Many people add bay leaves to foods especially Nigerian jollof rice, red meat and poultry, but do you know why bay leaves are added to foods?

When asked why, some reply:
“To add flavor to the food”

But Do you know that if you boil some bay leaves in a glass of water and taste it, it will have no flavor?

Now why do you put bay leaves in the meat?

The addition of bay leaves to meat converts triglycerides to monounsaturated fats.
For experimentation and confirmation:

Cut your chicken into two halves and cook each half in a different pan and place bay leaf in one pan, and the other without bay leaf and observe the amount of fat in both pans.

If you have bay leaves, there is no need for a pharmacy.

Recent scientific studies have shown that bay leaves have many benefits which helps to get rid of many serious health problems and illnesses.

The benefits of bay leaf are: –

-Bay leaf treats digestive disorders and helps eliminate lumps, Heartburn, Acidity & Constipation.

-It helps regulate bowel movement by drinking hot bay tea.

-It lowers blood sugar and bay leaf is also an antioxidant

-It allows the body to produce insulin by eating it or drinking bay tea for a month.

-It eliminates bad cholesterol and relieves the body of triglycerides.

-It’s very useful in treating colds, flu and severe cough as it is a rich source of vitamin “C”, you can boil the leaves and inhale steam to get rid of phlegm and reduce the severity of cough.

-Bay leaf protects the heart from seizures and strokes as it contains cardiovascular protective compounds.

-It’s rich in acids such as caffeic acid, quercetin, eigonol and bartolinide, substances that prevent the formation of cancer cells in the body.

-It eliminates insomnia and anxiety, if taken before bed, helps you relax and sleep peacefully.

Drinking a cup of boiled bay leaves twice a day may break kidney stones and cures infections.