



By Gbemi Writes




“I pronounce you man and wife, you may kss the bride” the priest who had married them said and Marie who had stood numb through the whole process of her marriage was jolted to life when she heard that last phrase.

She looked up to see Romeo smiling down at her, he knew why she was looking apprehensive, she didn’t want him kssing her but judging by that smile on his face, she could tell that he meant to do it.

Her veil was pulled open and as he moved towards her to kss her, she took him off guard by kssing him on the cheek instead.

While Romeo knew why she did it, the few people in the church with them laughed at her action.

Taking hold of her hand, they both walk down the aisle and quickly she went to give Romeo grandmother and also his mother a hug.

After she had woken up from her accident, she had been introduced to his mother and grandmother who made her feel welcome.

She got to spend sometime in their company which got her getting close to them.

She wonder how they will feel once they know that she’s not the real Develene.

“You look lovely my child” Alice, Romeo grand mother enthused happily.

“She’s meant to, afterall we worked so hard to find the perfect gown for her” Genova, Romeo mother chipped in as she took hold of Marie hand.

“Am glad that my son got married to you. You will surely make him happy, I wish you both the best in life” Genova added squeezing Marie hand and Marie felt bad after hearing her words.

Romeo hates her just as much as she dislikes him, it would be hard to have a perfect marriage, she thought as she gave a smile in return.

“Its a shame that my grand son decided to make the whole thing private, it would have been great to have you pictured in this lovely dress” Alice said this time.

“Am just being cautious, you know how crazy the press gets and if they should know about my marriage, my wife and I won’t be having any peace” he said suddenly as he wrapped his arms around her.

Marie tensed by this action and would have pulled away if he hadn’t tightened his hold on her.

“Is that why you also chose not to have a party for the wedding?” His mother asked.

“No. The thought of having my wife all to myself got me cancelling the party too” He replied starring at Marie who was now looking at him.

“We are newly weds but we would also like to be alone” he said softly.

“When you keep talking about this marriage of yours, I couldn’t picture you doing it but seeing you doing just that made me realise that my friend is now a real man” Blake Tyson, a close friend and also a partner to Romeo commented as he hugged his friend while he took hold of Marie hand kssing it.

“So I wasn’t a real man when I wasn’t married?” Romeo said to him a while later.

“Let’s just say you were a playboy through and through” Blake replied which got them all laughing.

“Anything to say to your daughter before we leave?” Romeo asked Develene parents who had been quiet watching the whole thing.

“Take care of yourself” was Hannah cold words to her as she hugged Marie.

Picked For You:  SHE IS MINE : EPISODE 21 – THE END

“Be happy” Develene father added before hugging her too.

She knew Develene father meant what he said but Develene mother only wanted to be rid of her while her own child is safe.

They waved at them all before getting into the limo that belong to Romeo.

This is it for her, she’s married to Romeo and whatever happens will have to be faced head long, she thought starring at the wedding ring on her finger.



She walked into Romeo Pent house while he followed suit behind her.

Just like she dislike him, he also feels the same way about her but she doubts if he would let the wedding night pass without doing a thing to her, she thought as she watched him walk towards the drink cabinet to pour himself a drink.

“Stop looking like a frightened vrgin, I won’t leap on you” he told her smoothly reading her face.

“How can I be sure of that? You told me that you once desired me” She replied not trusting his words.

“That was when I still believed you to be the real Develene. I lost interest when I found out that you are nothing but fake” he returned.

“Well am glad that I don’t seem to interest you and I can only hope that Develene would show up soon” she retorted.

“Do I sense a bit of jealousy in there?” He asked her.

“Jealous? Am far from feeling that. Now tell me about our sleeping arrangement cause I don’t want to share the same room with you” she told him bluntly.

“I feel the same way and that’s why I got the housekeeper to move your things to the other room” he told her.

“That’s good then and another thing, I would like to continue working, don’t be surprised when you see me work…….”


“Never! No wife of mine works” he told her fiercely.

“So you expect me to seat back and let you provide for me?” She asked even as she watched him close the space between them.

“Its a luxurious life, the real Develene would certainly be ecstatic about that idea”

“But am not the real Develene and I won’t seat around doing nothing all day” she retorted and angrily he pulled her into his arms.

“My wife is meant to stay home and do every of my bidding and as you are my wife, you will stay home and do what I say….any more word from you and I will claim my wedding night” he told her when she was about to protest.

“Very good, I love it when you are quiet. You look more enchanting” he mocked even as he let her go.

Marie turned to leave, heading to her room when his words stopped her.

“I will going on a business trip tomorrow and it will take a month” he told her softly.

“Fine” she muttered as she didn’t spare him a glance.

“Aren’t you going to miss me?” His words stopped her and this made her turn to him.

“I won’t and am sure you will have someone with you to distract you during this trip” she retorted.

“Of course I will, you don’t expect me to stay celibate” he replied and not bothering to give him a reply, she stormed off to her room.


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