By Naomi Cindy B.


“I’ll be fine, you only have to promise to continue being good to Frances” he replied, and she smiled.

“And also… thanks for making me come back to my senses” she said.

“I’m sure I’m not the first person who talked to you about her, why did you choose to listen to me?” He asked.

“I dunno either” she replied, picking her cheeseburger again.

She took a bite, and he smiled before eating too.

He looked around once again and nodded.

“I never knew somewhere like this existed in Paris”

“It’s not popular, but I love it here anyways, the serenity and calmness.

I do come here with my mum when she was still alive” Jemima smiled sadly.

“Heard she died of heart failure” he replied.

“Yeah, I miss her” she sighed.

“Sorry” he replied.

“What about you? Your… parents?” She asked.

“They died in a car accident when I was thirteen” he said, and her eyes widened.

“What! Just like…

“Can we not talk more about family?” He interrupted, and she sighed.


She took her chocolate cake this time.

She took a bite and took another bite immediately.

“You’re obsessed with this” Maxwell said.

“Since I was a kid” She laughed, drinking the wine.

She almost ate all the cake afterwards, and she stood immediately.

She turned her back on Maxwell and removed the jacket from her chest.

She put it on instead, and she buttoned up.

She walked to the other side of the room where a game angle is, and she saw a TV which she put on.

A football match is going on.

“You watch football?” Maxwell asked beside her, and she jumped.

“When did you get here!”

“Just now” he smiled.

“Yes I’m a football fan, team Chelsea” she said.

“Seriously? Same here” he replied, and her eyes widened again.

“Yes!” She shouted, and they stuck hands before bringing their snacks to the front of the TV.

It’s Chelsea vs Liverpool, so they began watching with full attention, not diverting their eyes from the TV till the ball got to a Chelsea player who made several brilliant passes…

“Yes! That way!” Maxwell folded his fist, about to stand up.

“That’s it…into the net baby!” Jemima shouted immediately he kicked the ball, but it flew above the net and landed at the back.

“Fk!” Maxwell covered his face with his palms.

“It was so simple, he could have scored” Jemima muttered, eating from her chocolate cake.

Maxwell took his cake too and began eating as another round began.

“Ok this is good…” He said, his eyes following the ball everywhere till it reached a Chelsea player again…

“Yes! Go for it!” Jemima said, drinking some wine as he began taking the ball into the net.

Their @sses left the chair at once, and immediately he kicked the ball, their mouths and eyes widened till the ball finally entered the net…a goal!

“Yes!!!!!!!!!!” They screamed at once, facing each other.

They hugged before they knew it, but immediately they realized it, they pulled away from each other, and Jemima’s eyes widened.

“Arggggg!!!!” She screamed, falling on the chair as her body began shaking so badly.

“Jemima are you ok?” Maxwell quickly squatted in front of her when she began sweating so much.

She hid her face in her thighs before pointing up, and his eyes traced her finger till it landed on a cobweb on the ceiling.

He got what’s going on, and he got a sweeper. He got rid of the cobweb and sighed before coming back to her.

He squatted in front of her again. “It’s gone now, you can look up” he said, and by the time she looked up, she already has tears in her eyes.

“You’re arachnophobic?” He asked, and she nodded twice, wiping her tears. She was still shaking so much.

“Let’s get out of here” he grabbed her hand and took her out of the cafe.


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