and gently grab both her hands behind her back. She tries to fight it and i glare at her.
” Don’t fight it Sarai. I don’t wanna hurt you , don’t let me change my mind.”
She sob silently and nod. Manny gives me a handcuff and I take it. She try to panic again. I walk her to the chair and make her sit.
” Look at me. Do you trust me ?”
She blink her eyes and look at me. She nods once and breathe in sharply. Damn, how dare she trust me? I look into her eyes and cuff her hands behind her and cuff it against the chair. She yelp in fear. I lean both my hands on the armrest and look down at her.
” What did i do ?”
” Nothing. I’m gonna ask you some questions and you’re just gonna answer. Can you do that for me ?”
Her breathing is rapid as she nods.
” Good. How did you meet Reid ?”
” What ! Seriously , Gray.” Reid says as he scoffs.
” I’m not talking to you , Reid. Sarai, how did you meet Reid ?”
She twists her lips before answering.” Through Meghan.”
I nod and look at Reid. ” Did you fuck Meghan , Reid?”
” You shouldn’t be asking me such questions.”
” And I’m asking you and you’re gonna answer. Did you fucked Meghan or not !” I yell at him.” I thought I made rules. No sexual relationship with an employee and you had to sleep with Meghan.”
He scoffs and glares at me.” You know it’s irritating when you try to treat like Kennedy.”
I roll my eyes and look at Sarai.
” What’s your relationship with Meghan?” I ask Sarai .
She sob silently and blink her eyes.
” I know she’s your girlfriend. I thought you were both straight. How long have you guys been dating ?”
” A year.”
” A whole year.” I sigh and lean both hands on her chair.
” Why did she ask you to work with me ? If I could remember very well , Reid brought you to me. And you Reid, why did you bring her to me and advise me to take her in ?”
” Are you interrogating me !”
” Yeah. That’s exactly what I’m doing. Where did you find her ?” I ask Reid.
” If you wanna ask me some damn questions , don’t do it in front of her or even Manny. I’m not your worker, Gray. I’m your friend.”
” Then get out. Leave , Reid.”
He bites his lip and walks out of the basement. I look at Manny who cross his arms at the corner and shift my gaze to Sarai.
” I need an answer. I want you to tell me why your girlfriend asked you to work for me.”
” I don’t know.”
I shut my eyes and open them.
” I don’t wanna hurt you Sarai. You’re gonna tell me everything I need to know and that includes what you and your girlfriend planned with Vladimir.”
” I don’t know what you’re talking about. Reid and Meghan are friends. He told her you needed someone who’s gonna take her place and I’ve always wanted to work with the Mafia. Meghan have no connection with the Russians.” She says.
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