HEALTH BENEFITS OF AIDAN FRUITS (Tetrapleura tetraptera)

HEALTH BENEFITS OF AIDAN FRUITS (Tetrapleura tetraptera)

Health benefits of Aidan fruits (tetrapleura tetraptera)

Aidan fruit, also known as “Prekese” or “Uyayak” in some African countries, is a fruit commonly found in West Africa. It is often used in traditional medicine for its potential health benefits.

Aidan fruit, in Yoruba is Aridan, the Twi name in Ghana is Prekese. In West Africa, the fruits of this plant are known as vegetable, as spice and for their pharmaceutical properties.

HEALTH BENEFITS OF AIDAN FRUITS (Tetrapleura tetraptera)

Aidan fruits contain key minerals and vitamins such as Zinc, Iron, Potassium, Calcium, Magnesium etc. These essential minerals and vitamins help to optimize the body immune system. They protect the body against viruses, regenerate blood cells, and ensure optimal performance of our bones and muscles.


Health benefits of drinking boiled Aidan fruits (tetrapleura tetraptera).

1. Hypertension:

Extract from the boiled fruits, leaves, roots, and bark of prekese plant is used to prevent and control high blood pressure.

2. Fibroid:

Prekese fruits are highly effective in the prevention, shrinking and total treatment of fibroids in women. Women who use Aidan fruits to spice up their foods or drink boiled prekese water daily rarely develop fibroids. Those who already have fibroids can drink boiled prekese juice to shrink it.

3. Arthritis:

Boiled Aidan fruit possesses anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidative properties which are highly effective in the prevention, management, and treatment of arthritis. Boiled prekese relieves pains of arthritis.

4. Epilepsy and Convulsions:

Different studies have revealed that extract from boiled prekese fruits possesses anticonvulsant and brain stabilizing properties which are the reason for its inhibitory effects on the central nervous system in preventing convulsions and epilepsy.

5. Erection:

Boiled Prekese water mix with garlic improves erection and sexual libido in men.

6. Boosts the immune system:

Prekese fruits contain key minerals and vitamins such as vitamin A, B, C and D, zinc, iron, potassium, calcium, magnesium, selenium etc. These essential minerals and vitamins help to strengthen the body immune system. So, taking prekese tea help boost the immune system to fight against diseases.

7. Diabetes and Cholesterol

Drinking boiled prekese tea daily helps to lower blood sugar and blood cholesterol level. This helps to protect the heart.

8. Boost ovulation and Menstruation

Drinking boiled prekese tea helps to boost ovulation and increases the number of eggs released during ovulation (increases chances of twinning)… Boiled prekese also helps regularises menstruation and restores ceased menstruation. Boiled prekese boost fertility in both men and women.

What sickness does prekese cure?

1. Stomach ulcer – prekese tea helps relieve ulcer

2. Malaria

3. Obesity

4. Candidiasis?

5. Skin infection.

HEALTH BENEFITS OF AIDAN FRUITS (Tetrapleura tetraptera)

Other health benefits of Aidan fruits (tetrapleura tetraptera) include:

Rich in nutrients: Aidan fruit is rich in various nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. It contains vitamins A, C, E, and K, iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium, and phosphorus.

Digestive health: Aidan fruit has been used traditionally to treat various digestive problems, including diarrhea, constipation, and stomach pain.

Anti-inflammatory properties: The fruit contains compounds that have been shown to possess anti-inflammatory properties, which may help reduce inflammation in the body.

Antimicrobial properties: Aidan fruit has been shown to have antimicrobial properties against various microorganisms, including bacteria and fungi.

Antioxidant properties: The fruit contains antioxidants, which can help protect the body against oxidative stress and damage caused by free radicals.

Blood sugar control: Some studies have suggested that Aidan fruit may help regulate blood sugar levels, which could be beneficial for people with diabetes.

Cardiovascular health: Aidan fruit contains compounds that may help reduce the risk of heart disease. Studies have suggested that it may help lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels, both of which are risk factors for heart disease.

Pain relief: The fruit has been traditionally used to alleviate pain, including headaches, joint pain, and menstrual cramps.

Immune system support: Aidan fruit contains antioxidants and other compounds that may help support the immune system and reduce the risk of infections.

Skin health: The fruit contains vitamin C and other nutrients that are important for skin health. It may help improve skin elasticity and reduce the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.

Respiratory health: Aidan fruit has been used traditionally to treat respiratory problems, including coughs and asthma.

Aidan fruit is well known as a medicinal plant throughout Africa. It is cooked in soup and fed to mothers to prevent post-partum contraction. It is also used to prevent certain types of ulcers, to inhibit the growth of bacteria, as an anti-microbial, to reduce hypertension, to manage asthma, and to promote blood flow.

