By Naomi Cindy B.


Jemima was working on some files when he got in, and she didn’t bother to look up just like the old times.

He dropped the program in front of her and moved back.

“You can leave” she said without looking up.

“About what my granny said yesterday…

“I don’t wanna talk about it” she interrupted.

“You don’t have to be mean to me cos of that” he said, and she finally looked up.

“Mr. Milla, can you please leave and get back to work?” She said.

“My name is Maxwell” he replied, and she sighed before standing.

She walked to him and stood at eyes level with him, thanks to her heels.

“Leave or get fired” she said.

“Is it that bad?” He smiled, and she glared before starting to walk back to her seat, but he suddenly raised his hand to her hairband and pulled it out.

Her eyes widened as her hair poured all the way to her shoulders, and she faced him in a slow mo.

“Told you you look better with your hair down” he whispered, and she almost rushed to hug him immediately as her loud heartbeats started sounding again.

Their eyes met, and he smiled, but she tried hard not to get swept away by it as she returned to her firm expression.

“Leave, Maxwell” she said.

“No, Auntie Jemima” he replied, and her eyes widened.


“You said it last night, that you’re old enough to be my aunt” he said, and her eyes widened again.

“I’m not leaving, Auntie Jemima” he smiled, going closer to her.

She shifted back with two steps immediately, and her back hit her desk.

She rested her palms on the desk, unable to blink as Maxwell covered the space, and she bent back.

“We’re… we’re in the office” she stuttered.

“So? If we’re not in this office, you would have done what? Kss me?” He whispered, bringing his face closer.

“Max….I mean… Maxwell, you’re…

He brought his face dangerously close at once, and she held her breath when their lips almost touched.

“You’ve got feelings for me, don’t you?” He whispered, staring down at her lips. Her heart began racing like ¢razy.

She gulped nervously, and her palms slipped on the desk, she went down flat, lying on it like a bed.

Maxwell lay on top of her, then he slipped an hand to the back of her head, raising it up slowly to gaze $eductively at her lips.

“When last did you kss?” He whispered.


“When last did you kiss?” He whispered.

Wait… what!

Jemima quickly pushed him away and stood straight, but she wasn’t able to conceal her redness.

Her cheeks are so red already, and Maxwell smiled when he saw that.

“Get out” she told him.

“You’re blushing” He said, and she quickly covered her cheeks with her palms.


(Search for groceryoclock. com on google to read very interesting stories).

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