By Succie Brown


The morning alarm rang in every room in the freshman’s dormitory, and students could be seen running out from their rooms

Some students could be seen trying to sleep despite the loud sound coming from the school’s alarm.

“Failure to be at the school’s training ground before 5:30, and you’re going do 1000 push up” A voice from the public address system echoed in the freshman’s dormitory.

Students began hurrying to the training ground including those that were trying to drift back to sleep.

Before the students could get to the training ground, Ariel was already there, making some of them speechless.

“How did she get here?” Jessica asked, looking at Ariel.

“Don’t let her business be your cup of tea. Jasper is with Jaycee can you talk to Jaycee so I can have a chance to talk to Jasper?” Nora asked, acting cute, and Jessica smiled, taking Nora by the hand to where both Jasper and Jaycee where.

“Hi Jaycee, when is the training starting?” Jessica asked.

“At 6′ o clock” Jaycee answered with his eyes fixed on at the entrance of the training ground, he checked his time, and it was already 5:56am.

“The school is so mean, I can’t believe that they wake us up from our sleep, just to start the training at 6am.

I hope everyone is here at the training ground, else whoever is not here before our seniors, will do 1000 pushups, that’s more like dying” Jessica said, and Jaycee sighed again, looking at the entrance of the training ground.

Dario entered the training ground just before the clock was about to hit 6am, and Jaycee sighed in relief. “I guess no one will get punished” He said to Jessica smiling.

“Why are you smiling all of a sudden? I have been talking to you, but you kept looking outside the training ground like you were waiting for your long distance girlfriend” Jessica said, and Jaycee smiled.

He looked at Dario from where he was standing, and Dario’s face looked dull and pale.

“Is he sick?” Jaycee muffled within himself.

“Hi Jasper” Nora said, smiling.

Just when Jasper was about to talk with her, the seniors of MCC who is in charge of their training distracted him from talking to her.

“Good morning freshman” Leo said, with a warming smile, and Jasper walked away from her, going close to the crowd.

“Speaking of bad timing” Nora said squeezing her face.

“Who is ready for your first training in Moscow cop college?” A cop student that goes by the name Maya said. She is also a senior student just like Leo.

The students chorus a big yes, squealing excitedly. Leo, Maya and the few available students smiled.

“Are you sure you are ready for your trainings? Is not as easy as you think” Leo said, smiling.

“We are ready!!!” The freshman chorus, except for Ariel, who has no exciting look on her face.

“Fine, since you all are ready, let the training begin!” Maya said, she snapped her fingers and big tyres were brought to the training ground, making the freshman students wonder what they were going to do with it.

“Your first training is called the tyre run. You will tie a rope on your waist and attached it to the tyre, and you will run with it to the school entrance and back to the training ground” Leo said

The freshman students began murmuring to one another.

“The school entrance is really far from here Jessica. If we run with a tyre from the training ground to the school entrance and from the school entrance back to the training ground, my ribs are going to dislocate” Nora whines like a baby.

“What were you excepting, that they were going to give you simple trainings like jump on your toes? You are in a cop college Nora” Jessica said.

Nora takes in her lips and looked at Jasper who was laughing with Jaycee and Brett.

“I hope he will be mine, because I only came here because of him” Nora muffled to herself.

“So who is going to take the first step” Maya asked, smiling at her juniors, and the freshmen students kept looking at one another.

Just looking at the weight of the tyres is already scaring them.

“I will take the first step” Ariel said, walking towards the heavy tyres, and everyone looked at her.

“Is she trying to show off?” Nora asked.

“At least she made an attempt to take the first step. She has high sprirt” Jessica said, and smiled, looking at Ariel.


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