HIDING STAR: Episode 21-30

Hiding ?
?(she’s a crazy cook)?

??:Waleeyat Olajide

?Episode 24?

I yawned tiredly and dragged my feet towards the room.

I entered and slumped on the bed, my goodness i reached for my phone still yawning.

Oh my!!! 2 missed calls from Mira and 15 from dad.

I forgot him, I’m really sorry dad i mumbled as i dialled his number.

He picked up immediately.

?christabel, he called immediately.

?yes dad I replied sullenly.

?since last week! He exclaimed.

?I’m very sorry dad, I’ve been so busy with music… Wait christabel are you nuts? I shut myself quickly.

?music, he repeated.

?music that come off it! Mushroom fetching I mean I laughed nervously.

?ohhh! What a relief he breath out.

I’m one smart a$$.

?dad as a matter of fact I’m coming early tomorrow morning I said before he could flare up again.

?okay! I love you bunny he cooed.

?same here dad have a good night rest.

?sweet dreams, he added.

?bye! I said and hung up.

What a relief, that was one narrow escape, I’m so crazy mushroom,music.

I laughed out loud and my stomach grumbled.

God! I’m so hungry, I yawned and it came out as growl.

I’ve gotta called Mirabella before she lose it.

I dialled her number but it’s switched off, I stood up and dragged my feet down stairs.

All the light were switched off, who the h*ll off it I’m very sure it’s Mrs Vivian.

I walked closer then kitchen even if i was blindfolded, i will still cook in that kitchen, i laughed at my own taught.

I’m really hungry that no cookies can sustain me, i on my phone light and placed it on a the counter.

It really did a great job.

I places water on the fire and reached for a noodles pack on the on the top cupboard but my hands can’t reach it.

I searched for the stool I used to climb when i wanna take things from there but it’s nowhere to be found.

I scoffed angrily and stand on my toes I opened the shelve terribly shaking, my feet is really hurting.

I took the noodles and immediately I loss balance.

I tripped and my face is directly going inside the water.

Ohh! Christabel food will kill you one day, dad I’m very sorry for not coming to see you before dieing.

Because I can’t leave with a burnt face I will definitely kill myself.

But wait! Am I yet to dipped my face inside the water.

Then I felt a stinging pain in my hair, I think someone grabbed me by hair who ever it is is my life saver.

I gently raised my head up and turned fully to the person who turns out to be Gaby.

I gasped, how come he’s here.

Well I’m there since waiting for you to finish cooking noodles so we can dine together, he said as if he’s hearing my thoughts.

You saved my b.utt, I said smiling.

You owe me a kss for that he said and I smacked his shoulder.

That hurts he whined.

I’m very sorry I clasped my hand together, when I realized what I’ve done.

I thought it’s Tony or brandy.

He gently tilted my head up, which makes me stare at his heavenly cute face.

He brought his face closer and I swallowed.

Very close our face is and I closed my eyes I felt his soft lips on mine and he held my hair, gently nibbling on my lip.

Oh my! His lip taste juicy, I sank my finger inside his hair as our tongue move in rhythm.

He sent his hand to my back caressing it and I moaned into his mouth.

Suddenly I smelt burnt thing in the air, I guessed he also smell we immediately disengaged.

The water is all dried, and smokes came out of the pot.

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