By Mary Ann Adams

*Harry Pov*

I knot my tie absentminded as I checked my reflection in the mirror.

My mind wasn’t at rest at all. Scarlett would be getting married this week and honestly, it hurts.

I really do love her or I loved her but a part of me still loves her.

I still have feelings for her and that is the most annoying part. After everything have done for her, this is how she choose to pay me back.

I cared for her. She was the first girl I have ever cherished and loved sincerely.

It hurts she decided to leave me. She wants money, I would have given the whole world to her because am crazily in love with her but she choose to go after my dad.
Who does that?

*Scarlett^* my subconscious answered for me and I furrowed my brows.

I heard a knock on the door. “Come in”

Chloe strolled in and started talking immediately “Scarlett is getting married this week. Gosh, I still find it hard to believe……Dad is officially an enemy.”

“Even if he is getting married, must it be to my ex-girlfriend? Well, it’s fine. But am not attending the wedding”

“That for sure…” Chloe nodded.

I checked the time on my phone, it was 7:21 am. I carried my briefcase and faced Chloe.

“Will be going to work now…” I informed her.

“Okay, bro. Try to not think about it okay..”

“Sure I won’t “

I made to leave the room. “Oh, Harry…” she called.


“What do you think of Camille?”

“Who is that?” I feign ignorance.

“The lady you hit her car. Remember? I saw the way you looked at her and honestly, I think you guys would look cute together”

“Don’t…try to matchmake me with anyone”

‘Not with a married woman I had a nightstand with* I added inwardly.

“Ladies are out of my dictionary now,” I told her and she pouted.


“No buts, …am off to work now” And with that, I walked out of the room.



Roughly 20 minutes later, I was seated on my chair in my office, a Bluetooth device pinned on my ear to take any calls as I went through the flies.

I noticed there are a lot of unfinished works so I put a call across to my secretary, Avery.

She came in two minutes later.

“Sir” she bowed.

I showed her a file. “Who is working on this and why is it so disorganized and not completed?”

She glanced at it closely. “Erm, Asher Lopez”

“Where is he?” I asked, hating myself for his wife came to my mind.

‘Get it off your mind, Harry!” My subconscious warned.

“He is not yet at work”

I frowned as I glanced at the time on my watch. “Call him now. I don’t appreciate tardiness”

“Will do that now…” she retorted and left my office in a hurry.

I closed my eyes and opened them back as I remembered the night. The night I had sx with a stranger.

Oh dmn! Why can’t I stop thinking about it?

Why must she turn out to be my employee’s wife?

“If she isn’t married, would you have gone for her?’ my subconscious questioned.

“Get out of my head!” I said and chuckled knowing I sound and look ridiculous right now.

The fact Asher is working under me makes me feel really guilty. If only I can turn back the hands of time.

Maybe I shouldn’t have gone to a club that night. I wanted something to distract me from the unpleasant news of my ex-girlfriend getting married to my dad.

But something I never expected happened. It’s a good thing I acted I don’t know her.
It’s for the best. For the both of us.

“Concentrate on your work. Work only. Don’t think about anything else” I muttered to myself and opened my laptop.


*Camile pov*

The sound of the door opening woke me up. I groaned and saw Asher’s figure in front of me.
I can’t believe I slept on the floor overnight.

“Get out! I need to take my bath” he seems to be in a rush.

‘’Good morning to you too’’ I said dryly.

He rolled his eyes and spoke. “Just Get the fuck out, am late for work already’’

I just nodded and said nothing. I slowly got up, my waist hurting a bit, and dragged myself out of the bathroom. The door went shut immediately. I sigh tiredly and climb on the bed and closed my eyes.

My eyes fluttered open when I heard footsteps. I watch as Asher hurriedly dressed and carried his briefcase.

‘’Am off” he announced and left the room immediately.

Not like I care anyways. I remembered him saying we are going to go to the hospital today and I sighed in relief. It’s good he is in a hurry and I hope he would have forgotten about it when he comes back.

Elation suffused my being as I heard his car drive off.

