Reed yelled in frustration ruffling his hair toughly in the process

That day after the heated argument, Clara left without another word.

His company began to have issues, debt began piling up and contracts were turned down

He received a call from Clara’s father for a private meetup
It was then and there Reed discovered, the man was the one behind his company’s downfall as he had connections and power enough to bring his company to nothing.

“Why? why are you doing this Sir?
Reed had asked with agony and annoyance

“Let’s not discuss why I’m doing this, let’s discuss how to make it stop”

Clara’s father muttered taking a sip from his liquor.

Reed just kept silent observing him

“Marry my daughter and it’s settled”

Reed couldn’t believe his ears
So Clara was behind this?
She must have told her father about it and now…

Reed clenched his fist that was under the table hard

“I can’t, I have someone I love and that person is not your daughter”

The bottle of liquor and the glasses on the table were suddenly knocked out to the floor creating a defeaning sound

Reed jerked as the man glared at him like a bI.ood thirsty animal

“You get to get her pregnant but don’t get to marry her?! You should be lucky you are asked to marry her and not having your head separated from your body and thrown into the river for sharks to feed on!

Clara’s father gnarled in anger

Reed shivered at the memory he reminisced on.
That was how he had lost the love of his life

He was a fool to believe Clara, why didn’t he inquire about the photo Clara showed him from Louise first

Why didn’t he trust her?

It was too late for questions now

“Hey babe”
A sweet sickening voice came behind him as pale arms wrapped around his neck

Reed slowly removed Clara’s arms from him

Clara snorted
“Babe, what’s wrong? You moped out earlier”
She said and Reed just sighed
He was annoyed at her presence already.

He couldn’t believe he was going to really marry her.

Although Clara flirted with men behind Reed’s back and even had sex with Raymond, she still actually didn’t want to let Reed go.

She would make sure Louise doesn’t end up with Reed so she was just going to keep him by her side even though she didn’t love him.

“Well I wanna go shopping, and I need you to come with me”
Clara pouted

“I’m not interested Clara can’t you just leave me out of it?
Reed boomed

Clara frowned and a sly smile appeared in her lips
“Oh well, I’ll just have to tell my Dad then”

Reed glared at her when she said that
“I’ll take you, there’s no need for that”
Reed changed his mind as he grabbed his car key

Clara rolled her eyes inwardly as they made their way out.

Reed felt suffocated inside, it was as if his whole life was being controlled and he was some sort of AI.


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