“Babe, what’s wrong?” Verna asked Jade, who was no longer responding to her touch. She noticed he was staring at a particular place and followed his gaze, only to see Agnes chatting with a girl and laughing.

“It’s that person,” she said, referring to Agnes.

“But who’s that beside her? I’ve never seen her before.”

“That’s Onda,” Jade replied, almost bursting out laughing.

“Are you daydreaming? What the heck-”

“It’s her… she looks so different in that. I guess you can never underestimate people after all,” Jade said, licking his lips while Verna took a proper look at Onda.

She gasped when she realized it was really her.

“Oh my God! What happened to her?”

“What do you mean, what happened? She just became prettier,” Jade smirked.

“Prettier?” Verna scoffed. “She was never pretty,” she added while Jade continued to stare.

“If you keep looking, I’m gonna get mad.”

“You don’t own my eyes… I can look at whoever I want.”

“You’re drooling, Jade! Over that unattractive person!”

“It wouldn’t be bad to,” Jade replied.


“Come on, Verna… I’m a guy… it’s normal for me to appreciate beauty.”

“Not that you’re planning to…,” Verna asked, trailing off.

“Don’t be jealous, beauty,” he pinched her cheek.

“If you don’t want me to be jealous, then… don’t look at her… play with me instead.”

“It’s getting kind of boring now.”


“Verna… how about you go get some drinks? You look tired.”

“Forget you, Jade!” Verna stood up angrily and walked away.

“Have fun too, Verna!” Jade waved at her as she stomped away.

Verna walked up to where Agnes and Onda were standing. She gave them a death glare before stomping away in anger.

Jade leaned back on the sofa, watching Onda and Agnes. He smiled to himself.

Whistling, Jayden made his way towards them, putting his arms around their shoulders.

“Who are these hot babes?” he winked at them. Agnes rolled her eyes and removed his hand, while Onda smiled back at him.

“Wanna dance with me?” Jayden asked, looking at them one after the other.

“Follow me,” Agnes glared, taking him by the shirt and leading him away. Onda looked around awkwardly and found her way to the kitchen, where there were fewer people. Jade smiled to himself and stood up, heading towards the kitchen as well.

Once there, Onda released a huge sigh.

“Not enjoying the party?” she heard a whisper behind her and swiftly turned back to see Jade looking down at her. He was so close that she had to step back, almost losing her balance. He quickly held her waist.

“Hey… easy there,” he smiled cutely.

“Ja… Jade…” she muttered.

“Hey there… Onda,” he replied softly.

Onda couldn’t say anything and just blinked at him, her heart pounding crazily.

“You look different tonight,” he said again.

“Oh… I…” she instinctively tucked some hair behind her ear.

“You look beautiful,” he said once more, making her cheeks turn red. She released an awkward smile.

“Want a drink?” he asked, and she nodded almost immediately. Jade moved away from her to pour them a drink.

“Here,” he extended a glass of alcohol to her.

Immediately, she collected it from him and drank it quickly.

“Easy there…slow down, will you? Another glass?” He asked, and she nodded. He poured her another glass, and she quickly drank it in one go, then dropped the glass silently. She looked at him, smiling coyly, as he continued to smile down at her. A wide grin appeared on her lips. She was already feeling tipsy. She smiled and started walking to the dance floor without looking forward.

“Hey…what are you doing?” Jade asked, following her.

She only smiled, extending her hands to him.

“You’re going to fall,” Jade couldn’t finish his statement when she stumbled, but luckily he was quick to catch her by the waist. Their chests slammed, and their eyes met.

“Are you okay?” He asked.

“Um…okay…I guess…” She mumbled.

“Do you want to dance with me?” He asked, and she grinned.

“Come on.” They found their way to the dance floor, and almost immediately, she started shaking her body to the beats of the music, surprising Jade, who hadn’t seen her act so freely before.



“Another shot?” Diego asked Kim, and she nodded.

“Are you sure? You seem to be getting buzzed already,” he said.

“Come on…I can handle it,” she smiled, and Diego nodded. He uncapped another bottle of alcohol and gave it to her. Kim drank it straight from the bottle.

“Argh! Bitter,” she said, while Diego chuckled.

“I really think it’s better if you stop now,” he took the drink from her while she pouted.

“I’ll get you some water instead,” he said, and she nodded.

“Wait here…” Diego said, leaving.

