HIGH SCHOOL SEASON 2: Chapter 1 – 10

HIGH SCHOOL SEASON 2: Chapter 1 – 10

Chapter 5

By : kebby NG Media Services


“Max”I called as I tried to pull away but he held me tight

“Do you know how worried have been, I couldn’t sleep, I kept on thinking about you, I sent you a lot of text and I called you but your only response was that you were fine, you didn’t even tell me where you were, I was so worried”he said as he held me tight

Slowly I held him back and just for a while I enjoyed his comforting arms around me, I would have like it to continue that way but I know that I can’t, i have to let go and it’s best that I do it now

I pulled out of his arms and stared at him,he put his hand on my cheek and tried to peck me but I moved away

“What’s wrong?”he asked

“Can’t you see what is wrong?”I asked

“What do you mean?”

“We can’t be! What happened yesterday just made me realise how unreachable you are to me, for a while I let myself think that we belong to each other, that no matter what comes our way, we will be together but it turns out that that is impossible, there will always be a lot of obstacles coming our way”I said

“Obstacles that we will face together, do you know what yesterday made me realise that I can’t live with out you, that I would rather die than to lose you, I love you Andrea and together we will over come every obstacles that comes our way”

“Your mother is a very powerful obstacle, If she had gotten you to get engaged to Rose, what do you think she will do to me, I have no one to rely on, I have no money to back me up or power like you,i only have my mom Max, you coming to me like this will endanger her work, you told me to be strong but I can’t do that, I will always be a weakling,so Max now that I have the will to push you out of my life, it’s best that you leave, leave before I…..I…….”I couldn’t complete my words because he hugged me again

“You tell me to leave but your eyes says some thing different”He said

“Please Max, just go”I begged softly

“I don’t think I can leave you Andrea “he said as he held me close.

“You have to, you got engaged to Rose, she is your fiancee now “I said

“To he.ll with Rose, do you even know why I agreed to that damn engagement, I did it because of you okay, I agreed to get engaged to Rose and in exchange you and your mother keep your job”He said

I always know that he loves me but I never thought that he will be wiling to spend his life with some one just for my mother and I

“I don’t want Rose,I hate her for what she did with my brother and I hate her even more for what she did to you, how can you still tell me to go to some one like her?”He asked

“Max I…….”

“We can’t talk here, get into the car”he said

“I prefer to……..what are you doing ?”I yelled as he carried me in his arms and put me into the car

I was unable to get out because he got in beside me

“Take us to my villa”he said

“Max stop it, I don’t want to go with you”I said

“You will and you will listen to what I have to say”he said

“Driver don’t you take me any where”I said to the driver

“Get on with it “max yelled at the driver

” This is kidnapping!”I yelled

“No it isn’t, this is simply a guy taking the girl he loves to talk to her, start driving “he said and the driver drove off.

“Why won’t you just listen?”I said

“Because you aren’t willing to give me a chance and i didn’t come here for that, I came back to get you and I will be getting just that”he said .

Seeing that there was no way to talk some sense into him, I kept quiet.

We got to the villa and he took my hand and pulled me into the it.

I can still remember the last time I came here, I had pretended that this was my house and I had invited a lot of guest with the help of Max.

“Come here Andrea”he said as he pulled me into the house

“What’s with all this! Just tell me what you have to tell me and let me leave”I said

“what will you like to drink?”he asked

“Max please get to the point”I said

“Should we just run away,?”he asked after taking a while to speak

“What ?”

“Should we just leave every thing and every one behind and go start again”He said

I thought about his proposal and knew that it was a good suggestion but it is also an impossible one

“It will be nice to run away with you, to leave every thing behind and every one but it won’t work”I said


” I certainly can’t leave my mom and you can’t leave your life just to run away with me”i said

“I can and I will if that will let me be with you”he said

“Oh Max , don’t tempt me with your words,it just won’t work, you and I won’t work, we can’t?”I turned to leave but he was fast because he pulled me and back hug me

“We can, we will work Andrea, as soon as I get back home,I will call off the engagement and i will tell my mom that my heart belongs to you?”I said

“Are you ¢razy?”I asked

“Yes I am ¢razy, ¢razy for you “he said holding me tight.


“Trust me Andrea, I will make things right and we will be with each other, all I need is your assurance that you will always support and be with me”he asked


“Answer with a yes or no?”he said

“Fine then, yes, I will wait for you, I will be there to support you”I said and he turned me to stare at me

“I love you, never forget that”he said before kssing me.

I kssed him back and savoured the moment in his arms.

He carried me and head to the room, I know that I shouldn’t let him but I can’t stop this feeling, I want him just as much as he wants me.

HIGH SCHOOL SEASON 2: Chapter 1 – 10


“I didn’t bring you here to do this?”he whispered softly

“I know”I muttered back

“Tell me, what will you do about school?”he asked

“I don’t know yet, for now I just don’t want to go”I said

“You know am there and I will protect you from any one who messes with you”

“I can’t rely on you forever, I want to give my self some time and summon up a lot of courage, as you know am a weakling and I need a lot of strength, so when I get that I will go back “I said

“Fine then, when you are ready to do it, just call for me okay”he said and i nodded gently.

HIGH SCHOOL SEASON 2: Chapter 1 – 10


“This is what master Max is doing at the moment!” A man in his late fifties put down the pictures and spread it on the table

“Who is this girl”the other man in the room asked as he point to Andrea picture

“Well she is his Andrea,The daughter of a maid at the mansion and she is the one master max is currently dating “the man In his fifties asked

“So she is the girl who have been causing so much problem, I now get why she wants me to come back home, forget about investigating more, help me book a flight, have got to home”he said.

HIGH SCHOOL SEASON 2: Chapter 1 – 10

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