DADDY’S SPOILT BRAT: Episode 21-The End

? Daddy’s Spoilt Brat?
(A bet on her)

Written by Blês Sîng

?Episode Twenty-Five?


Cali and I Step out of the car as we entwined our hands together,we walkes toward he hall where the prom will be taking place…

We entered the hall,and the students all turned to look at us ..

*Woah They looked cute together*

They looked like couple*

*Sweet couples*

*I love Cali Gown *

*it looked beautiful *

I heard whispered as well walk to our table..
I smiled as I pulled a chair out for Cali,,,,,

she sent me a smile and i winked at her..
I pulled a chair out for myself and sat down …

“Cali”I called

“yeah”She looked at me

“truth be told,you look beautiful”I said..

she looked down immediately and muttered a “thank you”..

I picked a wine and pour it into two glass cups,I passed one to Cali and she muttered a thank you..

I nodded as I sipped out of my wine…..

Just then Brian walked in and sat on an empty seat,

“Hey Man “He greeted

“Brian, what’s up “I said

“nothing dude,just want to chill with you a little before going out”He said ..

I shrugged as I sipped out of my wine again..

“Hey ,Cali”Brian called..

“Hi “Cali said

“How are you”

“Am fine,Brian and you”She said

“Cool,beside you looked beautiful,you are just the talk of the prom”Brian said..

“Thanks Brian,and you don’t looked bad yourself “Call said smiling

“Thanks Cali,and I wil….

“Hey,Dude that is okay,don’t flirt with my date “I said shutting Brian off.

“Hey,Dude don’t tell me you are jealous,am just talking to her”Brian Said

“That’s okay, guy,you don’t have to talk to her,am here,you can talk to me”I said

“Okay,am off,I think my date is around”Brian said and stood up from his seat..

“okay dude”I said

“enjoy your date”with that he went off..

I smiled and looked back at Cali..

“Hey,Cali”I Called as I entwined my hand with her on the table..

“Hmm,Ryan you said you have a surprise for me,if I may ask,what’s that “She said

“Cali,you are just too curious,why don’t you wait and see”I said laughing..

“Hmm,then why are you laughing at me “She said pouting her lips,
she looked cute like that..

“Am I ,am sorry”I said trying to stop my laugh..

But the way she frown makes me laugh ..
she looked funny..

she hit me playfully and I stopped laughing.

“Ouch…”I said faking to cry..

“yay,that is gud”She said bringing out her tongue….


Be with Ryan has been the best in my life,He is so lovely,caring and kind,

I do love this guy very much..

I hope he asked me out
I can’t wait to be his ..

I smiled as I looked down at my legs..

we continued chatting
and just then my phone beeped..

I checked and discovered it was a message,I unlocked the screen and looked and read the message..

*Come to the girl restroom,I’ve something to show you*The message read

It was from an unknown person

but who could that be

And it read,he have something to show me,what could that be..

Just then Ryan stood up,looking at his phone..

“Cali,excuse me,I will be back shortly”He said and gave me a peck then walked out…

I smiled at him and sipped from my wine..

Another beeped came to my phone and I unlocked the message to read

*You have to hurry,come,I have a to show you something,hurry up,it’s about Ryan, I want to tell you something about him,Be fast”It reads again and I stood up from my seat..

I walked toward the girls restroom and stood by the hallway,wondering if the person could see me..

Another message came again

*Come to the fourth door by your right*it reads

I walked to the door and opened it .
I entered and looked around the restroom but could not anybody..

After some minute,I could not find anybody,

this is some sort of prank.

I opened the door and about to step out of the door when someone drag me back..

I looked back and discovered it was a masked man ..


I try to screamed but discovered I could not…

The masked guy laughed hysterically as he pu.lled me d0wn to lay on the bare floor.
what is he trying to do..

I try to struggle with him but discover all my strength is gone..

He t0re 0ff my clothes and started to unbuckle his belt..

Don’t tell me he wanted to r@pe me.


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