Protected: UNTIL I MET YOU : CHAPTER 191 – 200


I bite my lip and look down at Ariel’s unconscious body.

” Mother why did you call? I told you I’m in a messed up situation and you’re trying to make it more messed up. You’re married and you’ve moved on. Leave my mob life alone.”

” Do you even care about me?” She sobs on the phone. God she’s not about to do this.

” Mom, please don’t.”

” You’re just like your father. That’s why I wished Damon was here. He’s not a dick like you. I don’t care if you’re in a miserable situation , just do yourself a favor and bring the girl that made you finally fall in love.” She scoffs on the phone as she hangs up. I call Reid immediately as he pick up.

” Reid.”

” Yes?”

” The Russians are shipping in their shipment tomorrow at the West coast harbour. No one should survive , I want them dead. All of them.”

” Woah. Everything okay? Thought you said you weren’t ready to give them a taste of their own medicine.”

” I changed my mind.”

” Is everything okay?”

” They shot Ariel but she’s gonna be fine. She’s in the hospital.”

” I’m really sorry , man.”

” You shouldn’t. They’ve started a war they won’t be able to finish. Just secure the shipment tomorrow with the other men and make sure no Russian surviveā€¦”




Alexa walks in holding a file. She just returned from a date from one of these unlucky horny assholes. She smirks and hands me the file. I look down at her outfit as i give Manny the file.

” The Russian shipment lands at the west coast harbour two hours from now.” I address the guys.

” Nick, you’ll go alert the others. Make sure no Russian survive. Kill everyone, it’s an order from your boss.” I say as Nick nods.

” Manny will take the roof. Alexa you’re coming with me.” I say as she rolls her eyes.

She’s always so feisty. Annoying part is, she’s pretty but too annoying. Maybe I just have issues. Probably I don’t really like a lot of people.


I shove my hands in my pocket as we look at the restaurant not too far from the building. I look through the binocular as i watch Viktor , a Russian mobster who sits at the restaurant opposite a brunette. They seem to be having fun cause the girl won’t stop giggling. I turn to look at Alexa as she arranges the sniper rifle on the floor of the roof. She stands up and turns to look at me.

” Why did you ask me to come with you ?” She asks.

” Because I don’t fuckin like you.” I snap at her.

She cackles and snorts. ” You bet.” She scoffs and looks away. I sigh and look down at her outfit. She’s busty and kinda pretty. No wonder she fucked two mob bosses.

” Dude, what you staring at ?” She asks as she snaps her fingers at my face. Is she fuckin insane.

“My eyes are up here. Not here , asshole.” She says as she scoffs.

” Why would you think I was fuckin staring at you?”

” Cause you were. Don’t try to fuck me with your eyes.” She hisses. God, Ariel’s kinda better. At least she’s not sassy.

” Why don’t you have a girlfriend?” She asks and turns to look at me. ” I mean look at your close buddy , Gray. He’s got a girl. Not just a girl , a girlfriend and if you don’t stop acting nosy, they are gonna get married anytime soon.” She says and cross her arms.

Fuck me!
She just literally called me nosy.
I bite my lip and look away from her cause I tend to ignore her.
Gray’s got a girlfriend, congratulations. I’d never thought he was ever gonna fall in love with someone. He’s just too mysterious. Firstly, I thought she was one of his normal sluts. Turns out she was something more. Lucky for him.


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