By Naomi Cindy B.



Mr Jordan was already waiting in the hotel special lobby when Maxwell and Jemima came out of the elevator.

They actually got a call this morning, informing them of his presence, so they came over after breakfast.

“Goodmorning Mr. Jordan, we were told you’re not in Chantilly yesterday” Maxwell said when they settled in front of him.

“Yes, I landed late at 9pm, so I decided to reschedule the signing to today, I’m so sorry I made you wait” the old man replied.

“You know how much I value time, this shouldn’t happen again” Jemima said sternly.

“I apologise” Mr. Jordan smiled, tendering the documents in front of them.

Maxwell took the important ones and read them inwardly before facing him.

“The proposal is unacceptable” he said.

“Maxwell” Jemima called beside him, and he faced her.

“I’ll take care of this” he said, and she relented.

He faced Mr. Jordan again .

“The profits in 40/50? Why is it like that when we invested equally?”

“We might have invested equally, but my company exhausted more manpower and willingness” Mr. Jordan said bluntly.

“Willingness as in?” Maxwell asked.

“It’s been a month now since this contract has been void, I kept scheduling meetings for the signing, but it all got cancelled cos Miss Jemima was showing no interest after…

“I had tight schedules” Jemima cut in.

“Ion think that works so far you’re the CEO” Mr. Jordan replied, and Jemima sat back with a fake cough.

“But still, I don’t think that counts” Maxwell said.

“Why so?”

“We’re partners, doesn’t that make us friends? If willingness is part of the deal, it’d have been included.

Friends do things for each other yunno? We’re partners means we’re in this together and we have same goal, which is the profit” Maxwell said, and Mr. Jordan smiled.

“You’re tricky” he said.

“Not trickiness, it’s just protocol, I’m a secretary and I must act it” Maxwell replied.

“You’re quite good, I’d pay millions to have you work with me. You in?” Mr. Jordan asked.

“Mr. Jordan!” Jemima snapped.

“Just kidding” he laughed.

“Shall we?” Maxwell smiled, and the documents were disseminated.

They signed their respective papers, and Maxwell sealed them.

“Hope we work together again” he said, having an handshake with Mr. Jordan.

“Sure,I’m looking forward to it” Maxwell smiled handsomely again.

“And you’re handsome too, my daughter would like you” Mr. Jordan said.

Jemima quickly took his hand from him.

“Let’s go” she smirked, leading the way out.

“Must you show off your brilliancy?” She faced him

“Why? Are you jealous that he likes me instead of you?” He asked.

“Jealous? Me? Oh please” she giggled.

“Then get in and let’s go back to Paris, Miss Jemima” he smiled.

“Hearing that from you sure sounds cringe” she replied, and they laughed as they got in the car together.


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