“You really look beautiful tonight,” Jayden smiled down at Agnes as they danced. Agnes seemed uninterested in the dance as her eyes stayed glued to Onda and Jade dancing.

“Tell me the truth…do you feel anything for Jade?” He asked, and she brought her face to him immediately.

“Are you nuts?” She glared.

“You wouldn’t take your eyes away.”

“Not that goof.”

“Then…the one he’s dancing with?” Jayden asked while she hesitated.

“No way…” She looked away.

Jayden smiled to himself.

“I think I’ve got it now…why you insisted on bringing her here to the party.”

“Why don’t you shut up already?”

Jayden was about to say something, but then his phone buzzed. He took it out and checked it. It was a message from Kimberly.

?”I think I’m tipsy hehehe” ? It was typed in a sloppy manner.

“Sht!” Jayden left Agnes on the dance floor immediately in search of Kim.

Onda’s hair flew about as she moved to the flow of the music. She twirled around, moving and shaking her body to the rhythm of the music.

“You okay?” Jade asked as she kept giggling nonstop.

“What did you say?” She asked loudly, still dancing.

“I said, are you okay?”

“Uh?!” She asked, missing her steps. Jade held her firm by the waist. He pulled her closer to him, and her hands landed on his chest.

“I asked if you are okay?” He asked, now so close to her. Their lips were almost touching. Onda nodded slowly, looking at him. Jade smiled, holding her face.

“Tonight…you look so beautiful,” he whispered to her face, while she blinked.

“Jade…” She muttered, while he leaned closer, closing the gap between their lips.

Her senses instantly fled as her heart pounded in her chest. She closed her eyes and wrapped her arms around his shoulders.

The kss lasted for almost a minute before they broke apart to catch their breath. Jade looked at her and furrowed his brow. Slowly, he lowered his hand from her face.

“Onda…” he murmured. Onda leaned in for another kiss, but he shifted back, surprising her. She looked at him and noticed his strange expression.

“You…your face,” he said, and her brows knitted. She brought her hand to her face and touched it, and that’s when she noticed the tiny brownish spots on her hand.

“Oh no!” she shrieked, holding her face, which was now covered in it. Jade continued to look at her with a baffled expression while she swiftly turned away and ran out of the dance room.

“Onda, wait!” he tried to run after her, but she was too fast and he lost sight of her.

“What the…” he ran his hand through his hair.

Jayden searched frantically for Kim but couldn’t find her. He had searched everywhere—backyard, garden, toilets, and every corner of the house filled with people. Now, he was searching the rooms one by one.

Onda ran past him and entered a certain room.

“Onda?” he muttered. Just then, Agnes also ran towards him.

“Hey, have you seen…”

“She went in there,” Jayden pointed to the room she had entered, and Agnes attempted to run there, but Jayden stopped her.

“Have you seen Kim, perhaps?” he asked.

“I don’t care about her!” Agnes growled, running to the room. She tried to open it, but it was locked from the inside. She banged on it.

“Onda! Onda, open this damn door!” she kept banging.

“What happened? She has something all over her face,” Jayden asked, standing behind her.

“Sht!” Agnes spat, running out of there.

Bumping into almost everything they came across, Kim couldn’t stop giggling as Diego teased her. She held his face and gently pressed her lips against his, which were already slightly swollen from kssing. Diego lifted her up, and she wrapped her legs around his torso. His hands explored her thighs while hers dug into his hair as they kssed passionately. Occasionally, they would break apart to catch their breath before connecting their lips again.

“Wow,” Kim mo..aned as he peppered soft ksses along her neck. His hands caressed her bbs while hers worked on unbuttoning his shirt.

“Ohh…Diego, please…” she mo..aned, throwing her head back and giggling at the same time as he slipped his hand underneath her dress, rubbing her gently.

“You’re so wet, Kim,” Diego groaned against her neck while she chuckled. Suddenly, the door burst open, and Jayden rushed in. Upon seeing them, he almost lost control.

“Kim!” he rushed to them, pushing Diego aside.

“Hey, man, what are you doing?” Diego asked, clearly angry. Instead of answering, Jayden punched him, sending him to the floor. He went to the intoxicated Kim, carrying her in his arms.

“It’s Jayden…you got here fast,” Kim chuckled as he carried her.

“Shut it,” Jay seethed, and she pouted as he took her out of the room.

Diego ran after them.

“I…I didn’t force her,” he breathed out.

“But she’s fking drunk!” Jayden barked at him before storming off.


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