Sinister holds my hand and walks me to the VIP club. I look around and meet eyes with ruthless men in suits. I swallow and look ahead.
” You’re really beautiful you know.” He says as he gives my hand a gentle squeeze.
” Thank you.”
We entered the VIP club and it’s actually empty. The blue light illuminate the small room as we sit across from each other on the white couches. Sinister leans against the chair and snap his hands at one of his men that follows us to the VIP club.
” Tequila for me , take the girls order.” Sinister tells him.
” Water. Thanks.” The emotionless man nods and leaves.
I look at the other man at the end of the room. I thought we were gonna be alone.
” Don’t drink it.” Gray says sternly on the mic.
I smile at sinister and stare at his physique. Mobsters are always handsome and it’s annoying. The top buttons of his dress shirt are out. A snake or probably a dragon tattoo inked on his skin. He’s well built and look barely intimidated by anyone.
” So what’s your name?” He breaks the silence.
” Sharon. And you’re ?” I ask.
” Why don’t we just cut it out. Let’s talk about what I’d like to do to you.” He smirks and leans his elbows on the table between us.
I smirk. He’s frightening.” I like that. You don’t like introductions i see. Maybe we should also talk about what I’d like to do to you.”
” Fuck , this shit is crazy.” Gray mutters on the mic.
The guard returns with our orders and sit on the table. I really want water despite the fact that Gray doesn’t want me to drink any.
I smirk.
” What are you doing in Hawaii? You’re on a tour?”
” I’m a model. Flew down here for a shoot and a commercial..” I lean forward and whisper.” I saw you and I liked what i saw.” I wink and he smirks.
He liked my performance while I’m finding it hard to breathe. This is difficult than i thought.
” Enough about me , let’s talk about you, daddy.”
He grabs his glass of tequila and gulps a little.
” I’m sinister.”
I already know that asshole. Tell me something I don’t know. Who knew Russians can be so stressful.
” You work around here or you’re here on a vacation?”
” I’m here for business?”
” Wow. You’re on trade?” I ask him and bite my bottom lip. I had to lean closer so he could stare at my cleavage. This is awkward.
” Trade? What type of trade?” He asks and leans forward.
I raise my hand and run through his hair. Okay, this literally feels like cheating. I run my forefinger down his stubble to his bottom lip as i cup his cheek.
” Are you actually giving him a strip tease. You can just walk out if you’re getting uncomfortable.” Gray says on the mic.
” Don’t just ask about the time and the harbour for the shipment. Talk about his job.” Gray says.
” I like the way you feel under my touch.” I whisper. Buddy already got turned on.
” Wait , you’re giving him a hand job?” Gray asks from the mic. I can literally feel him getting irritated and bored.
” Fuck , let’s get this party started. I want you now baby.”
This doesn’t sound right.
He was supposed to tell me about his trade.
“Needy now? Can’t wait to have me on your bed already?”
” You’re so fuckin pretty.”
” And you look hot. I might choose to take you all night. You sound like a stranger. I don’t even know what you’re. I know you’re mobster. I’m Interested in working with you.”
He blinks his eyes and tilts his head. He looks down at me and composed himself.
” How did you know?”
” Your tattoos , sweetheart. I don’t bite. I can be under a dealer and also be your toy. Heard you’re shipping in today.”
His eyes trace around the room as I follow his gaze. He rests his hand on the table and leans forward. Alright he’s a bit smart. I think mobsters don’t like when they are asked questions.
” Who sent you?”
Boom. Busted!
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