Ron raised his brows
“Oh so it’s a She?
He asked amused

“Yes! I’ll send you her picture so….”
Vanessa got interrupted immediately

“You must be crazy to think I’ll do this childish job for you Ness”

Vanessa was wronged
“what do you mean Ron!

“I’ll send some men and you’ll do the job yourself with them, I have more important things to do than involve in some fight with two rivals”
Ron said with a lazy look on his face.

Vanessa smiled happily, that would do.
With Ron’s men, she could get the job done

“I’ll go with that brother, thank you!
She said and the call got disconnected before she could finish her words

“What a rude man”
She snorted

Wait for me!
whoever you are or wherever you crawled out from, you can’t have Dylan, not while I’m still living

Dylan was mine, is mine and will always be mine


Reed sat staring into space
His thoughts and mind occupied with just one person

He knew he had made a mistake already and there was no erasing it but somewhere deep down inside of him, he wants Louise back

How come she doesn’t want him anymore?
He saw it in her eyes
The loathe and anger said it all
But how was it possible?

They were so in love with each other that they were very inseparable not until he made the worst mistake of his life

That unfortunate night, Clara came over to his house and he let her in when she said it was about Louise coupled with the fact that she was Louise’s best friend.

Clara told him unspeakable deeds Louise had done and he never believed it and shouldn’t have but She had shown him prove, a photo of Louise and an unknown man in a compromising position.

It struck him badly and he drank to stupor that night
Then Clara consoled him, she seduced him with her body and he fell for it

They had sx that night and he woke up the next day filled with regret.

He even cautioned Clara to stay away from him and that it was a night of a terrible mistake

But it was too late as he wasn’t able to get rid of Clara when he discovered Clara was pregnant.

His whole world came crashing down, he didn’t even know how to face Louise.

That day Reed thought of a solution

“You’ll have to get rid of the pregnancy”
He said coldly as he stood on the stairs with Clara facing him


Reed’s face bent to the side, recovering from the slap he glared at her

“You-you are a devil Reed! How could you ask me to get rid of our child?!
Tell me how?!

Clara screamed and glared at Reed the same time

“what do you expect Clara?! I’m in s relationship with Louise, your best friend! You really have to get rid of it”
Reed was insistent

“Listen up Reed, I won’t get rid of this pregnancy and you’ll have to take full responsibility!
Clara spat

Reed threw his head backwards as he laughed in anger
“Responsibility? you must be having a reverie! this wouldn’t have happened if it wasn’t for you! God dmn it, you knew I was in a weak state and not in a right state of mind yet you $educed me!

“What kind of a friend are you though? you knew that was going to hurt Louise and you did it anyway?!


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