BUT HE NEVER NOTICED: Chapter 11 To 20

?But he never noticed ?

Written by Bella writes ???

Chapter 15??????

I felt so tired after coming back from my par time work

And it’s all because have been thinking About Nick and what happened earlier

Ever since he left have missed him and when he finally came back, I picked up a fight with him, What sort of best friend am I? I better go and apologize to him. I thought as I parked my bicycle

I began to head towards the mansion when suddenly my name was called

I turned to find Nick by the garden waiting for me

“What took you so long, Do you know how long have been waiting for you to come” he said

“Am sorry, Work today was too much but am here now”I said giving him a smile

“Well I only came to give you this”He said stretching the Necklace towards me

“Wow, It’s so beautiful”I said wanting to take it from him but he stretched his hand up

“Hey! Aren’t you going to give me that”I asked

“Turn around ,I will put it on myself “He said and I did as he told me

“Wow it’s so beautiful “I said giving him a smile

“When I saw it, I thought about you and immediately I bought one and engraved each of our names on it” he said showing me his
Which had an A symbol on it.

I checked mine and saw the N symbol on it, just knowing that he had me on his mind throughout the trip made me feel special

“Hey, Am sorry for what happened earlier, I know you are looking out for me but I threw it back on your face, Am sorry”I said gently

He walked towards me and hugged me,taking me by surprise

“Promise me one thing Alexia”

“What”I asked as I held him back, Enjoying being close to him

“We wont let other people come between our friendship, That no matter what? We will always trust each other and be best of friends forever”He said

I smiled sadly, if only you could change that friend part,I thought

“I promise you”I replied

“But isn’t forever a bit too much”I asked smiling

“You don’t think we can be best of friends forever?”

“I might find you boring and old and I might just lose interest in our friendship” I said teasing him

“Well I won’t give you that chance”he said smiling before he began to tickle me

“Nick no,Stop it”I said laughing and running around the garden

To be his best friend forever, If that is the only thing I will get from Nick, Then so be it, It’s better than having his hatred I thought as I kept on running around the garden with him chasing me….

“I know you will think am meddling and all but please be careful with Dave, I don’t trust him”He said and I nodded

“I will”I replied as we both got out of the car

“Nick! Nick! Nick!”Stella called running towards us

“What’s up beauty”Nick asked giving Stella a very big smile

I silently wished that he could smile that way to me.

What’s wrong with me? Haven’t I decide that I will only see Nick as a friend now, So why am I still thinking this way.

” There will be a party at my house tonight and I want you to be there”she said

“I have no busy schedule today, I will be there”He replied and she gave him a smile which am sure would melt his heart

“Are you going to come too Alexia, I would really want you to be there”Stella asked suddenly

“I… I can’t make it, I need to be at my part time job”I said

“Can’t you ask for a leave today, Youve been working so hard for the past three weeks,You need to rest and have a break”Nick said touching my fore head

“Stop exaggerating, Its my work and I have to be there, Thanks for the offer Stella but I will pass,See you in class”I said walking past them.

As soon as I got to class Jennifer and Mary asked me about the party Stella was holding

Seems like every one had heard,I thought

“Will you be there?”They asked

“No,I have a part time job”I said

“Like seriously! There is a party and almost all the students will be there and here you are talking about a part time job”Dave said suddenly

The three of us looked up and saw him standing in front of us

“Didn’t some one ever tell you that it’s rude to listen to other people conversation”Jennifer said starring at him angrily

“Not when it has to do with Alexia,After all she is my SM”He said smiling

“And what’s an SM”both Mary and Jennifer asked

“Should I tell them?”Dave asked

“If you do, I will kill you”I muttered at him and he laughed

“Fine I won’t only if you come with me to the party tonight” he said and all of the other students who had been listening to our conversation gasp out loud

Ever since Dave approached our table, We have been the centre of attention

I was about to give a response when some one else answered

“Alexia won’t be going with you or any one else”Nick said

“Why did you have to show up now”Dave asked being pissed already

“This two will start again,You better do some thing”Jennifer whispered at me

I stood up and starred at Dave and Nick who were starring hotly at each other

“As Nick have said,Am not going to the party and I have told Stella about it,So let’s all go back to our work”I said starring at Dave

“Didn’t you hear her, Let’s all go back to our work”Mary said authoritatively,After all she is the class president

While Nick came to sit beside me, Stella pulled Dave to their seat which was at the front and every one else mind their business and a while later the teacher walked in …….

During break,I excused myself from the cafeteria and went to the ladies room

“I don’t know what’s so good about that Alexia girl”

“She is so plain and ugly and still the two popular guys of Success high keeps on fighting over her”

“Maybe she bewitched them or better yet maybe she slept with them and having had her they want more”

“What rubbish are spluttering,Do you think those beautiful hunk will sleep with her, Have you looked at her properly, She is plain, Her glasses are too big even the way her hair look makes me want to puke,I don’t think they are after her,She is the one after them”

“I like that theory of yours, She is a slut and I wonder how our ANGEL is feeling right now”

“What do you think? She will be full of jealousy,To see Nick fighting over that ugly Alexia is heart breaking”

I stood in the toilet listening to everything they were saying, Is that what every one thinks of me now, I thought sadly

I walked out of the toilet and when the three girls who had been talking about me saw me,They kept shut.

“Hey let’s get out of here”one of them said and they were leaving when Dave stood in front of them,Obstructing their path

“Hello Dave”They greeted smiling at him

“Save your malicious greeting for some one else, You should be ashamed of yourselves, Talking about a fellow student behind her back is so not cool”

“You three are the ugly and rotten ones because you have a rotten heart, Now get out of my sight before I lose control and hit one of you”He said and immediately they ran off.

I stood there watching the whole thing, Dave had defended me but it couldn’t change what I just heard or what those girls and every other student think of me now.

“Alexia I……”

“Not a word Dave,Please,I just want you to leave me alone,This is all happening because you keep fighting with Nick and putting me in the middle of it, I only came to this school to achieve my dream and that would only be possible if you leave me alone”I said and walked past him.

I didn’t see look of pain that showed briefly on Dave face…..

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