This remedy will be a quick one. For ease in bowel movement (To easily go to toilet especially for those that have constipation), to also help your regulate your menstrual cycle, this remedy is for you.

What do I need?

? One onion bulb (red onion is the best for this remedy)
? Full cup of coconut milk

How do I prepare it?

Peel, wash and dice the onion into a blender, add your cup of coconut milk and allow to blend until it is very smooth.

It is best that you do not sieve this so ensure that your blender does a fairly good job atleast that can allow you drink the remedy without choking on onion particles.

How do I use it?

Drink all the content at once first thing in the morning if you’re using it to aid bowel movement or even to regulate your cycle.

How often should I drink it?

Once a week is good enough for regulating your cycle and one time is good just to aid your bowel movement.

Note: It tastes horrible but it works!

This remedy Is NOT SUITABLE FOR PREGNANT WOMEN but all other persons can take it.