By Gbemi Writes
Chapter 4
They got to his car and instead of heading to the passenger door, she went straight to the driver door.
“What are you doing?” He asked.
“I prefer to drive. I like taking the wheels” she said giving him a sexy smile.
“But I like taking my own wheels” he told her and she moved to stand in front of him.
“Change is something that comes to people and a change has come into your life which is me. Just seat back and enjoy the drive” she said taking the key from his hand.
“Do you even know where am taking you?'” Romeo asked.
“I don’t but I am sure that you will direct me” She said as she got into the car while Romeo got into the passenger seat with a smile on his face.
Act two show him you how independent you are. Men always want their women to rely on them and often derive pleasure from it, Romeo Is someone who certainly likes a woman who depends on him but she would show him a different side of him tonight.
“Do you know that we didn’t get to introduce ourself earlier?” He asked as she drived while following his instruction.
“Do we have to? I had my research done on you and thanks to the internet I got to know things about you and I heard from my parents that just seeing my picture you fell right away. I don’t think we need any more introduction” she replied making a U-turn.
“Did your parents tell you that I fell for you just by seeing a picture of you?” Romeo asked and she nodded even as she stared at him.
He looked a bit angry and she would have asked him why he was angry when he told her to stop.
She parked the car right in front of a restaurant and got out of the car handing the keys to the valet.
Together they walked into the restaurant and on seeing him walk in, two waiter quickly came to him directing him to their table.
“Let me take your coat Miss” one of the waiter said and knowing the daring clothe she was wearing beneath she was reluctant to give it to him.
She was about refusing when she saw a man sitting a table away starring at her, having an idea in mind, she decided to take off the coat.
She saw the man starring at her body Lustfully and she smiled, her third act will certainly work, she thought as she sat at her chair only to see Romeo too starring at her body and to make it worse, his eyes were on her cleavage.
Trying to act like she wasn’t bothered, she picked up the menu and pretended to be going through the food.
Why is he starring at her like that? Is he really interested in getting married to her, she thought as she finally picked a dish.
“Did you put on this dress for me?” he asked as they both wait for their order.
“I dress to please myself but if you think I did it for you, then I dont care” she said rudely.
“Really? You don’t care if most of the male in this restaurant are starring at you?” He asked.
And she looked around her to see not only one man starring at her. She wanted to ask for her coat back but she had done this to get him to dislike her and so she will just have to continue.
Putting her hand on the table, she smiled at him.
“So what? Its my body and they are free to stare at it. Don’t tell me you are jealous?” She asked.
“Not at all. I know all this is for my benefit” he replied suddenly.
“Your benefit? What do you mean?” She asked.
“Am not going to tell” he replied as the waiter arrived with their dish.
“You enjoy eating steak?” He asked.
“Of course. This is my first time eating such an expensive food and…..”
“How come this is your first time eating an expensive food?” He asked interrupting her and it was then that she realised her mistake.
She had spoken as Marie and not as Develene. Develene is rich and would have been able to afford an expensive dish and she had made a mistake by saying other wise.
“I mean this is the first time am eating a food which cost so much” she replied quickly hoping he believe her.
“I see” was the only thing he said before he began to eat.
They finished eating and were served desert when she realised that she’s sat down for long and it’s time for her to do something to keep on earning his dislike.
She could tell that the dress certainly didn’t please him and that having people starring her way made him a bit angry.
If she keeps on pushing forward with her plan. He will surely be cancelling the marriage between them.
“I hate being told what to do, I always like things around me to be in order, I hate working and am not the domestic type and I spend lavishly” she said saying things she knew about the real Develene.
“What are you doing?” He asked.
“Just telling you things about me and if you still want to marry me after hearing all those things, then it’s your call” She said as she ate a bite of her cake.
“Do you want to hear my answer now?” He asked and she nodded.
“Then let’s leave this place” he replied as he suddenly stood up taking her by surprise.
The waiter returned her coat and they got into the car the valet had brought. It wasnt until they were at a distance away that she spoke up.
“Why did we leave and you haven’t given me your answer yet” she said hoping that it will be an answer she would love.
Suddenly he parked at a road side and pulling off her seat belt, he pulled her into his arms.
“What are you doing?” The surprised Marie asked.
“This is my answer” he replied and before she could stop him, he kssed her on the lips.
Marie was quite taken aback and when she tried to pull away from him, he only wrapped his arms around her.
Marie had no choice but to let him have his way and somehow she found herself kssing him back. It wasn’t until his hand went to her dress that she quickly pulled away from him.
“What are you doing?” She shrieked at him.
“Giving you my answer”
“What does kssing me have to do with your answer?” She asked.
“Its me telling you that with all your flaws, am still going to marry you” he said.
“Even with everything I did this evening?” She asked.
“Didn’t you do all of this to tease me ?” He asked and Marie stared at him in silence.
Her mission to do things that men hate and get him to dislike her didn’t work, instead it only made him more determined to marry her.
This is bad………
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