Chapter 89



Baldwin’s Mansion, LA – The Next Morning

I tossed and turned as I readjusted my posture on the bed, released a yawn as I pulled the blanket over my head, then continued sleeping.

Rewind, bed?
What am I doing on a bed?

My eyes snapped open at once and I sprang up to a sitting position, every bit of sleepiness vanished from my eyes, leaving me wide awake and conscious minded.

I didn’t have to look around to realize that I’m actually in I and Duncan’s room.

Wasn’t I supposed to be waiting for Fatima downstairs? How did I ended up coming… I trailed off as it dawned on me an I got my answer, it’s Duncan, he must have brought me here after I fell asleep.

I looked towards the window, and realized it’s very bright outside which simply means, I woke up very late.

Another yawn left my lips as I reached for my phone on the nightstand, but frowned slightly when I saw a tray of breakfast (pancakes and eggs) and my eyes caught a sticky note.

I mentally facepalm myself and rolled my eyeballs at Duncan’s typical breakfast, pancakes and eggs.

I reached for the note and read it.

‘Good morning, my heartbeat, I made you breakfast but couldn’t wait until you wake up, because something urgent came up and I had to leave to go check it out, I’ll see you later…

I scoffed mentally, and slammed the note back on the nightstand. Something urgent my foot, he must have ran away from home to evade the punishment of bringing me to our room after I fell asleep, what a sly fox -well, I just hope that something urgent isn’t related to Fatima.

Maybe I should just give her a call and ask how she’s doing, with that thought in mind, I quickly dialed her number and waited for her to pick up as her phone started ringing, but unfortunately, she didn’t pick up and the call went straight to voicemail.

I tried a few more times, but each call went straight to voicemail this time, and I couldn’t help the worried frown that appeared on my face -could it be something really happened to her?


I exclaimed quietly and hopped out of bed, then wrapped my arms around my waist as I felt my bladder getting heavier with each passing second.

“I better use the bathroom now, or I’ll pee myself”

Then without further ado, I dashed into the bathroom and carried on with my morning routine.



Black-Knight’s Bas

“Mr Baldwin!”

Men greeted Mr Baldwin with a deep bow as he walked into a ward in the infirmary, his steps faltered and deep frown lines appeared on his forehead, and narrowed his eyes at Lucas’ hands that were holding Fatima’s tightly, yet gently.

He (Lucas) seemed extremely bothered as he was staring at Fatima’s unconscious face, he stretched his hand forward and his thumb caressed a ¢ut on left her cheek.

“You’re so stubborn” he scolded her. “Why did you have to break out of car?”

‘What the fk? Is Lucas trying to violate our rule?’ Mr Baldwin thought.

“Ahem!” he cleared his throat to make his presence known.

Lucas snapped his head towards him, but didn’t get up or let go of Fatima’s hands.

“Sir” he greeted with a respectful bow.

“How’s Fatima doing?”

Lucas turned his gaze to her, he stared at her for a moment before speaking.

“She’s fine, luckily, the bullets didn’t h it any vital organs”

Mr Baldwin threw his head back as he released a breath he didn’t know he was holding, a smile was even seen tugging the corner of his lips, but it was just for a split second.

“Hell, that’s such a relief” he muttered under his breath. “Where’s the doctor?” he asked.

“She just left to get some pills”

Mr Baldwin nodded, then his eyes landed on Lucas’ hand that was still holding Fatima’s, and he cleared his throat again.

“Then what are you doing?”

“Huh?” Lucas asked since he didn’t understand Mr Baldwin’s question.

“Why are you holding her hands?” Mr Baldwin rephrased his question, making it clearer to Lucas.

“I.. she.. I…”

Mr Baldwin lowered himself to Lucas’ level, he placed his right hand on Lucas’ shoulder, and tapped him a few times.

“Lucas, you’ve been with me for so long, we started this gang together, and we made every single law and pvnishments together”

Lucas averted his gaze towards Mr Baldwin, his eyes widened as if he’s just remembered something, and fear was clearly showing in his eyes.

“Mr Baldwin, I… ”

Mr Baldwin raised his hand to cut him off.

“You remember that, right?”

Lucas nodded.

“Then I’m very sure you’re quite familiar with the punishment that comes along with dating your g.ang mate, aren’t you?”

Lucas simply nodded again, he’s already sweating by now, and his shoulders were tensed.

“Be sure to stay in line” Mr Baldwin said.

Just at that moment, the doctor walked in with a tray, carrying some disinfectant, cotton bud, syringe and pills.

“Good morning, Mr Baldwin” she greeted him.

“Morning, doctor”

“Drop by to see Fatty?” she asked.

“Yes, yes” Mr Baldwin nodded. “I must make sure she’s fine, or my wife wouldn’t mind hanging me to death” he joked and chuckled lightly.

“Yeah, an angry wife is definitely not someone any man would wanna mess with” the doctor agreed and laughed shortly. “You’re lucky Fatty isn’t some fragile bimbos” then she proceeded to drop the tray on the bedside table.

