By Naomi Cindy B.


“Limited Mell, yes but there’s nothing I can do if I have orders to not let you in” he interrupted.

“Orders from who?” Maxwell scoffed.

“From the almighty Lincoln” Lincoln’s voice said behind him, and he turned.

Lincoln pvnched him on the face immediately, and Maxwell staggered, getting a cut on his cheek.

“How dare you push me into the pool? You think you’d get away with it? No one messes with Lincoln Perry!” Lincoln gnarled.

“Bastard!” Maxwell roared and returned the pvnch immediately.

“@sshole!” Lincoln pvnched him back.

Maxwell made to return the punch again, but Warren held him back.

“Mell please, you know who his dad is, please don’t…

“I don’t care!! He started it the sht!” Maxwell shouted angrily and freed himself…

He was about to return the second punch when the chief guard appeared.

“What’s happening here!” He demanded.

“None of your business, old cargo” Lincoln spat disrespectfully.

“He restricted Mell from entering” Warren reported.

“No swimmer can restrict a fellow swimmer, so open the door” the chief guard told the other guard.

“My dad contributed the most to the building of this place!” Lincoln bragged.

“So? Your dad is a good man, dunno why he had to be the father of a scumbag like you” the chief guard said.

“To h’ll with you old thing!” Lincoln ranted and stormed out.

“Thanks, chief” Maxwell said.

“It’s nothing, you’re the best” the chief smiled, and he entered with Warren.

Surprisingly, CleoSpeedy is in, streaming live on her IG. She’s wet from water, and both her @ss and bbs were bouncing on her body as she walked.

“My bikini? It’s from Chic-Mode, y’all know the store, right? Aww! I know I’m the best ! I love you babies!”

Warren stopped beside Maxwell and looked at him. All his attention is on CleoSpeedy.

“Ok guys! See y’all tomorrow on another Livestream! I love you CleoSpeedos!” She blew ksses and ended the video.

She smiled and entered the cubicle to change, and she came out ten minutes later, changed to a tight gown that’s barely covering her nkedness.

She’s obsessed with showing skin, and she even said it in a Livestream that she can go anywhere with a bikini, a bchy celeb.

She walked past Maxwell after giving him looks like he’s a nobody, then she left the hall

Maxwell sighed and entered the cubicle to change too. It only took three minutes before he came out in his swimming pants

“You have a crush on CleoSpeedy?” Warren asked.

“Don’t start, please” he replied seriously, and Warren laughed as he jumped into the pool.



Williams came out of his underground drugs warehouse, and weed was passed to him by one of his men.

He began smoking till he got to the main room.

“Next batch arrives tonight, get the cash ready” he said.

“Yes boss!” One of them replied and left the room. Another one came in immediately, with an envelope which he handed to Williams.

Williams smiled and sat before bringing out the contents. They’re pictures of Jemima.

How she came out of her house this morning, how she entered the company, and how she came out this evening, how she entered her father’s mansion with Maxwell and came out.

Then how she waited in the car for Maxwell in front of the store till when Maxwell came back and drove her home. Everything was captured clearly.

“Who’s this guy?” He asked, pointing at Maxwell’s face.

“Her new secretary” the spy replied, and he stood

“Keep spying, till I give the next order” he said and left the room.

He made his way to the cell and opened the metal door violently.

Beverly is still in the room, tied to a bed since yesterday according to his orders, no food nor water.


Her voice barely came out as she tried to talk.

Williams smiled wickedly and began unbolting his belt

“Dad no…not again please… daddd…dad please… just forgive me this once…daad!!!”

He was already on top of her, and her cries got louder when he r!pped her skirt off her body together with her pa..nties.


“You’ll forever remain daddy’s little pet, take it” he replied, pushing the whole of his thing into her at once.

“Dadddddd!!!!!!” She shrieked, and hot tears ran down her face as he began fking her hard like he does.


(Search for groceryoclock. com on google to read very interesting stories).

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