Some part in me wants me to visit her and make her mine again but the other part in me hates the idea and called it dumb too. I exhale the smoke out of my nostrils and turn around to stare at my compound.
” I’ve brought in a girl who is gonna represent Meghan. She’s hot.” I scoff and nod. I motion him to bring the girl and I’m sure he left cause his footsteps faded.
” Dude she’s here.” I turn around and blink my eyes to the new employee. She has short blonde hair with dark blue eyes. I don’t like blonde’s.
I look down at her cheap hoodie and rip Jean and flats. How’s she supposed to work for me or even take over Meghan’s position.
“What’s your name ?” I ask her and she had to blush. What the fuck !
” Sarai.” I widen my eyes at her and sigh. She barely meets my eyes like she’s afraid of my eyes or something.
“Did they tell you anything about me ?” I continue.
“Yeah. That you’re nice and hate being dared.”
“Reid where the fuck did you get her ?” I turn to look at Reid who shrugs.
“She’s pretty Gray. Great body and techniques. She’s hot and…”
“I didn’t ask you to bring in a fuck mate.” I mutter and turn to look at Sarai who look down at once. I caught her staring.
“Have you work this type of job before ?”
” No sir.”
“Then how are you supposed to work ? Are you stripper ?”
She shake her head sideways at once. Why would Reid bring me a nun.
“Have you killed someone before ?”
She shake her sideways again. Fuck me. Why’s she reminding me of Ariel. I need to get laid if it’s gonna save me from whatever shit that’s happening to my head.
“Reid, Seriously.” I yell. He rolls his eyes and look at Sarai who’s still avoiding my eyes.
“I can’t take her.”
“Gray listen to me. She’s what you need. Tender face and good moves. Don’t underestimate her , she’s fuckin great.”
“She’s fuckin shy and too nervous.” I exhale the smoke as Reid sighs tiredly.
“I’m not really shy. I’m just being careful around you. I heard a lot of stories about you and it’s a pleasure to be standing with the popular Gray Carter.” She smirks and raise her head to meet my eyes.
I don’t like her.
She’s pretty and all that but she can’t be like Ariel. Bro she ask you to leave her the hell alone.
“Where are you from ?”
“San Angelo. But I stay in New York.”
“Have you worked before ?”
“Yeah. I worked as a bartender in a strip club. I’m not a whore sir.”
“It’s Gray not sir. Reid , take her out. Set her first date.” She nods and follow Reid out.
Nothing makes sense when all I could think of was her words. Telling me she doesn’t want me. And now I feel like shooting someone. I butt the cigar on an ashtray and shove my hands in my pocket. What’s she doing to me ?
“Boss we’ve got an emergency at the warehouse. It’s Lucas.” Manny says behind me.
“Said shit again ?” I ask not sparing him a look.
I sigh and nod.
“Go, I’m coming.” For once favor granted. I’m shooting someone today.
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