BY Rosy Johnson.


He was ready to get it out of her mouth if she didn’t say what he wants to hear, he had learned that women needs a little bit of toughness to keep them in check so he was gonna give her exactly that.

“Say it!!” he roared again, going feral.

Right now he was at that bridge between humans and wolf, half human and half wolf.

His bêâst wanted him to take her so bad that it was barely keeping it at bay.

Ty was ready to mount her without a second thought.

“I said say it!” He rasped, digging his fans into her skin and ripping through her flesh, her blood spilled down her arm, it rolled down the bed with just a drip before another drip came on.

Trista’s heart began pounding heavily, she wasn’t gonna say what he wanted to hear and there is also no way she’s gonna escape him. She was scared, really scared of what her faith might be in his hand.

Was he gonna råpe her? Oh gwad please help her cos she didn’t want to experience that.

“Ty….” she mumbled his name softly, her eyes watering and glistering as she look up at him with those pleading eyes.

She’d excepted to see some compassion and human soul inside them but all she found was emptiness and cruêlty, deep down she wanted someone to come for her aid, just anyone…

“Jaxson, please help me,” she said softly in her mind, unable to say it out loud cos she was scared of what her faith might become.

“You want to play this game the hard way right? Very well then, let’s do it,” Ty gripped her shirt and tore, ripping it off instantly and tossing it to the ground.

She closed her eyes tightly.

Right now she was just left with her bra and she doesn’t know how long it will take before he rip off her underwear.

“Jaxson,” she called again in her mind, wishing and hoping that by some miracles her night in shinning armor will come and rescue her.

“You think….”

The soft knock on the door interrupted whatever Ty was doing, he glanced at the door pissed at who has the guts to dare disrupt him.

He was sure gonna deal with the stupid fool when he’s done.

He chose to ignore the door and continue with Trista but another knock came on the door and this time it was louder than the first one so he got off her, Trista let out a breath of relief as she felt his weight loosen on her

But it was just for the moment, she also had the knock but she was praying it’s Jax that came for her rescue, but then again Jax was there when Ty took her, he did nothing to stop the guy so how was she sure that he was gonna come?

She grabbed the duvet, covering herself with it

Ty opened the door only to see Ryan standing there

“What the fûçk do you want?” he grasped Ryan’s collar, pulling him closer so he could look him in the eyes.

Does the male not know that he was busy? How dare he disrupt his mating moment? Does he have a dêâth wish? What the fûçk?

“My apologies Alpha but her mother is here,” Ryan reported.

“what did you just say?” Ty asked, loosening his grip on Ryan’s collar and the male shifted back, adjusting his dress.

“I had no idea how she got the knowledge that her daughter was here but she came,” Ryan replied calmly.

Ty balled his fist, this wasn’t how he wanted this to go, he wanted to mate her, fûçk her till she begged him to stop, he wanted her to forget about Jaxson and look at him as her man but the fûçking mother has to ruin things

“Tell her she’s not here,”

“Alpha, I think she know that her daughter is here, I have no idea how she got the information but she request to see her daughter or she won’t leave,” Ryan replied casually

Ty roughed his hair in frustration. He glanced inside at Trista who’s still covering herself than back at Ryan, he was about to speak when he Saw Diana on the passageway

The woman looks like she was struggling with the guards and they were doing a good job to keep her out.

Ty nodded simply, he will just get her some other time.

“Alpha if you don’t let her go I’m afraid she might go to the cops and they will come for us and you don’t want that,” Ryan said more like a reminder.

Ty gave him a quick nod, the guy was right after all. If he was to keep Trista here the woman he’s hearing her voice outside won’t let her daughter stay here and the humans might revoke and that will ruin a lot more than he could fix

He will just have to let her go now and still get her some other time.

“Get the girls to bring her out,” Ty ordered, walking back inside, he picked up his shirt and put them on, glaring at Trista one last might he walked out of the room and that was when Ryan appeared again with Two maidens.

