DEEP SECRETS : Episode 11 – 20



9:18 pm, Everest Lane.
Martin Sekibo Stepped out of a drink bar half drunk and flanked by two harl0ts.
Tottering on his feet he asked the two s*x workers,

“What do you want?”

The ladies, giggling like 12 century Arabian wh0res, drew closer to him and answered,

“To make you happy sir.”

One of them ran her fingers on his head while the other took his right hand run it all over her body and whispered,

“I am all for you sir.”

At that, Martin Sekibo seemed to spark with enthusiasm.

“Let us not waste time talking then. I am eager to get into action. Are you sure the two of you can handle me? Shouldn’t we get one more lady?” Martin asked, still swaying infirmly on his feet.

“We are more than you can handle alone sir. Just wait till we get into a hotel room, you will
beg us to stop,” one of the s*x workers replied.

Martin Sekibo reached into his pocket and removed his car key and headed for his car. The ladies restrained him and said,

“You can’t drive us sir in this condition, let us use a taxi to a hotel.”

One of them moved closer to the road and waved to no taxi in particular. A yellow taxi
packed in one corner of the street drove to where one of the s*x workers stood, the
driver jumped out of his car and helped the s*x workers to move Mr. Sekibo into the taxi. To keep him entertained, one of the harl0ts allowed Martin Sekibo to play with her body,
while the other quickly typed the following message on her phone,

“We have secured the package. Right now we are on our way to Orange Resort. Meet us in
room 17.”

A few streets away from Everest Lane, Chucks and the detectives working with him drove off in their Chevrolet SUV, heading for Everest Lane. Behind the Chevrolet SUV was Stanley and one of Maxwell’s guards. Calmly they followed Chucks.


9: 35 pm, Emilia’s House.
A taxi pulled up in front of Emilia’s house and Leroy stepped out and headed for the gate. While he knocked at the gate, the taxi drove away. A few seconds after his knock, the
gate opened from inside and he hurried in. On the street a taxi pulled up not too far from
Emilia’s house. In the taxi were Eve and the helmsman.
After Chucks dropped off Leroy, they had split up to follow both of them, Stanley did not like the idea of letting Eve out of his sight, but keeping tabs on the guy who shot them seemed like the only thing that could relieve Eve’s boiling temper. It was dark and so they could not see the street number of the house Leroy walked into. Opening the taxi door, Eve offered,

“Let me go check the house number.”

The helmsman grabbed her hand and pulled her back into the car,

“You should be dead by now; people are not meant to see you walking about in the street. Let me do it,” he said.

“Not everyone thinks I and my husband are dead,” Eve countered.

“People finding out you are still alive is not good for you. I will go get the house number,” the helmsman insisted while stepping out of the taxi.

Pretending to be resident around the area, the helmsman ambled toward Emilia’s gate. He had a small torch light. When he got close enough he flashed the torch on the ground as if he was looking for something he may have dropped to the ground.
In-between his search for nothing, he raised the torch light on the wall of the building and the gate; as soon as he spotted the number of the house he quickly pointed his light back on the ground. The Helmsman lingered around for a while still pretending he was looking for something. Satisfied he had drawn no attention to himself, he bent down and picked a small stone from the ground and headed back to their taxi. When he reached the taxi, he let the stone drop to the ground and joined Eve in the taxi.

“Did you get it?” Eve asked.

“Yes, it is 218 Bolaji Farawe street. I am sending it to our guy right away so he can find
out who owns the house or who is living in it.”

Inside the house, Leroy was sitting alone at the dining table. As if he was edgy, he tapped his fingers nervously on the table. Emilia was yet to come out to see him. He was told she was on the phone with someone, but he didn’t believe it. Emilia was in bed with a man he assumed. Just when Leroy was
thinking to leave, Emilia descended from the staircase and dashed toward him, showing just how athletic she was. She was clad in a bum shot and an armless see-through top, which did well to show off her enhanced mammary appendages. Leroy looked at those appendages hungrily and then turned his attention to why he was there. Emilia liked it a lot when men show signs of lust toward her, and so she stood a while to let Leroy have a fill of her b–b. Seeing Leroy had other thoughts on his mind, she sat down and apologized,

“I am sorry I kept you waiting for long. I was on the phone with someone… now tell me, how much does Chucks know?”

“He knows nothing. He is chasing shadows,” he lied.

Emilia studied him suspiciously for a while and asked, “Are you sure about it? I have someone
else watching him. He thinks Chucks knows a lot. In fact, he recommended we kill him tonight.”

Leroy held his nerves, determined not to give anything away. “Who told you that crap?
Chucks knows nothing. He doesn’t even know Eve and Stanley are still alive! He does not know who goes by the name Emilia. He still thinks Steve, Mayo and Bimpe are saints. He is getting only the shit we feed him… why do I feel Martin Sekibo is the one watching Chucks for you?”

