BUT HE NEVER NOTICED: Chapter 11 To 20

?But he never noticed ?

Written by Bella writes ???

Chapter 13??????

“Its so good to be back”I told myself as I walked into the school gate

Due to some problem with the company Nick and I work for, We had to take a break from school

And now that we are back, I felt so relieved, There is nothing like coming back to school to bully your friends and have your SM back to serve you.

Thinking of SM where could she be? I thought as I went in search of her

I texted and called her while searching for her around but nothing

“Where could she be?”I asked, Totally ignoring everyone else who was greeting and starring at me

I was about heading to the library when I saw her run past me

I tried calling her but she didn’t hear and so I ran after her

How dare the best ignore me, I thought as I kept on following

Judging by the way she was running, She was going to see someone, I thought as I turned through a corner

I stopped immediately when I saw her standing behind looking at Nick and Stella who had their arms wrapped around each other

I found myself watching her, I wondered what she would do

She stood there watching them talk to each other and still that Nick of a guy didn’t notice her

What sort of a friend is he? I thought as I stared at the sad Alexia

She clenched and unclenched her hands and then she turned,wiping her eyes and then she ran the other way.

Now wouldn’t be a good time to talk to her, It’s best to leave her to sulk all alone, I thought heading the other way

“But your not that heartless to leave her on your own” My conscience said to me

I turned wanting to go to her and then not wanting to go

This really is none of my concern, All I have to do in this is to punish Alexia on behalf of Stella while she do the same for me.

I can’t let myself feel any emotion towards her, She is the foolish one that fell for her best friend, Let her deal with it herself, I thought as I began to head back

“Oh Dave, You are back too”on hearing Stella voice behind me, I turned and saw both her and Nick walking in

“Did you come with Nick?”She asked starring at me

I stared at Nick to see him smiling at Stella, It was clear that he was so besotted by her already, What a fool?

“No I didn’t and I have some where else to be right now” I said and head towards the path Alexia went by.

The fool must be crying by now and I don’t know why am going to her but I found myself wanting to comfort her.

I got to the school garden, It was hard searching for her at first but I found in front of the roses starring at it and she wasn’t even crying ,I found myself feeling proud of her.

“Hey”I said softly and she turned to stare at me

“Your back”She said smiling a bit, A smile which I suddenly found beautiful

What is wrong with me? Why am I considering her as beautiful, I thought as I kept on starring at her

Clearing my throat a bit I said “Is this a way to welcome me, My back hurts from carrying my back pack and your My SM” I said

“Oh, Am sorry “She said and came to me to collect the bag

“My God! Did you put all your life clothes in this ?” She said smiling a bit

On seeing her smile, I smiled too, At least I didn’t have to nurse a crying heart broken lady.

“You better don’t complain, More are still coming, Now that am back, You will be doing your work full time” I said and that brought a frown on her face

Ooooops….seems like have said some thing wrong, I thought starring at her

“What’s wrong?”I asked as she stood not moving

“Hope you wouldn’t make me work so much because you are helping me keep my secret”She said starring at me and I smiled

“That depends on how you behave” I said and began to walk off

“How must I behave Dave, I can’t work too much, Can’t you have pity on me” She said behind me but I only smiled in response.

Having taking Dave bag to the class, I went to my seat to rest for a while

When Dave also left for the same emergency as Nick, I was quite relieved, At least I wouldn’t be able to work but now that he is back, He just had to be the jerk he is.

I stared at him and he was busy talking to his friends and just then Nick walked in

I stared at him and he smiled at me before coming to seat beside me

“Missed me right?”He asked as he stared at me

You have no idea how much I missed you, You fool, I thought

“Of course not, Who told you that I missed you” I lied wanting to get back at him

“Like seriously, You didn’t miss me?”

“Yes I didn’t and besides have made a lot of friends ” I said getting up

“But I missed you” He said softly and I stopped to stare at him

“You what?”

“I missed you, You could have called at least” He said

“I thought it was so important and I didn’t want to be a bother some friend” I said

“Friend! Did you just say Friend?”He asked suddenly

“Yes I just did, What’s wrong?”

“Where the hell did you put the BEST in it or are your new friends the one you call BEST FRIEND now?” He asked

I stared at him in surprise, He had been the one who started addressing me as hush friend and now here he was getting angry because I followed his lead

I was about answering when the teacher walked in

” Okay back to your seats everyone, Is time for class” The teacher said and we all got ready for class

I saw Jessica and Mary walk in quickly before the lesson began

“Well am back that the two celebrities of our school are back and I know we are all excited but it’s time to focus on our studies” He said and we all answered

While the English lesson was going on, I kept on starring at Nick.