Minutes after Ty left Diana was still pacing around the room uncontrollably when she was Trista walking out from one of the long passages, she rushed to her daughter instantly….. upon seeing her Tritsa spread her arms and Diana didn’t waste another minute before embracing her.

She hugged her tightly, letting her daughter’s tears wet her shoulder.

“What happened? Baby tell me did they harm you?” she asked, stroking her hair as she speaks.

Trista wasn’t able to talk, she just sobbed her eyes out as her mother kept stroking her hair.

She wasn’t sad cos her mother came, she was only sad that her mother always comes for her.


“I can assure you that nothing happened,” Mr Black said walking closer to them.

“Oh, keep it to yourself!” Diana snapped, shooting the man a dark glare that made him gulp emptiness.

If it wasn’t for the kind girl that came to her house to tell her about her daughter she won’t know that her baby girl was being held against her wish and they even locked her in a room. Why the hell will they lock her in a room? She didn’t do something wrong, and even if she did, why didn’t they take her to the cops so she (Diana) will be called to come and pick her up?

She was so gonna deal with them and by the time she’s done they will know when not to mess with her little girl again.

“Ma’am, you need to understand….”

“What I need to understand is that the cops will visit you guys as soon as I leave this place,” Diana snapped, she raised Trista’s head from her head. Caressing her cheeks tenderly as she wipe off the tears.

“It’s okay, Momma got you,” She said and kissed her hair.

Trista sniffed, she didn’t know why she was feeling strange but the thought of being råped…. They’d leave in a compound where their next door neighbor was råped, it didn’t end well cos the lady ended up commiting suicide so they had to move again.

“It’s okay baby, it’s okay,” Diana said.



“You do not force her to get intimate, she’s your mate,” Ryan said.

He knew it wasn’t his place to tell their Alpha how to treat his Luna but forcing her to mate with him is what he just didn’t get

Why does he have to force her?

Ty ignored him, walking over to the cellar he grabbed a bottle of whiskey then strode back to the window.

He unclipped the cover, taking the glass cup on the table next to him and pouring himself a drink.

He took a sip then sat his glass on the table, Ty shifted closer to the window and rested both hands on the frame as he stared down at the city below them

“I know what I’m saying,” Ryan continue seriously “If you keep forcing her Jaxon will have the upper hand,” Ryan said again and thay was what got Ty to look at him.

“Jaxon be damned, she should love me, I am her mate, I didn’t ask for this, the lady of the moon choose her to be mine so she has no choice! We both don’t have a choice,” Ty snapped, glaring dangerously at Ryan

He just detaste anything that has to do with Jaxon, why does it always have to be him? Why?

“I’m just saying, besides she’s human and has no idea how we do,” Ryan replied.

Ty scoffed.

“I’m stating facts, she needs to learn our way and for her to do that you have to tame her, make her love you and she will forget about Jaxon,” Ryan explained, wishing Ty will just accepted his offer.



Fredrick is seen at the back seat of the car packed at the back of the school premises.

“You should try again, you can’t just give up cos Jax came into view,” Fredrick said seriously.

“You told me he won’t be there but I nearly lost my life,” Jason, the same guy that attacked their Pack said.

Fredrick scoffed

“I told you he won’t be back….”

“But he came back,” Jason interrupted.

Fredrick reached behind her car seat and grabbed a bag, he handed it to Jason with a nod of his head, Urging him to open it.

Jason Opened the back, he glanced back at Fredrick at the sight of what welcome him before looking into the bag again

“How much is in here?” Jason asked impatiently.

The bag was loaded with cash.

“How much do you think?” Fredrick asked smirking

Jason glanced inside the bag then at Fredrick.

“Dêâd by gun or attâçk and who should I go for first?” He asked with greed in his eyes, the cash was fûçking much to decline and he would do anything just to keep more.

“Both and take down the one who happens to be the hardest first,”



Isaac came out from the art section and that was immediately when Ruby was about to come in.

“Hey, Ruby,” he called cheerfully.

She was about to respond when she remembered her promise so she kept mute.

She began walking away but Isaac rushed after her, grabbing her hand from behind, she stopped to loom at him.

