Protected: UNTIL I MET YOU : CHAPTER 71 – 80


I take in deep breaths and wipe my tears. Ariel breathe , you can do this. You’re gonna get a job and forget Gray. Few minutes later , Hazel and Leslie storms inside the living room. Both look exhausted. It’s pretty obvious they just had sex with some random guy who shifted their brains. Idiots.

“Popcorn..” Hazel smiles and take out popcorns from my bowl.
“God, you smell like sex..” I mutter and scoff.

Leslie whip her head to look at me. Clearly surprised over nothing.
“How did you know what sex smells like ?” Leslie asks. I chuckle and shake my head. So ignorant.
“I’m not sixteen.”
“Yeah ? So you’ve also started sleeping around ?”

“Says the adult who brought in men to her room to do stupid things. Next time you should keep your moans down. Your room always smell like sex mixed with used toilet.” I scoff in disgust.

“Are you spying on me ?”
I huff.” Do me a favor and stop bringing your hookers to our house. This is a holy house and it’s gonna be nice if you keep it that way.

I can’t battle with my health and battle with your loud ugly moans.”
She’s quiet and obviously defeated. She stand to her feet and stagger to her room , maybe to have a bath.

“Um.. Les maybe I’m just gonna leave.” Hazel shouts and get off the couch. She proceed to take from my popcorns but I beat her to it and smack her hands away.

“You’re smelling. Go take a bath. I wish you’d look at the mirror , you gonna choke at your own reflection.”
She rolls her eyes and turn to the door muttering nonsense.

Leslie returns after taking her bath. She go to the kitchen to prepare lunch for herself as she return holding a plate of chicken soup.

She grabs the remote and change what I’m watching with her legs spread on the armrest. She plays another movie and drop the remote control on the table.

“Leslie take it back.” I say flatly.
She raises her brows and scoff. ” Why should I do that ?”

“Because you’re a person with perfect eyes and I’m sure they work fine. I was watching something before you decide to change it. Take it back to my movie.”

She chuckle .” What if I don’t ?”
“Last time Leslie , take it back.” I tell her gently and glare at her.
“The fact that you’re dating some ugly nigga doesn’t make you the alpha. Ariel , you won’t tell me what to do or what to watch and…” I pick up the remote and change it.

“I don’t want us to fight Leslie. Because you’re such an annoying punk. Act like an adult who’s basically having sex and quit being such an ass. Don’t ever change what I’m watching. I’m serious.”
“What the…”

I scoff and replay my movie. I place the remote control on my lap and continue eating from my bowl of popcorn.

“I don’t wanna hurt you Ariel.”
“You know you can’t. I’m just gonna fuck you up.”
She shamelessly stand up and walk to the kitchen. It’s almost evening as I stride to my room to get ready. I can do this.

I’m gonna get the job and leave Gray alone. I take my bath and stand opposite the mirror as I blow dry my hair. I brush it and get dressed. I pick up my bag and lock my room before rushing downstairs to get a cab.

I look down at the address Piper sent me as I get out of the cab. Good God , this is basically expensive just like Gray’s Mansion. I glance around this house and stop right in front of a huge man with dark blue suit. I think he had a beef with smiling cause he doesn’t wear one.

“Um.. I’m Ariel and I’m the babysitter for the kid. I’m here to see the guardian.” I say politely.
He points to the door without saying a word. I nod and walk in. Why does this house reminds me of Gray’s. Most of the walls are made of glass while some part is covered with white walls.

The leather couch is both white and black. I stare at every millions in here as someone clear their throat behind me. I spin around and I’m standing face to face with another Goliath.

This one’s better than the one outside. He wears a white dress shirt and black slacks. His hair perfectly gelled and few tattoos are on display through his chest where the top buttons are out.
” Um.. I’m sorry to disturb you. I’m Ariel…”

“You look familiar.”
“I don’t really know you but I’m here for the kid.”
“You’re the babysitter ?” He asks. His hands are stuff in his front pocket as he watch me carefully. Yeah , he’s also intimidating.


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