AFRAID TO LOVE: Episode 81-90

Afraid to Love

Episode 89

“What is this?” Jeremy asked to no one in particular, his tone mixed with amazement and anger.

Darren and Allan rushed to his side and saw what got him pissed. They both gasped. “Its Tricia,” Darren whispered. This could be it. It could prove Tricia had a hand in Purity’s disappearance.

They didnt have all the details yet. But he was convinced that she did it. She was Ernest’s partner.

“We don’t know what happened that day. Did she tell you anything about this?”

“No, none of them did,” Jeremy replied, recovering from his shock. “Purity had met with Tricia? How’s that even possible? Tricia never mentioned this to me, neither did Purity. I hate this, she should have told me,” Jeremy lashed his anger into the empty space. His countenance was twisted with rage, perplexity and surprise.

“Don’t jump into conclusions, yet,” Allan rebuked him.

“He’s right,” Darren supported, “She may not have known Tricia was your ex. You dont know the whole story yet. Wait till you hear it,” Darren quickly added, hoping to reduce his rising anger.

Jeremy shook his head. Where was he going to hear the story from? Who was going to give him the full details? Just who was gonna do that? Tricia had to answer his questions. What exactly did she go there to do? He peered at the picture in the phone for the second time, scrutinizing it. Then he noticed something he hadn’t seen before. The dress Tricia was wearing. She had visited him in that dress. That was the day they had a fight, a disagreement. She promised to deal with Purity. Did she actually do that? Or was that what she was doing? Who did she visit first – him or Purity? He surely needed answers.

He was going to get to the buttom of this. Who could come out with the truth? Who? Tricia could lie. “Heather,” he answered himself.

Purity lay on the soft bed Ernest had brought in for her and closed her eyes. She felt relaxed and her nerves were soothed. It’d been days since she had craved for a beauty sleep, she was glad she was going to have one tonight. She patiently waited for sleep to erode her, to take her into a world of dreams and fantasies.

All that would make her forget her loneliness, the pain and anger she felt towards Ernest. All she wanted was a good night rest.

Seconds rolled into minutes, yet she was not a bit sleepy. Minutes stretched into hours, but she was still very much awake. She found herself thinking about Jeremy. She wondered if he was alright and in good health. His memory – had he gotten it back? Did he think of her or was Tricia Cayson by his side. Probably, they’re together in bed, she sadly mused. Who was this Tricia by the way? She was not sure she’d seen or met with her. The only thing she knew about her was that she was Jeremy’s ex girlfriend.

Purity hastily pushed those thoughts aside. She was not going to start thinking of another woman being with Jeremy. She wasn’t going to get hurt or jealous. She just had to stop. She thought about her parents and her brothers. How devasteted they must be feeling because of her absence. She wondered how they were coping – especially her mum. Her papa was strong, he could handle almost anything. At that moment, she missed them, she missed everything and everyone. Her life, left behind was meaningful.

Now she knew the importance of family and being surrounded with loved ones. She had learnt a lot and if she was going to make it out alive, she’d never trade her family’s love for anything else.

The urge, the need to get back, to escape was eating her up. She had to leave, to help herself. She needed to do something. But there was something else, it was stronger, powerful and overwhelming.

That hope, that confidence swept through her. She did not need to fight back – that was what she had always done. This time around, it wouldn’t be so. She was going to face it, allow it to come around. The confidence that Jeremy was coming for her had a strong effect over her entire self. She was not going to run away. Jeremy was going to rescue her and Ernest was going to hand her back to the man who deserved her. A weak smile flittered across her face. She was going to do just that – wait till she will be set free.

Slowly, she dried her eyes with the back of her hands, “I believe he’ll come,” she muttered.

“Heather?” Jeremy called into his phone.

“Yes, may I know who is speaking, please?” came a voice. A voice whom he recognized as Heather’s.

He heaved a sigh. “Jeremy Broderick?”

“Jere…… What?” she gasped.

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