Protected: UNTIL I MET YOU : CHAPTER 221 – 230



I can’t believe I’d sit in a park eating ice cream for any reason. How do people feel comfortable eating this? Kennedy made me come to the park after she dismissed her father’s arrival. I bought her ice cream, and she forced me to buy one for myself because she didn’t want to be the only person eating.

Fuck me.

I frown and force myself to eat my ice cream as we sit in silence. She’s been awkwardly quiet as she eats hers.


“Why the park, Kenny?” I ask her.

“It’s pretty.”

I sigh and nod.

“Am I expected to finish this?” I ask, referring to my ice cream. I haven’t taken much—just a little.

“Yes. Let’s be sad together.” She smiles at me and looks away.

I scoop some ice cream and let it stay on my tongue before swallowing. How do people eat this?

“You’re gonna get ugly if you keep on frowning like that,” she tells me.

I roll my eyes and try to smile. This tastes like shit. And of course, it has to be strawberry ice cream. I can’t take this anymore.

“You know, I got into a fight at school,” she states.

“Did you beat him or her up?”

“Yeah. Almost broke her nose. And she was blonde,” she says.

I turn to look at her and smirk. At least I wasn’t a terrible uncle. I did a great job raising her.

“Fist bump.”

“Fist bump…” she smiles as we fist bump.

“So tell me, what did she do?”

“She called me a bitch. And then I told her to quit cursing, she didn’t listen. I punched her.”

“Damn. That was fuckin’ crazy,” I mutter.

“Five dollars, Jamal.”

I swiftly turn to look at her. “Five dollars for swearing again.” I thought she gave up that shit. I pull out a ten-dollar note from my jacket pocket and give it to her. She takes it.

“Can I throw away the ice cream now?” I ask nicely.

She cackles with an evil grin. “No. Don’t waste it.”

Good God. We sit in silence as I battle with my ice cream. I think someone needs to sue whoever thought it was nice to make ice cream. This is fuckin’ terrible. I just feel like falling off a bridge right now.

“You know… your dad is a great dad,” I say. She doesn’t bother to look at me, so I decide to continue.

“He was in the military, and something happened. He was in a coma for a long time. He also battled PTSD. I don’t really know if you know what that means.”

“Post-traumatic stress disorder. Of course, I know what that means.”

I look down at her. How old is she again? “Has anyone told you you act eighteen?”

She rolls her eyes and pulls her knees to her chest. She rests her small body against me as I wrap an arm around her shoulder. I take that opportunity and toss the ice cream into the trash can.

“I saw that,” she mutters.

“I know, and I’m sorry.”

She giggles silently and nods.

“He missed you. He got back yesterday, and he madly wanted to see you. He wants you back.”

“You know, my mom didn’t tell me that. She said he traveled. For work,” she says.

“You’re too young to know the truth, though.”

She chuckles and nods again.

“What if you had the opportunity to adopt me? Would you?” she asks and looks up at me.

“Of course. Who wouldn’t?”

Yeah. And Damon’s gonna freak out.

She chuckles. “Gray, you don’t even like children.”

“Who told you that?”

“I know a lot of things about you that you didn’t even know.”

How did she even know that? It’s not like I behave weird around them. They are cute when they are older. But infants? They are annoying as fuck. Their cries, their whining, their wailing, their screaming. It’s fuckin’ annoying. The annoying part is, they take the mom away from you. She won’t even care about you that much except for the wailing child. She won’t give you that attention she always gives you because of the child. It’s so annoying. And sex? I don’t wanna go there.


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