GHOST’S FRIEND: Episode 21 – 30

GHOST’S FRIEND: Episode 21 – 30

??Written by Princess Juliet????
Episode 21

Sasha Alfredo
My face flushed with excitement and my hands trembled…
Daphne Amelia Davies! Did Daphne just say her full name!
Wow! If she could remember her name, then does it mean she can also remember what happened to her?

GHOST’S FRIEND: Episode 21 – 30.

And as if reading my mind, Declan who seem to have being lost in his own thought asked the same question….

Does she remember what happen to her?
I shifted my gaze to Daphne who still had a puzzled look on her face …..

Do you? I asked hoping she would say yes but she just shook her head and sighed
What did she say? Declan asked, staring in my face
Nothing. I answered and he scoffed
Nothing! What do you mean by that! I thought she regained her memory! he retorted in a huff

No, she only said her memory is coming back. I corrected and he huffed
What is the difference? Are you both trying to run me crazy? he asked, I could tell he was getting pissed

Calm down Declan! getting angry won’t solve anything, we need to think of a good way to help her. I said trying to calm him down

He stared at me for a while and then ran his hands through his hair

This is so dmn ¢razy! he retorted and I smiled lightly…
he looks so cute even when angry, how I wish he can kss me all over again……Jeez! Did I just think of that!

Oh Sasha! Snap out of your crazy thoughts, you are meant to be helping Daphne out and not drool over her cute brother…..

I heaved a sigh and then faced Daphne
Can you tell me what you saw in your memory? I asked softly and she nodded

I saw myself with my family! I saw myself riding in a car with my dad! I saw myself in Diamond High School! I saw myself talking to Cory!

Cory! I repeated and she nodded
Can you remember what you both were talking about? I asked staring at her intently …

She lifted up her head and then shifted her eyes as if to remember
hmmmmmmmh we were talking about …hmmmmmmh…erm …………

Talking about what! I retorted, I was beginning to get impatient .
What did she say? Declan asked but I ignored him as my whole mind was with Daphne….

I was hoping and at the same time praying she remembers somethings, and I guessed my prayer got answered before she looked at me and said
We were talking about visiting a photo studio…

Photo studio! Why! For what reason? I asked in a rush and she shrugged
To celebrate finishing our examinations. She answered and I huffed

Who in this world still take pictures after completing an examination? I retorted loudly
Daphne! Declan answered and I shot him a stare
Daphne! I muttered
Yes! She does that every time we are done with exams, it was already a part of her. he explained, but why did you say that. he quickly added while arching his eyebrow.

That is because Daphne said so. I said picking my words and he signalled me to continue …..

she said she saw herself and Cory talking about visiting to a studio. I explained and he nodded sagely

Yes that is it, can she remember what happened after then? he asked, sounding very eager

I looked at Daphne and then at him.
What does taking pictures have to do with the case on ground? I asked confusedly and he smacked his lips
It is not about the picture, it is about the day she took the picture. he corrected
And when was that? I asked
The 12-03. he answered
12-03. I muttered, I tilted my head trying to remember where I have seen the date before …..

Erm … It was from erm a picture, yes the picture of Daphne I saw the first time I came here… dang it!
I shifted my attention to Daphne and eyed her up
The white gown she was wearing was the same with the one in the picture …

Declan ! I called shifting my gaze slowly back to him …
Yes. he answered dryly
Was Daphne putting on a white flare gown on that day ? I asked and he nodded slowly
how did you know? he asked with a straight face….

that is what she is wearing right now. I answered in whispers
He was quiet for a moment and then he exhaled deeply
I think I understand where all this is leading too. he said aloud and I nodded absentmindedly

Daphne was putting on this same gown when she was killed but what else?
I turned sideways to look at Daphne and met her gaze, it was kind of blank

Did You remember anything else? I asked softly and she took a deep breathe before answering
I remember going to the studio with Cory, we took some pictures… she stopped and hit her head a little … erm what did we do after then?erm yes I can remember, when I was about leaving, she stopped me and pleaded with me to come to the class all night party.
night party! I muttered
I refused at first but later agreed when she said something about being scared of being alone with Racheal. She quickly explained
And why would she be scared of Racheal? I retorted
Racheal! And who is scared of Racheal? Declan asked joining in the conversation
It is Cory. I answered and he bit his lips

And why would she be! He asked with a furrowed eyebrow
I don’t know. I answered with a shrug and then faced Daphne
Or do you have an idea why she is? I asked her but she shook her head negatively
I am sorry Sasha, but that is all I can remember…

I sighed, this is getting really complicated!
Why the hell would Cory be afraid of Racheal? Declan repeated and I sighed
I guess I will have to find out from Cory. I said and he scoffed

And how will you do that, you told me yourself that she refused to talk to you. he queried and I shrugged off the thoughts
I guess I will just have to try …….
GHOST’S FRIEND: Episode 21 – 30

I glanced at my wristwatch, it was 16:00
Phew! how time flies!
Adjusting my already rumpled clothes, I faced Declan
I need to be on my way!
he looked at the wall clock and then back at me ….

But it is just 16: 00. he queried and I smirked
Can’t you wait till 17:00? he asked but I shook my head
I really wish to, but my mum will be worried if I am not home on time. I explained
Oh! If that is the case, I will drop you off at home if it is okay by you …

Of course it is, Thanks so much. I said grinning like a fool…..

I sat on the bed and watched him change. He pulled off the black shirt he was putting on and searched the wardrobe for another one……

I tried so hard not to stare at his bare upper body but I couldn’t, it was just too tempting….

What is with the stare, do you what to eat him up? Daphne asked and I quickly composed myself, I completely forgot she was beside me…..

If you want him just tell him and stop behaving like a sissy. She added and I turned to face her

What do you mean by that? I asked in whispers and she rolled her eyes
I am talking about sx!!!!!
Sx! I blurted out and then closed my eyes in embarrassment when I felt Declan gaze on me….

Ah! Daphne I will kill you. I said gritting my teeth and and she chuckled softly
Open your eyes Sasha. She said still laughing and when I did, I gulped down hard
Declan was standing right in front of me….

Are you done with your drama? he asked teasingly
I tried to say something but no sound came out ..

he smirked, when you are done talking about sex with … Daphne, meet me downstairs. he said and walked out of the room with his hands in his pocket
I stood up in a huff and then faced Daphne
Why did you do that? I asked with a frown

What did I do! She asked innocently and I scoffed
Forget it! I muttered as I walked out of the room
I will meet you at home. I heard her say and rolled my eyes

GHOST’S FRIEND: Episode 21 – 30

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