
BELIEVE : Episode 11 – 20

[the girl he never noticed?]

adesola adeomowole.m.

my body system seem to be in utmost disorder as I ran into olamma behind her was papa. I breathed so heavily as I look down.
Mother? just come and take me away from this lion den,
even if it is death,I don’t mind.
Am scared,
I’m scared to leave,
it frightens me so much that I haven’t laughed in a while.

“would you pack yourself one side?”,
olamma said.I moved to one side, she entered.
Papa stared at me.”can’t you hear the smell?Adeife food is burning!
he said.I wipe my sweaty palms on my wrapper.
“mama ooooooooo!
olamma screamed to our notice, it made papa to rush in.I do not even know what to do.
Bad luck….is it also my destiny?
Olamma rushed out.”You want to kill her like you killed your mother”,
she said to my face, I wanted to sl@p her but I refrained myself.
“mma what are you talking about,I did nothing to mama” I said.
Before I knew what was happening,
neighbors filled our house.
Mother was brought out although she was still bl.eeding.

Even after the bad things she has done to me,I know she will still lie against me.I can’t believe her wickedness!

? she’s the dev!l,
? I said it,that girl is an abomination
? Vivian,I will kill you if I see you with her! chai….
I heard murmurs as people start pointing fingers at me.
I saw Ngozi too.My father came to my side, I could not even look…no words.

He left,two armed men came behind olamma who went to call the physician.
? this case is murderous…
? that’s her!

“No,she didn’t do it,Adeife is a good girl…this is not possibly done by her” I heard Ngozi saying.
“hmmmm you see those silent girls, they always happen to be the baddest…how I wish her attitude can be as attractive as her curves!
mama mmesoma proposed..
I turned to steal a glance at papa,
“you injured her,am I the next victim?” he asked.
“I’m sorry” I said.
“oh yeah,me too” he replied.
The two armed men came to my side and binder my hands,I followed them.The palace,I guess.

we got to the palace,
everywhere was glittering with lights as usual. I looked on as I followed the guards

“there is a feast, the king won’t be able to see her.Lock her up,maybe tomorrow” a guard said.
“Prince Lotanna do not go outside tonight,its not safe…everywhere is dark” I heard a guard saying upstairs.
I looked up,thinking I would get a glance.
Too bad I saw nothing. I will have to think about the stars and my mother whom I got no chance to meet.

“this thing is urgent and very important,okay… network is terrible here…even my spectranet is acting so strange! I heard voices of him.
soo flawless,I still turn around.
my mind says he is somewhere around here and yes,I saw him.

He was backing the bluish pool while operating two phones…jeeeez,his back view was worth seeing.
Not dressing like a prince,he loves simplicity.Just a white top, a black jean..dipped in the back pocket was a red lauded phone..
And the royal anklet on his feet,
sooo adorable and attractive.

“there’s network already”
he said, he left without turning back.
I watch him walk upstairs,his catwalk was something I would like to see everyday.
He was soon out of sight.

Picked For You:  ON THE LIONESS TAIL: Episode 1-10

“the feast is still on” another guard said,jolting me out of thoughts.
“miss follow me” the one that had brought me here said.
I followed him to a certain yard in the palace,that place is for prisoners and this is the 100th time I would be entering there.
The door was opened,my hands got freed as I entered.They were locking the door, I saw nkem strolling through the upstairs balcony..

The guards locked me in and left.I looked up to call Nkem,he left
No hope….I had my head down.I wish I have a mother too.
I raise my head to look into the stars, my eyes caught Lotanna in the upstairs balcony.Doing something on phone as usual….something was on the shining stair rod..
Laptop right?

I stared at him,I even forgot I have not eaten,I forgot am in a prison, I keep on imaging things that I know will only happen in my dreams!.
most times,he was on phone.
I stared at him with so much desires, at times the little tiny diamond earring he wore would blind my sight.

?You named me trouble,yes I like it because its as if you knew trouble is my destiny?

?i was the first female you talked to ever since you came here.”Pardon” was what you said to me and I felt as thou those words are enough… I won’t mind using my last breath to stare at you…Just stare?

? You hope we won’t meet nor see again right? I know and I will try to do so, run away from you so I won’t cause you any of my trouble, it’s my destiny,I alresdy accept?

?Nevertheless,I won’t stop admiring you….and I promise to…..

“Hey!!!! someone shouted and disturbed my secret r0mantic moment. I turned in the prison, it was Akuna.Her dress sense was waoow..
She wasn’t actually talking to me,she was waving at Lotanna who already got engrossed with his phone.
A maid went to her side,
she frowned and left.
Am guessing the feast is over!

Lotanna left upstairs balcony immediately he saw his twins brother coming….
“mother said you should escort me” Akuna came back saying.
I stood up in the prison. I need to see him one last time.
?One last time,admirer!
?One last song,crush!!
?One last chance, my prince!
?Let me in,this last time.
I didn’t even know I was forming a song in my heart.

I turned,Nkem was coming to the direction of the prison yard.
“sir…..hi!!! I bowed.
*what are you doing here?”, he asks.
“everyone already knows my mother is dead,they BELIEVE I killed her,they are now saying I wanted to do the same to my stepmother” I SAID.
I covered my face.

He stretched his hands in and touch my shoulder, I got scared.I thought he wanted to touch my chest!
“sorry” he said,I nodded.
“I didn’t do anything, she was beating me,she always whip me,she does it every time like I am an animal” I said to my new found friend.

I looked at him and caught him taking in my curves slowly, he knew I caught him staring at my h!ps. He hastily look away and blink his lashes…..
“stop acting sad,it’s not pretty” he said,I nodded.
“this dress,you look hot” he said and stretched his hand in.
I got so confused as i hastily place my hand on his..

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