I remember when my Ex ended the relationship with me, I was so devastated. I got so much heartbroken, I felt so much betrayed when he hooked up with a new girl immediately, I felt so used, I hated love, I swore never to love again, I fell sick, I skipped eating food for some good days, I reduced in my size, I felt like I wasn’t fitting in my friends who were a couple, and I asked myself a lot of questions like, why does it have to be me being heartbroken all the time, why quitting me, why forgetting all what we had gone through in just minutes, why not applying the lessons I had learnt in the past breakups I had experienced and many other related questions. .
But one morning when I rose up from a sleepless, thoughtful and a tearful night, I asked myself why I was hurting, crying and skipping food for the past days. I realized that there was nothing so big to worry and cry for. He was a just a stranger that I met and he made me develop love feelings and then he had to leave. I had not lost my son, not a brother and not a relative. Just “some guy.” I was suffering for nothing.
It looked like it was my loss at that jiffy but in real sense it was his. He had lost someone who truly loved him that he will never find again. . Since then I realized that spending all my time thinking about him, reminiscing about the happy moments we had shared, the future plans we had set, and being miserable was a waste of my precious time. I had to stop my tears and my thoughts and came back to my normal senses. I then diverted that time and my attention to other productive things like my family, my dreams, my school, and my portraits. .
That’s where my healing process started from. I realized that he was just a page in my book of life. Meaning I only needed the courage to close it and open a new one. It wasn’t easy for me. It took me some time but I made. At first when I used to look at his status, photos and online flirting with his new girl it would hurt me deeply but after a month they could do nothing to me. I could find them in my news feed and don’t feel anything at all.
Yeah, it’s never easy to get over someone you truly loved so much but once you do it. It’s the best decision ever. Never think that you will never heal from that break up. You will. It’s just a matter of time, courage and effort. Never think you won’t love again. You will when the right time comes and you will be the happiest person ever!