Mr Baldwin turned his attention back to Lucas.

“Do you understand what I mean?” he asked him -Lucas.

“Yes, sir” Lucas answered. “I’m just being concerned about my gang mate’s health”

“Good, then let’s go visit Ferrari’s doctor” Mr Baldwin said.

Lucas nodded but wouldn’t let go of Fatima’s hand, he kept staring at her face as though he’s just seeing her for the first time.


“Hm” he hummed in response.

“The gang’s doctor is capable of taking care of Fatima, get your @ss back to business!”

Lucas faced the gang’s doctor who nodded reassuringly at him, he took a deep breath and reluctantly let go of Fatima’s hands, he stared at her a few more seconds before turning his attention back to Mr Baldwin.

“Let’s go, sir” he said.

“Sir?” Mr Baldwin scoffed. “Why do I felt like you were the boss just now?”

Lucas shook his head in disagreement, and bowed his head.

“I wouldn’t dare, sir”

Mr Baldwin scoffed again, then headed towards the door and Lucas followed quickly, not before sparing Fatima one last glance though.



Baldwin’s Mansion, LA

“…a fool?! Didn’t I tell you to be patient?!”

Huh?! Isn’t that Mrs Jackson? Why’s she yelling? What’s got her so angry?

I was about taking fast steps down the stairs to ask her what’s going on, but I halted when I saw her looking around sneakily, as though she doesn’t want anyone to hear her, or maybe she wasn’t supposed to scream so loudly.

I could clearly see her from where I was standing, she’s talking in an almost hush voice now, but it seemed like she’s scolding whoever was on the line with her.

I couldn’t hear her anymore, so, I took lighter steps down the stairs and stopped at the last step, then decided to listen from there.

This is my house and it’s only right that I know what’s going on with everyone, right? This isn’t eavesdropping at all, right?

“You wouldn’t dare!” she growled, and I flinched back -I would have lost my balance if I wasn’t holding onto the rails for support.

Wow, is actually this Mrs Jackson? or was she possessed by someone else?

I mean, Mrs Jackson is so gentle and easygoing, I haven’t seen her getting mad at anyone before, or even heard her scream at someone -this is an entirely different version of her.

“Don’t you ever think I’ll clean up your mess, if you take it upon yourself to act on your own! I said I’d take care of her!”

With that she angrily hanged up, and turned around, but flinched back in shock and her eyes widened in…is that fear?

I guess I meant be seeing things, because why would she be scared? She wasn’t doing anything wrong, right?
Maybe she’s just surprised to see me standing a few steps behind her.

“Good morning, Mrs Jackson” I greeted her with a smile.

“Haha” she chuckled… nervously? “Morning, Rachel” she responded to my greeting.

I really don’t know what’s wrong with me this morning, or why I’m being paranoid, but I sensed nervousness in her voice, and I even kinda find her reaction to my presence suspicious -don’t tell me she’s also one of Duncan’s enemies.

‘Stop it, Rachel, you can suspect anyone but Mrs Jackson!’ I mentally scolded myself at my ¢razy, and $illy suspicion.

I cleared my throat, and put on a smile as I tried my hardest to push my doubts aside, and act as normal as possible.

“Mrs Jackson, you seem pretty mad at whoever that was” I said, gesturing at her phone that she’s holding in her right hand, and kinda hiding it behind her.

She released another nervous laugh, but she seemed a little bit relaxed this time, I guess I was just being paranoid for nothing, she only had a fright at my sudden appearance behind her.

“That was my dead cousin’s daughter, she is being a handful, and I just don’t know what to do with her” she explained.

Her dead cousin’s daughter? Couldn’t she just say her niece? Was there any need of telling me that her niece’s mother’s de.ad?

“Your dead cousin’s daughter?” she nodded. “How old is she?” I asked.

“She’s twenty three, but behaves like a fifteen years old”

“Oh” I laughed. “You’ve got to be patient with her, although we’re in our twenties, but the truth remain; we’re still trying to outgrow our teen impulsive behaviors”

She nodded in agreement with my words.

“You’re right there, dear” she sighed and shoved her phone in her apron’s pocket. “I guess I’ll have to head home now, and check up on her” she said.

Not knowing how to respond to her, and also not trying to prolong our conversation, I nodded in agreement.

“Please, don’t be too hard on her when you see her” I pleaded on her niece’s behalf.

“Of course”

“Uh, have you seen nanny Pamela around?” I asked.

“Yes, she’s in the kitchen” she nodded at the kitchen’s direction.

My eyes lit up at the mention of kitchen, and my stomach started churning in excitement, as if it already know nanny Pamela’s cooking in there.

“She’s cooking your favorite” Mrs Jackson said to confirm my stomach’s right.

“Then that’s where I’m supposed to be right now” with that I rushed towards the kitchen, leaving Mrs Jackson in the living room.

Like I said earlier, maybe I’m just being paranoid, but I bet I saw Mrs Jackson giving me a creepy look before I disappeared from her sight.


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