“Finally some peace,” I said to myself and I closed my eyes to get a nice sleep.



I felt giddy when I woke up. I had slept for over 4 hours. The time is currently to 1.

I stretch my legs as it felt a bit numb and got up from the bed. J staggered to the bathroom and almost screamed on seeing my reflection in the mirror.

Oh God, I look like a walking dead. My hair was scattered and my eyes have dark circles around them.

I look horrible. I trailed my fingers on my face and groaned.

Nevertheless, I had my bath and I looked a more better.

My stomach grumbled as I dressed and I realized I haven’t had breakfast yet.

I quickly put on a long blue gown.Asher got it for me last year. I rushed to the kitchen and made Scrambled eggs.


After eating, I did the dishes and tidy up the house then settled in the living room.

I brought out my phone and logged into Whattsapp and messages started coming in especially from Annie.

Remember who that is?, yeah, she is my best friend. I chuckled when I saw there is about 60messages from her. Most are pictures of her asking how she looks like and stuffs and also messages telling me she missed me.

I quickly messaged her.

Hi babe. ( I sent)

She replied almost immediately. Typical Annie. Always online.

Annie- sweetheart, you remembered me today. How have you been? You have been scarce.

I sighed and replied.

‘Are you home? I want to come over’
(I sent)

Her reply came in.
Annie- Sure, dol. expecting you…



I can’t remember the last time I visited Annie. I needed her the most now. Her cheerfulness and liveliness will cheer me up file sure.

I needed a distraction to take my mind off everything and Annie happens to be the right person to do that.

She looked happy when she saw me and invited me in immediately.

“Marriage has really created a distance between us. You don’t look too happy and pale too. Anything wrong?” She inquired observing my face.

Trust Annie to always know every little thing.

I half-smiled. “Am fine and that is not how to welcome a guest to your house. You won’t ask for me for a drink or food at least “

She scoffed taking her seat on the couch. “Come off-it. You aren’t no guest. If you are hungry or thirsty, you know the way to the kitchen”

“You haven’t changed one bit” I laughed.

“Annie never change “ She winked.

I kind of envy her. She lives alone. Do whatever she wants to do. Dare who she wants.

She is not like me who is just stuck to a man beater of a husband, fk my life.

“Honestly, Camile, you look pale. Are you sick or something?” She asked again.

“I told am not. Am just stressed out. So tell me, which guy is on board now?” I asked diverting the topic.

She wasn’t convinced but she grudgingly welcomed the change of topic.
“Well, there is this guy. He is freaking rich. He took me out but he is poor in bed. Big turn off. But I made sure I collect his money before dumping him….and guess what?”

“What?” I asked and she huffed.

“I said guess” she rolled her eyes.

“You know am terrible when it comes to guessing”

“At least try..”

“Okay fine, you are pregnant for him” I shrugged.

Her eyes widened and she hit the pillow on the couch on me.

“Jeez! What no!, I use protection all the time so that is not going to happen”

“I know, ma’am” I raised my hands up in surrender as the thought of me being pregnant flashed my mind but I just waved it off trying not to think about it.

“Okay so, I told you he is rich, alright. I have gathered a whole lot of money I collected from him so this girl here is going on a vacation “ she beamed.

“Really?” I asked interestedly.

“Yeah. Am thinking about LA. (Los angelos). You know, just have fun and maybe meeting a guy” She winked.

“You are always focused on meeting a guy” I rolled my eyes.

“They make my life blissful..”

“About the vacation, can I tag along?”

“I wouldn’t mind…but will Asher allow that?”

“Of course. I will talk to him. It will just be for a week or so. He is always going on trips too. I will make him release me” I told her.

I can’t dare tell him because I know he won’t allow that but I can’t let Annie know that. I had to lie to her. I would go without his permission.

“Awwn. Asher is so understanding. I hope I settle down with a guy like him” she said and I scoffed inwardly.

If only she knows…..

“Will let you know if he agrees “ I told her and she nodded.

Oh God!, I would leave with Annie if he goes out. I need sometime away from him. Am taking a big risk and honestly, I don’t care.


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