“Ruby about the restaurant, I swear I didn’t to leave you there and I apologize for that, do you think we can go out again?” He asked casually

She looked him up and down then laughed, she laughed so hard Isaac thought something was wrong with him.

But truly nothing was wrong with him, he just wanted her to go out on a date with him again.

“If you think that I will ever go out with someone like you then you must be a joker,” shw said Rudely and his eyes flickered


“You’re not my type, I just went out with you cos I wanted to use you and pass time, I don’t even like you and guys with faces like yours shouldn’t be seen with girls with faces like mine cos we are not on the same league,” she hissed and turned, walking away.

Isaac didn’t know what just happened, he wanted to apologize for leaving her at the restaurant so why was she rude to him?



Trista laid in bed, resting and thinking of Jax. After the incident yesterday she haven’t seen or heard from him and she was really worried.

She’s supposed to go to school today but her mother insisted she stayed home and recover.

Her mother had no clue what happened and she didn’t plan to tell the woman, her mother will just freak out if she finds out.

Her mother had told her this morning that Ava came to report her missing so she had to go look for her, she had to thank Ava cos if it wasn’t for her Ty would have done something terrible to her.

Gosh, the thought terrifies her.

She was still thinking of it when her window suddenly stretched and she glanced towards it, she was expecting to see Jax but she saw something different.

She didn’t know why she wanted to see Jax even though he watched them takw her away. Nevertheless, her lips curled into a smile as she watch the small red puppy she saw on her first day crawl in through the window.

She sat up, expecting the puppy to jump on her but it just stayed there.

Trista wondered why it didn’t move, many thoughts were already going through her mind as she contemplated whether he was injured or not.

Slowly she slid down the bed and immediately her feet touched the ground the fluffy puppy was covered in a blinding colorful lights.

It sparkles so bright she could barely see a thing, when the lights went out, were the puppy had stood was replaced with Jason who’s on his knees

Her eyes widen.

She’d thought he was a normal wolf and not the fluffy red puppy, she wore him pampas.

“Sun flower,” he called, his tone softly and calming.

Trista didn’t know what to say as she just watched him, a part of her wanted to turn her back at him and walk away while a other part of her wanted him so bad she couldn’t hardly help herself.

“I’m sorry for not standing up for you, I feel so ashamed to show myself to you but…” He gulped emptiness taking a step toward her.

“Are you hurt? Hope you’re okay? I will fix this, if you give me time I will fix it I promise,” he took her hand but she slide off his hold.

Jax felt his heart breaking into many unfixable pieces, he wasn’t sure he could live without her, she was the reason his heart still beats so without her life is nothing.

“Have spoken with the council and they agreed that I have the right to choose a different name which is the only thing that can give me hands up over Ty, once it’s done, I will make sure Ty pay double of everything he had you go through,” he softly and took her hand this time.

He was expecting her to pull away, or maybe he wasn’t but he didn’t know if she will and luckily enough she didn’t so he pulled her closer to him, wrapping her in the cocone of his embrace.

“I will fix this, you just have to bare a little,” he said pressing her on his chest.

Trista didn’t move, she just kept her head on his chest listening to the steady beat of his heartbeat. She placed her hand on his chest and glanced up at him.

“It’s beating so fast,” she mumbled softly

He smiled, keeping his palms on her chest.

“Just like yours,” he replied, looking down at her, he tickled a hair strand behind her ear ans she bashed her lashes cutely at him.

“You’re not mad at me, are you,” he asked, caressing her lower lips softly.

She licked his finger tip seductively

“I want to, but I can’t. I dunno how to,” she stepped on his toes, lowering his head by cycling her hand around his head.

She pulled down his head, placing her forehead on his. Jax’s hand went to her hips and he lifted her, she tangled her legs around him with their forehead sticking glued together while they stared directly into each other’s eyes intensely.

“I love you Ms Jacob, I know things are a bit tough now and it will get tougher soon but I assure you that I will fix it, but in all…. Please done leave me, promise me,”





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