15 DAYS WITH MR ARROGANT SEASON 2: Episode 41 – The End

?15 Days With Mr Arrogant??
(A fight for perfect love??)

By:Authoress Berry Julie

Season 2 {45}

Sasha’s POV
I stood as I watched her add a medicine into her milk

How dare her?!

Mmmm so much courage she wants my sister-in-law death?

She turned sharply and I could see how shock she was seeing me

But she covered it up with a smile

Seriously she’s not even suppose to be smiling

She looked like a she-goat

What are you doing here?She asked and I giggled wittin me

I need some water and you?What are you doing?

“I came for water also”she said and I nodded

Perfect liar!

I walked to the fridge and took some water which I gulped down as I used my eyes to search the milk can

“Did you tempered with Desha’s milk? Its half open….I don’t know why she has to be so careless,how much I hate her”I said and I could bet she smiled

“Why would I?she asked and I nodded

“I will be in my room now”I mumbled and walked out


She wants to kill Desha

Just because of a man who doesn’t even likes her…..how foolish of her”

Theodora’s POV?

I woke up with a start as I walked into the bathroom where I took my bath and brush NY teeth

I have an important meeting this morning so I have to go early

After taking my baths I waked to the room and meet Desha yawning

“Good morning”she mumbled as I sat on the bed with her

“Morning baby,hope you slept well?I asked pecking her as she smiled

“Yes”she replied and I nodded as I walked to the closet

“You are up early and preparing too?

“I have an important meeting to catch”I replied and she nodded

“_Are you really comfortable with sparkle here?I can send her out”I said feeling scared that she might get hurt again

“No,don’t worry”she said and I nodded

“I will be living now be safe”I said and pecked her as she smiled

“Bye”she said and I smiled walking out

_”I saw sparkle sitting on the couch pressing her phone still in her transparent night wear

“You are up already dar…..

“Theo”I corrected as she smiled

I made breakfast for you”she said smiling as I turned to the dining

Who knows what she has on her nerves

“Am off”I mumbled and walked pass her

“Love you!she yelled but I ignored her

Desha’s POV

I sat up once Theo left the room and walked into the bathroom

It has been two months now since our engagement

I smiled as I stared at the ring in my finger

I then took off my clothes and took my bath and brush my teeth

I put on a short skirt and a brown top then put on my flip flops as I walked into the kitchen

“It has been my early morning duty to drink a jar of milk,doc said its good for my health

I opened the fridge and took out the milk….then poured them in the glass and gulp them all down

I walked back to the sitting room to meet sparkle sitter with a smirk on her face and just then I feel like vomiting

I quickly rush into the general downstairs toilet and poured out all in my mouth

I sighed “what’s wrong with me this early morning?

As I took two steps to the door I slipped down and called on the floor hitting my head on the hard floor

Darkness took over

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