ALL I WANT IS YOU: Chapter 11 – 20

ALL I WANT IS YOU: Chapter 11 – 20


By Naomi Cindy B

Brandon looked up again in his surprised state but Nirvana is gone, only Grayson stayed there, looking as if someone took his possession away from him

The ringing of his doorbell made him drop his smoke in the ashtray, he got his gvn and went downstairs

He opened the door with his gun behind him, ready to fire in case of any mishap but he was surprised to see Nirvana

“Doctor Brandon, please can I come in?” She asked

“Why?, And what are you even doing here” he asked

” I’m…I’m….I don’t want to stay in my room tonight” she said

” Why?, Because of your so-called brother?” He said and her eyes widened

“You saw. Us?” She stuttered

” Go back home” he said and shut the door

He went back upstairs but Nirvana never left, she sat by his doorstep in the cold and wrapped her arms around herself, she had to tiptoe out of the house and the fact that Kara is already asleep covered her up

Grayson has an extra key to her room and it was her who gave it to him, Kara always told her to lock her door while sleeping but Grayson will always tell her he wants to watch her sleep so she gave him the spare key to her roon and he comes most night to pass the night in her room on the same bed with her

Tonight she felt uncomfortable with the hug and the kss he gave is still a shock to her, she wasn’t expecting it and that’s why she rushed out cos if she decides to wait till he leaves and then lock the door, then he might come at night

“I can just sleep here, it’s better” she thought, still sitting by his doorstep

The door opened and when she saw Brandon, she spranged up

“Come in” he said, leaving the door open as he went back in

Nirvana smiled and went in then closed the door after

Brandon sat on the couch, she has resumed smoking and the whole living room smells of smoke

She sat on the couch across him and watched him smoke

“He smokes like a model” she thought

“Oh Nirvana you’re crazy, models don’t do smoking shows” she said to herself

The cigarette smokes became unbearable and she started coughing as she inhaled

“I can’t stop smoking just because you’re here” he said

“I….I.. understand,… please go on” she coughed, covering her nostrils

” Ok Nirvana, you’re in sht” she thought as he continued smoking

He made sure he finished smoking that stick before talking

“So, you and your brother kssed?” He said, dropping the smoke on the ashtray

“he kssed me but I pushed him away, he pecks me before but it suddenly graduated into a kss today, he loves hugging me tightly too” she replied

” Pecking is normal” Brandon replied

” On the lips” Nirvana smiled

” On the what?” Brandon replied and her smile dissappeared

” My…my lips” she stammered

“What in the blo.ody fk!, Is he fking kidding me?, No wonder I don’t like him at first sight, how on Earth can a brother take advantage of his own sister” he said

” Huh?” She replied

” And you, you’re just so naive and your naivety is reaching the heavens” he said

” I’m sorry, thought it was normal to allow him peck my lips” she said slowly

Brandon stood and started walking upstairs

He suddenly looked back. “I can’t give my bed up for a lady, talk more of a little girl…. decide for yourself if your night will be good or not” he said and went upstairs

” How uptight, but he’s kind enough to let me spend the night here” she said, smiling as she stood

She felt her throat parched up so she went to the freezer to get water which she gulped down her throat

She finished up and sighted the cellar

She smiled and went there, she got herself a bottle of wine and emptied it into a cup, she finished the wine with just four gulps then poured another one

She did that till she finished two bottles of the most expensive wine in the cellar then she found herself dozing off

She placed her head on the cellar stand since the stool is so tall, she slept off immediately


ALL I WANT IS YOU: Chapter 11 – 20

Brandon is busy reading a medical journal in his room though not all his mind is there, he’s busy wondering why a brother will peck the lips of her sister and also kss her

“Is he not her brother?, Is he her brother?, How can a brother get obsessed with her sis?” He thought, dropping his laptop

He lightened a cigarette and puffed on it for long before blowing out smokes

He stood up from the bed paced round the room then he remembered Nirvana is in the living room

He went there and is surprised that she’s not on the couch

“Did she leave?, That troublemaker” he said to himself

“Maybe she left” he said and is about to go back upstairs when he saw her sleeping in the cellar room

“Jeez” he said, walking there and he’s not surprised to see the two bottles of wine she drank

“She behaves like she’s fragile but another part of her is fearless, she drank two of my most expensive wine when she’s aware I have a gun in this house” he thought

” Oh, if she’s scared, she wouldn’t have come here in the first place” he thought and sighed

“I told her I won’t harm her” he thought and made to go but turned back

Her sleeping position is very uncomfortable

Stretching herself from the stool to the table and having to use her arms as the pillow

“One of a kind” he thought and decided to overlook it but he can’t

He walked back to her and carried her in his arms to the couch, he placed her on it and went upstairs to get a duvet which he covered her with

“Can’t believe this little thing is making me do this, well it all ends tomorrow morning” he thought and went back upstairs.

ALL I WANT IS YOU: Chapter 11 – 20

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