It helps in increasing the production of milk in breastfeeding mothers.

Lemon and Ginger will detoxify the body purifying the liver and boost the digestive system. This herbal combination is important to keep your heart healthy and it improves the blood circulation. Enjoy Aidan fruit with Ginger and Lemon infusion to heal your body!.

When you consume aidan fruit regularly, it has been said to help with diabetes and glucose levels, reducing hypertension, lowering blood pressure, providing essential postpartum nutrients that restore blood loss and produce milk, relieving fevers and showing wound-healing effects.

AIDIAN FRUIT does not only flush out the remnants of blood which might hinder conception after childbirth but cures several ailments including infections as well as enhances fertility in both men and women.


Cut and boil two sticks of aidan fruits or prekese with ten sticks of uda and a teaspoon of uziza seed using four litres of water. Add a pinch of salt. Drink while hot.


Two shots morning and two shots at night. Drink till it finishes or spoils. Always heat it whenever you want to take it. For those who don’t know or understand where to buy the stuffs, those selling spices and herbs in the market have it. For those asking how it improves/enhance fertility,It flushes the womb and prepare it for conception when taken before and during menstruation only.

How to use Aidan fruit for fertility

Aidan fruit and its numerous benefits to female sxual health.


Cut and boil three sticks of ushakirisha with ten sticks of uda and a teaspoon of uziza seed using four litres of water. Add a pinch of salt. Drink while hot. Two shots morning and two shots at night. Drink till it finishes or spoils. Always heat it whenever you want to take it.

Some days before your menses starts again you’ll feel heaviness around your waist accompanied by cramps. The first blood is thick and dark red which will gradually become bright red.


Cut and soak two sticks of ushakirisha in water with a tablespoon of salt in two litres of water and take two shots morning and two shots night.

If you couldn’t take it this way you can boil it with four litres of water till it reduces to only two litres. Drink cold.


Boil two sticks of ushakirisha with ten sticks of uda and a teaspoon of uziza seed using four litres of water. Add a pinch of salt. Drink while hot.
Two shots morning and two shots at night. Drink till it finishes or spoils. Always heat it whenever you want to take it.


Boil four sticks of uyayak using only two litres of water.Add twenty sticks of Bush pepper, two pinches of potash and cook for twenty minutes.To be taken morning and night even afternoon. Half glass.Continue this procedure at least for 3 months, go back to scan after 1 month to know the progress of your healing.

Does AIDAN FRUIT boost ovulation?

It is believed that Aidan fruit helps to boost ovulation and increases a woman’s chances of conception. Take aidan fruit water.


Two shots morning,two shots night

NOTE: This should not be taken by Pregnant women.

How to use the AIDAN FRUIT.

1.You can cut it into pieces and cook it with your soup when preparing it.

2. Cut it into pieces and put it inside your drinking water.

3. Cut it into pieces and cook it for 1 hour.
Extract the juice, take half cup two times daily. You can add a quantity of honey to it if you like. Remember to drink it always warm.

4. Grind it into powder and use it as tea 2 times daily before meal. You can also add it to your soup or pap.


5.You can also mix the aidan powder with a local black soap(alata soap) and be using it to bath.

6. For cleansing and good luck soak it in water with other powerful herbs for 7days, pray over it each night within 11pm to 12am.
On the last night bath with it as you are saying your intentions in prayer.
The power of Yahweh still reigns.
Do this with faith in Jesus Christ name and you shall bring testimonies.

Note: keep your self, your life clean before going through this spiritual process.


To all our women, please make good use of this fruit to bless your family.
We have this all around us but doesn’t know it’s health benefits.

Side Effects of Aidan fruits

1. Aidan fruit and pregnancy

Aidan fruit is not safe during pregnancy. Aridan fruit should not be eaten by pregnant women because it can preterm uterine contractions and miscarriage or pregnancy loss. Just like uda, and alligator pepper, Aidan spice has been used from time immemorial by our foremothers for abortion because of its abortifacient property. So, if you are pregnant or trying to conceive, do not eat ardian fruit or use the spice to cook, it can cause miscarriage.


2. Other side effects of Aridan fruits are nausea, vomiting, worsen stomach ulcers and ulcer pains. If you have a stomach ulcer, do not eat Aidan spice.

3. Excessive consumption of Aidan fruit may cause kidney and/or liver damage. Take Aidan in small dosages with moderation.


4. Do not mix Aidan with alcohol.
Other side effects of Aridan fruits are nausea, vomiting, worsen stomach ulcers and ulcer pains. If you have a stomach ulcer, do not eat Uyayak.