By Naomi Cindy B.


Tatiana walked out of the office immediately, and Mr. Roberts smiled.

“Gracias” he said and left with his secretary too.

Jemima almost fell afterwards, but thanks to Maxwell who quickly held her.

“Jemima” he called, and she released herself.

She entered her office quietly, and Lina left too.

Maxwell rested on his desk, closing his eyes.



It’s The Diamonds party again for this week, another member is joining according to protocol, so the hall was already full of celebs.

Tatiana was searching for CleoSpeedy with her eyes when she came in wearing a fking expensive short gown.

She finally saw her with Lincoln, and she walked over to them as others stared at her dress.

“MG! I got this dress too but I’m saving it for next week!” CleoSpeedy gushed.

“Aww, I wish you wore it, we’d have rocked the same thing” Tatiana replied.

“Heard Skyline is going down soon, they apparently lost the Golden contract” Lincoln said.

“What!” CleoSpeedy gasped.

“You didn’t know? Check BBC news and every other one” Lincoln replied, and CleoSpeedy quickly got her phone to check.

“Fk! It’s true! Does that mean Jemima would stop being the richest lady in this country?
She’d step down as the leader of this club too!” She gushed, and Tatiana smiled.

“Our Tatiana will soon take over!” Lincoln said.

“I can’t wait!” CleoSpeedy raised her cup, and they clinked it.

“Congratulations in advance big sis” Lincoln said.

“So…how will you guys handle Maxwell? He’s in 15M already” Tatiana said.

“Wait till Jemima goes down first, we’ll take care of him before the tournament anyways, even if it means klling him” CleoSpeedy replied.

Meanwhile, Jemima’s car stopped in front of the hall just now, and Maxwell sighed beside her.

“Told you you need guards everywhere, you should have listened to me and brought them along” He said.

“I don’t want them tonight, it’s my decision so please” she shot back hotly.

“You’ve been behaving edgy since we lost the contract, and I’m telling you I’ll take care of it so stop” he replied.

“Let’s go in” she said and came out of the car.

Maxwell came down too, and they linked arms as they began walking in in the midst of camera lights.

?? Limited Mell!

?? Yeah that’s him!

?? If hot was a person!

?? He’s effortlessly sxy!

?? His smile! Have you seen it in his live videos?

?? So cute!

Half of the attention were on him, but he wasn’t even ready to smile till they entered the hall.

“Need to use the washroom” Jemima suddenly said, and before Maxwell could say a word, she was already out of sight.

“Fk, I hate this side of her” he muttered.

“Mell?” Sloane said behind, and he looked back to see her smiling with two cups of wine.

“Here” she offered him one, and he took it reluctantly.

“Can’t wait for you to come here as a member” she said.

“Me too” he replied, and they drank at once.

“You look even more handsome tonight though” she said, and he faced her.

“Especially on the lips” she said, and he blinked as her eyes turned affectionate.


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