AWKWARD NURSE : Episode 1 – 10

Episode 8

Tony’s P. O. V

I sat waiting for Clara for a while
Diana told me she was writting an exam and she would come out with Clara when she’s done

Wow! i can’t believe I’m waiting for a girl

I wore my cap well to avoid easy recognition

Ryan walked i. I and Ryan are not close friends
Actually we are in competition. We have been in competition for a while ever since we completed our internship

Before, It was just mere simple competitions as best doctors

But after Ryan took Anna from me he proved that he was gonna beat me everywhere

That was when our real competition started

I went to Paris to hide my face from the pain of leaving your woman because she was betrothed

When I came back Anastasia was already behind me, I moved on

We were friends before. We were even best friends. But now we both know that we are not friends we are compettitors

Even though we pretend to be close.

Ryan’s P. O. V

Ethan already called me that he was at unique

I am just walking into the restaurant

I saw Tony
I wonder what he is doing here because the Tony I know is not the woman type

He is the best doctor at (A. G. H. C)

After I traveled and the two hospitals were merged, my father transfered him to R.D hospitals for one year

In order for other doctors to learn from him
Right now he is the second best In R.D hospitals

Although he doesn’t dress or behave like a doctor

He spends his spare time at karaoke clubs singing

When it comes to our relationships, we both know we are not friends it’s in our heart that we are competitors. It all started when I took Anna but if I knew he was with Anna. I wouldn’t have agreed in the first place.

I looked at him and he smiled and waved at me
That deceitful full smile is his weapon. He laughs a lot, he’s good at covering

Well I’m not bad at it either. Let’s keep pretending to be friends. I waved at him and walked down to him

“Hey Tony ”

“Ryan it’s been a while”

We shook hands

“So why are you here? Don’t tell me it is about the equipment stuff”, he asked

“Yea I’m here to meet the lab technician “, i replied what about you?

“Well I’m on a date, why don’t you sit I mean we can wait for Ethan together “, he said

I sat down beside him and dropped my phone on the table

I wonder who the girl he wants to meet is.

“Wow! I look forward to meeting this girl you came for “, i said

“Yea me too, it’s actually a blind date. He said.

“Mm nice but you should know girls who go on blind dates are cheap. Piece of advice from Ryan., i said.

He smiled cunningly and picked his drink

“Well I can manage all type of girls “, he said.

Just then Ethan walked in

“Sir Ryan I didn’t mean to keep you waiting, he said

“No problem we are cool “, i repliee

Before I could stand up so that I and Ethan could go to another chair Ethan already found his way into the chair by my right.

He turned to Tony

“Clara is not here yet?” he asked

“No I think she wants to skip ” Tony said

“No she will come. “, Ethan said

“Ethan let me see the report”, I said

“Oh sorry sir “, he replied

He handed me the file and I looked through it.

I must say the problem in the lab is much.

“So Ethan how much is the budget?” I asked

Diana’s p.o. v

I am late I need to get back to the hospital but Clara is being too unserious

So I grabbed her hand, she looked at me.

“Come on Clara let’s go and please stop this unseriousness Tony is a human being he doesn’t bite. When will this your fear for men stop?

“Just see him as a friend and be free with him, just as you are free with Tyler.

But Diana

“What’s wrong with you Clara. Do you know anything about Tony. He is just the same class with Ryan

“He is as successful and as handsome as Ryan if not more

“He is not our class Clara the only reason this date is happening is because Ethan knows him

“So my love be mature and just meet this guy.

“It’s not a big deal Clara you are not 18 anymore you are 21, Clara level up

I shouted at her and for the first time Clara became calm

Wow! That’s a first, Clara is never calm

I have to start shouting at her from now on.

Okay okay fine you won. She said

I received Mrs Delvaliares’ text massage, I instantly texted Tony

“Clara I’m going Mrs delvaliares just texted me and I already texted Tony he’s coming out “, i said

I ran forward and almost ran into Tyler who was coming my way with his girlfriend Cinderella

Tyler is Clara’s neighbour and one of the only guys she ever speaks to. His girlfriend’s name is Cindy but Clara calls her Cinderella.

Diana, where to? he asked

I’m going to work, hi Cindy

I ran out.

Clara’s P. O. V

what’s wrong with me

Why am I overly shy

Oh! There is Tyler

He came forward with Cindy

“Hey Tyler I asked you to call Honey for me today why didn’t you “, I asked him while trying to punch him.

“Wait Clara David is this you?”, he said looking surprised

“The boyfriend snatcher is looking pretty” his girlfriend said

“Hey Cinderella you keep forgetting that I was the one that told Tyler to date you, I can also tell him to break up with you ” i said

Cindy ran towards me and folded her arms around mine

“I know I know, let’s go”, she dragged me .

“No no wait, I just changed my mind I am going home

I tried walking out when Tyler held my sweater

“Hey what are you doing”, i asked him.

He dragged me close to him, as slim as I am I didn’t have strength

Cinderella then grabbed my hand and said

“Since we met you we should eat out together”, she said

Tyler smiled

“Come on Clara I want to treat you today “, he said

No no I don’t want to go in there today

Before I could talk both Tyler and Cinderella held both my hands and we tried walking into the restaurant when a guy walked out.

Omg kill me.
He is so cut.
Dress sense awesome
He is almost like my imaginary Ryan
He has golden hair
With pretty pink lips
Long lashes
Spotless skin

Cindy pinched me, signalling that i didn’t see what she was seeing

He looked at me from hair to toe I also looked at him because he was cute, too cute.

Then he said

‘Hey you must be Clara, I mean I saw your picture

“Uhhm yes I’m Clara”, I Said

“Clara David, Cindy added smiling

“Oh nice meeting you I am Tony, Doctor Tony, from R.D “, he said strectching his hands

I and Cinderella bowed dragging Tyler who was looking elsewhere

We then bowed to together.

“Oh” he said withdrawing his hands and also bowing to us

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