“He is the one. Why would he lie to me?”

“I see. He lied to you because he wants more money and so gives you the information which would make you part with the money he wants.”

Emilia was angry and seemed suspicious of Leroy. Leroy could see it. If Emilia would find out he was lying to her, he knew he was dead meat. Willing to wriggle out of Emilia’s noose, he decided to distract her. He fixed his gaze at her b–bs and licked his lips. It worked, Emilia’s tough look loosened a bit. Taking it one step further, he stretched forth his hand and
fondled her. That was quite a big risk, knowing
Emilia’s temper. To his shock, Emilia m0aned like a woman who had been in an hour long
f0replay. She lowered her head and took in a sustained breath. The s*x demon in her had just be awakened. Still not willing to jump into the sack with her, Leroy broached an interesting subject,

“Steve might be looking to cut a deal with Billy Sekwa and the governors and sell you off. I also think Mayo is up to something but I don’t know yet what it is.”

Swiftly switching back to her angry look, Emilia asked in shock, “Are you serious? Steve can’t snitch on me to Billy and the governors! He can’t!”

Emilia was having a confusing storm of emotions on the inside of her. One wanted to have a foreplay with Leroy while another wanted to put a bullet through Steve’s head. Seeing he had succeeded in distracting her, Leroy suggested,

“I know you are smelling blood already, but you have to take it slow. We have to be sure of his moves first. Are you aware he was at the nightclub the night Jimmy was killed?”

Leroy was hoping she would tell him she sent Steve to kill Jimmy, Maxwell’s half-brother, who was going to sell some information to some big shots in the videos.

“I am glad Jimmy is dead. I don’t care who killed him. He was going to mess things up for us,”she lied.

Leroy could tell she knew much more than she was letting him know.

“I did not kill Jimmy. Someone else did and took the information he had on him. I believe you know this Emilia.”

Emilia wasn’t listening, the s*x demon in her was now fully awake, she was having a tough time keeping her compulsive desire for f0replay under control. She seductively slipped
her right hand into her wears and m0aned like a Roman s*x slave. Leroy knew it was
time to bolt. He didn’t want any of her perverted 0rgies. However, on a second he decided to sit back and take a chance on satisfying Emilia. He thought,

“If I satisfy her, she is going to do everything she can to protect me and might let me in on some of the things she knows.”

He went closer to her and began to remove her clothes. A maniacal smile broke on Emilia’s face as she submitted her body completely to Leroy. Leroy had just begun to swim with the sharks, he had better know how to fend them off when they get mad.

Two hours later Eve and the Helmsman drove back to meet up with Stanley. They just could
not continue to wait for Leroy to come out.


10:22 pm, Orange Resort
The two s*x workers were on the bed with Martin Sekibo, taking him on a f0replay journey
beyond his bent cravings. One of the ladies had purposely left the door unlocked. While Mr.
Sekibo enjoyed the filth, the ladies unleashed on him, Chucks and two of his men sneaked
into the room. When one of the s*x workers saw Chucks, she touched her colleague and they left for the bathroom. Sekibo was angry with the ladies for leaving. While he pleaded with them to continue what they were doing with him, Chucks and his men stepped into his
view with guns in their hands.
Sekibo made a dash for his trouser, hoping to reach for his gun which was not there.
Chucks and his men allowed him to waste his time. Seeing he had no gun to fight; Sekibo
threw a lame punch at Chucks.
Chucks parried it smartly and then twisted his arm backward. Forcing him to the ground, he
crushed his fingers with his heavy boot. Sekibo let out a scream and the men with Chucks stifled his cry by placing a pillow to his mouth. Quickly his hands and feet were tied, and his mouth covered. Still without clothe on him, he was lifted off the ground and sat on a chair.
Mr. Sekibo was scared stiff not knowing what was coming next. While he watched, the two
s*x workers came out of the bathroom and asked Chucks for their money. To Sekibo’s dismay, Chucks counted out their money and paid them. He could see that the two s*x workers were used to get to him. The s*x workers tried to get into their clothes and hurry off, but Chucks stopped them and asked them
to watch the door and to turn back anyone who came to the door asking for anything.
The ladies were happy to do that for a little more pay. They moved over to the sit-out near the door, sat down and began to watch television.

At the restaurant in the hotel, Stanley and the
guards with him sat, sipping beer and taking their time to make their next move. Some
minutes later, Eve and the Helmsman joined them and they began to share information
about their investigations. As the meeting wore on, the Helmsman intermittently glanced at his watch. His mind was somewhere else. He had
need to meet with his men to device plans to kill Bimpe’s husband as Maxwell demanded.

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