HIDING STAR: Episode 11-20

?(she’s a crazy cook)?

?waleeyat Olajide?

?Episode 13?

I entered the room and opened the door widely, but he’s no where to be found, he asked for a cup of milk.

I placed it on his table and turned to go then I heard the door opened.

I turned hastily, I regretted that my jaw dropped as water dripped from his wet hair.

He’s in a towel only, just stepping out of the shower water ran down his lip, I kept my gaze glued to his lips.

His chest is not that broad but trust you’re are fall really hard.

Like what you see his voice jolted me outta my thoughts.

H*ll no I’m not looking I said and he came closer, one step each gives me goosebumps, I turned to sped off because I dont trust myself with that lips but he caught my hand.

He dragged me closer landing my chest on his, like what you see he asked with an husky voice.

Wh…..w…hat I stuttered, he brought his face closer, I closed my eyes when I saw he’s nearly close, why can’t you push him away my inner self scolded, shut up I yelled mentally.

But I felt his hot breathe fanned my neck ,I flinched and opened my eyes when his tongue touch my collarbone.

That was tragic he continue when I can’t hold it anymore I dug my hand inside his hair.

Christabel, christabel I heard but I was not quick to disengage as Tony came into sight.

His jaw dropped but he covered it up with a smile, you need to see something but you are busy maybe when you are done, he said and turned.

I shot Gaby an hard glare. Don’t deceive yourself you want this my inner mind said and I take off immediately, stupid subconcious.

I got to his room and he closed the door he pointed to the laptop but I’m not reduce to go.

Tony it’s nothing, we are not…….. Hush! he said and places his hand on my lip.

Even if it something who am I to question your choice or meddle Into your affairs, well I always saw how you looked at Gaby, you smiled at every single enconter with him, then I notice we can’t be anything more than friends.

I saw that and killed all those useless feelings developing in me for you because you like another person already so I choose to stay as your friend, go for him he’s very nice and the best out of the three.

It’s so hard to get on his nice side but stay focused you want him right then he’s your brave up ketchup and make him yours he said and pulled my cheek.

Thank you tony i said and hugged him immediately with tears in my eyes, how can someone know me like this within few days.

It’s nothing he said and pulled out, back to business the comments are superb in an hour time it reached 12,500 views already.

Let’s check it out I said and dragged his hand, we boot the laptop and immediately comments were flooding in.

?So cool! Who the h*ll own this miraculous voice? ???

?extremely superb can’t wait to watch more unni!

Korean I whispered amazed.

?akka this is great, you are so good just this veil is the hindrance to your angelic face.

?I’m very sure you will have an awesome face as your voice.

Is this not an Indian to you whispered.

Seems it was a big hit he said audibly, exactly I said and we shaked.

Nice doing business with you miss Andersen, He said Funningly.

My pleasure Mr Romero I said and we bursted out laughing.

Ketchup I’m Jonas not Romero. He said

And I’m Spielberg not Andersen. I replied.

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