
BUT HE NEVER NOTICED: Chapter 11 To 20

?But he never noticed ?

Written by Bella writes ???

Chapter 11??????

“What do you say,Should he know the truth? “Dave asked starring down at me

I looked at Nick who was now looking at us,If Dave tell Nick then certainly he would not want to be friends with me,He wouldn’t even want to be close to me and I don’t want that

I would rather have him not knowing the truth than to lose his friendship

I starred back at Dave who was starring at Nick too

The j.erk,He would certainly tell Nick and I can’t let that happen

Taking hold of his hand, I began to run and having no option he followed

“Hey Alexia,What are you do…..”

“Just keep on running”I said and he did

When I was sure that we were far from Nick and everyone,I stopped and let go of his hand

“What was that all about?”He asked as he breathe in heavily

“Nick must never find out,He mustn’t know that I like him,I won’t let you tell him that”I said looking at him angrily

“Wow,So fierce! I like that” he said smiling

“Just tell me what you want in exchange for keeping quiet”

” What I want?”He asked suddenly looking serious

“Yes,What do you want?”I asked fed up already

He began to walk towards me and I moved back

“You really want to know what I want”He asked still looking serious

“Y….yes” I replied feeling nervous already

He kept on coming until I felt the wall behind me

I would have move if he hadn’t put his hand on the wall

“You really want to know?”

“W…..why are you behaving this way,Tell me what you want me to do and stop……”

“You will be My school maid”He said cutting off my sentence

“Your what?”

“My school maid! You will answer to every of my needs no matter the time and place, If you accept my lips are sealed and if not I will just have to tell Nick ”

“This is crazy? You don’t really mean it right? “I asked

“I mean every single thing I say,So tell me? What will be your answer?”he asked smiling at me

“Fine,I accept to be your……your…your school maid”I said closing my eyes

“That’s a very good girl,Common SM let’s go to class,The way we took off earlier people will think we are in some kind of relationship ” He said

Picked For You:  BUT HE NEVER NOTICED: Chapter 1 - 10

“They wouldn’t and by the way what the he..ll is SM?”I asked

“School maid,I just made that up,Isn’t it nice”

“Nice my foot”I said and began to walk off

“Hey SM wait,I said Wait”he kept on saying behind me but I never replied

Later that day,We were in class studying literature

Nick was sitted beside me and he didn’t say anything

Could he be angry that I still went ahead to talk to Dave

I got a massage on my phone and I stared at it

“This literature class is really boring me,get me some water,Am dying of thirst,my SM” knowing who the message was from,I starred at Dave who was at the front

He turned and gave me a smile, At first I didn’t want to go but I remember that he had my secret with him and I stood

Making the teacher and other student stare at me

“What’s wrong?”the teacher asked

“I…. I need to do something urgently sir, it’s really urgent sir”I said holding my stomach

“Fine go”He said and quickly I ran off to get Dave his water

I came back with a bottle water and went straight to him, I put it in front of him and then I went back to my seat

I knew Nick was starring at me but I pretended not to see his questioning gaze

As soon as the literature left the class,I turned to Nick to ask him something but when I saw the look on his face,I stopped

“I told you to stay away from Dave right?”He asked

“I really want to but I…..”

“Whatever,It’s your life,Not mine,Have already warn you as a friend should”He said and just then the bell was rung as soon as the teacher gave us his assignment and left,Everyone stood up to leave for the next class

Nick too stood up after receiving a message from Someone,No doubt Stella.

“Have already warn you as a friend should” once again he had address me as his friend, Where the hell did he put the BEST in the sentence

All this started yesterday and some how I feel that Nick and I are drifting apart slowly………..

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