I scowl at her. She flash a sly smile and push back her glasses.
” I’m really sorry. I was a little concerned and worried about you since you refused to take a nap.”
” You have not been spying on me, have you?” I ask her and raise my brows. Ariel chuckles.
” Not really. That’s a little creepy, don’t you think?” She asks and move to Ariel’s side.
” Please be sure she’s fine and there’s no complications.” I say. The doctor nods and examines Ariel.
” How are you feeling?” Fiona asks Ariel.
” Good. A little weak.”
” Yeah , you were shot , you can’t be strong all of a sudden. It takes time. You’ve got a caring boyfriend so it won’t take long for you to recover.” She says. Ariel raises her brows at Fiona and tilts her head to the side to smirk at me.
” Do you feel hungry?”
” Yeah , I also want water.”
” I’ll get some pills for the weakness. You’ll be up and strong in the next three days. I assure you that.” Fiona says.
” Thanks.”
” When will she be discharged?” I ask.
” When she’s okay to leave, we’re gonna discharge her. At least by tomorrow or next she’ll be fine.”
I sigh and nod.
” See ya later Ariel. A nurse is gonna bring water and pills for you. She’ll also have to inject the drip.” Ariel nods as Fiona leaves.
” Am I the only one who finds her weird? She cares too much.” I lament.
” You’re just being mean. You should take a good nap Gray. You need it.” She says as she smiles.
” I will when I’m ready.”
” Your hair is tousled. You need a bath.” Oh god , will she even drop it.
” Fine, I’ll.”
She huffs and touch her hair. She’s still wearing the blonde wig. I really don’t like blond’s but Ariel made me admire blond’s. It looks stunning on her. She rocks blond hair more than any other lady I’ve seen.
” Can’t believe I’m still wearing this..” she hisses and starts to remove her wig. It made her look different and still beautiful.
” You need help with that ?” I ask her.
She smiles and shakes her head sideways. She starts with the bangs and then the hairline till she removes it finally. She breathes out and give me the wig. Women. She runs her free hand down her black hair and breathes out.
” I look terrible in blond.”
” You look hot.”
” Jamal , you hate blond’s.”
” You rock it better. But I still like your hair.”
A nurse enters with a bottle of pills , probably for the pain and weakness. She gives Ariel a bottle water and two pills. Ariel takes it and swallows as she pushes the pills down with water. She injects something inside Ariel’s drip.
” This is gonna help with the blood loss and you’ll be fine.” The nurse says and take out another syringe.
I watch her inject the liquid right inside Ariel’s upper arm.
” I hate shots.” Ariel mutters and pouts. I chuckle silently as the nurse drops the used syringe on her tray.
” That’s gonna make you sleep by the way. You’ll be stronger by tomorrow.” The nurse says and leaves.
” Damn , can’t really believe I got shot for the second time.” She mutters and lay her back down on the bed.
” And I’m really sorry about that. I caused it.”
She chuckles.” Come on , you didn’t. I’m just gonna be guarded next time and always be on guard.” She says and yawn silently.
That’s if there will be another next time. I won’t risk it no matter how much she pouts or whines.
” Heard from Jhene and her baby?”
” No.” And that was the truth. I haven’t even called to hear from Kennedy. I feel like a bad uncle, of course I am.
” But why? She’s your niece and you always need to check on her.”
” Yeah , I will, once we go back to New York.”
Ariel nods and fights back the urge to sleep.
” And you need to stop this Russian blood bath. It’s really not cool. People are getting hurt and that includes both innocent and bad.”
” They aren’t innocent, Tinkerbell. Every mafioso is bad and I’m included.”
She chuckles and nods.” Please just stop it and forget about everything. Sinclair was merciful when you fucked his ass. He didn’t really hurt you.”
I chuckle as I try to recall what happened almost eight years ago.
” I was actually smart that’s why I didn’t get my ass whooped. I stayed underground Tinkerbell and paid him back.”
” That doesn’t justify what you did to him. He liked you I think , that’s why he really didn’t brought war. You should also be a little ruthless and stop this crazy Russian fight.” She says and closes her eyes.
She don’t get it. I think this won’t stop until they see me dead or people that i loved disappear out of earth. I sigh and look at her. She’s already asleep. I press the button at the side of her bed and it went back to normal. I stand up and kiss her forehead as I walk out of her hospital room. I really deserve a nice bath and sleep.
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