He hardly noticed my starring, He was all focused on the subject

How can someone be this handsome, I thought still starring at him

Just then the teacher asked us to open a certain page in the text book and while I was opening mine, I stared ahead and saw Dave starring at me

He gave me a knowing smile and I sneered at him before going back to my book

I turned to stare at Nick again only to find him smiling at someone, When I looked at who it was, My happy mood broke down again

Stella kept on smiling at him from the other table, It took me a while before I could focus on the subject again.

No more tears again, Have promised myself that I wouldn’t cry.

“Hey you’ve zoomed off to another world right? Are you even reading”Nick said to me and I stared at him

“Just open to the next page and stop thinking about something else” He said and I nodded gently

If only he knew what I was thinking about, I thought as I tried my best to concentrate in the class.

As soon as class was over, Mary and Jessica came to our desk

“Alexia please introduce us”Jessica said pointing at Nick

“Um Nick I …… “I couldn’t finish my word because Jessica did the intro herself

“Am Jessica Lawrence, A friend of Alexia and am your biggest fan Nick”She said going to hug him excitedly

Nick stared at me and I shrugged not wanting to help him out

” We heard that you and Alexia have always been friends” Mary said

“Ever since we have been little” Nick answered as he tried to get Jessica away from him

“Wow that’s so cool, Wish I had a famous best friend” Jessica said starring at Nick with admiration

Seeing the look on Nick face, I smiled and just then the bell for lunch was rung

“Would you like to eat with us” Jessica asked

“Sorry, I already made plans” He said moving away from Jessica

“See you after lunch “Nick said waving towards us

The three of us watched how he went to meet Stella and then they both went off

“Like seriously! Did he have to go with that witch” Jessica said and the others who considers Stella as an angel stared at her

“We better go for lunch “I said and together we all went to the school cafeteria

“Wow it’s my favourite dish today” I said as we queued up to get our food

We were looking for a place to seat when i saw Stella along with Nick and some other students talking

We found a seat and we sat on it “So he was actually coming to the cafeteria with her, I would have love to invite him to our seat but that devil is with him” Jessica said starring at Stella, Who was busy beaming a smile at Nick

“Let’s just eat” I said bringing out my spoon to eat, Just as I was about eating the mouthful, my phone beeped for a message, I read the message and stared around until I saw Dave at another table with his friends

He gave me a smile and mouthed at me ” Now”

“But my food” I wispered gently

“Will be waiting when you get back” He mouthed back and smiled at me

Having no choice, I stood up and Jessy and Mary stared at me

“I just have to get some thing, Am coming” I said and ran out of the cafeteria heading to the class

I found his bag pack and searched for his spoon, I could feel the other students starring at me

But I had to do it, That bother some jerk had the nerve to tell me to get him his spoon.

On my way back to the cafeteria I read the text message

“Hey am some one who Hates using other people utensils, So help me go to my bag and bring my personal spoon”

“How dare him?”I thought as I walked into the cafeteria once again

Going to his table I dropped his spoon on the table and went back to join Jessica and Mary

“What was that about? ” Mary asked

“I just had to get it for him” I replied

“Why didn’t he just do it by himself”Jessica said starring at Dave

“Let’s just forget about it and eat” I said and they smiled as we continued eating

Just then my phone beeped again and I read the message on it

“Water, I need water, get me one bottle from my bag pack” I read and stared at him

I was about getting up when I heard Nick voice behind me

“Mine if we join” He said as he took a seat beside me while Stella sat next to him

“You! We wouldn’t mind but her, we wi……” Jessica couldn’t finish her words because I kicked her leg under the table

“Yes join us” I said moving a bit

“What are you girls eating?” Nick said

“Just some food and by the way it’s Alexia favourite” Jessica said

“I know, After all we are best friend” Nick said and I stared at him

“But I heard that eating too much of that cause too much fat” Stella said

“The one who will get fat here will be you, if you don’t shut up” Jessica muttered but I heard what she said and am sure that Stella heard too

Just then my phone beeped again ” aren’t you going yet, Am about to die of thirst” i read

Just then my phone was snatched away by Nick

“One thing your mom taught us is to have some manners while eating,So we better eat and stop pressing our phone”He said smiling at me

“But I…..”

“Just listen to your best friend, He knows best” Jessica said eyeing Stella

“But I have to……”I couldn’t finish my word because Dave came to seat beside me on the chair

“And why are you here?” Mary asked

“Have been waiting for the water Alexia” Dave said

“I will get it for……..”

“You will do no such thing Alexia, let him get the water himself” Nick said holding my hand

“And who are you to interfere?” Dave asked

“Am her Best friend and someone who cares for her, Some one who Hates bullies like you bullying her” Nick said starring at Dave heatedly

I sat in between them starring at the both of them, Are these two going to fight…………….

Two guys over you Alexia???

Alexia is in love with Nick but she can’t tell him and the story is talking about the romance of Nick and Alexia, Remember it’s a one sided love, Nick would have to behave like a je.rk some time but Things will turn around soon???

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