HIS RUDE CHEF: Chapter 21 – 30

HIS RUDE CHEF: Chapter 21 – 30


By Naomi Cindy B


Philip Started laughing hard at Robin’s seriousness, you’ll think he’s one cool professor with the fashion glasses

“Really?, I’ll eat the jug?” Leo said

“Trust me” Robin replied, removing the glasses

” Rob… Ion know why but I just like your personality, always Straight” Leo said, laughing too

” People do say I have a unique personality, and I’m proud of it” he replied

Leo smiled before going back upstairs

Philip showed him to a room he’ll be sleeping in, he then left him to freshen up before coming back downstairs

Robin is back to the living room now

He went straight to the kitchen and tried to tiptoe without Melanie’s knowledge but he got caught when Melanie looked back swiftly

“Got you! ‘ she said, smiling prettily with the spoon in her hand

Philip smiled and went closer, he hugged her tightly

“I miss you” he said

“I’m here, why are you still missing me” she said

“Ion know, well that’s one of the lines of my song” he said

She smiled and pecked his lips lightly

” I love you” she whispered

“Love you more* he replied in a whisper too

He let go of her and left the kitchen to meet Robin in the living room, he’s watching the avengers. …

“Your favorite character?” Philip asked

“Thor” Robin replied simply

” Why? ”

” Ion know, I just love how he handles the hammer” he replied

Leo came downstairs with a book

” You and horror novels, I’m sure that’s an horror novel” Philip said as Leo sat on the opposite couch

” Yeah….. The Mighty Demon” Leo replied

“Fortunately you have an horror novel partner here, my sweetheart is a die hard fan of it” Philip said

” You aren’t serious” Leo replied

” Trust me she is, I knew it the day I saw her reading Mystery Of The Dark Room volume 2″ he replied

” You read it with her? ” Leo asked quickly

“Nope, she won’t let me read it and she won’t tell me what happened in there” Philip replied

” It’s better not to read it” Leo replied and started reading his book

“Even you?, Now I’m very curious” Philip said

“Won’t your mum be coming?” Leo asked, changing the topic

“My sweet mum will be here on Wednesday, it’s supposed to be a surprise cos I won’t tell sweetheart till Wednesday morning” he replied

” Is she still an horror novel reader?” Leo asked

“Of course, she can’t do without it* Philip replied

Robin noticed how Leo cleverly diverted his dad’s attention when they were talking about the book

“Is it something really bad?, I’ll find out” he thought

“Man… Life in Korea is fun but not very fun without you” Leo said

” I know, I’m the sauce” Philip replied

” Silly you, but now I’m back, if I’m going back at all, it’ll be with you maybe for two days fun” Leo said

” Food Is ready” Melanie suddenly said

They all proceeded to the dinning and sat while Melanie dished for everyone

“OMG!” Leo exclaimed after tasting it

“OMG again, you don’t get tired of it” Philip said

“I mean… This is the best thing I’ve ever ate” Leo said

“That’s what we said the first time we tasted it too…” Philip replied…

Leo Started eating in mouthfuls

Melanie smiled as she sat beside Ronin and ate with them too

“Heard you’re also a fan of horror novels like me” Leo said

“Sure” Melanie replied

” Whoa!, Then we rock” Leo said

“Yeah we rock” she replied

“No one rocks with my mum except my dad” Robin said…

” How overprotective” Leo said with a wide smile

*Well I’m a chef” Melanie said”

” I knew it!, This is so delicious” Leo replied and continued eating…

They talked and chatted till they finished eating and Robin went to bed

Melanie stayed in her room, reading another novel, the two friends went into the practice room to rehearse and no matter how much she strained her ears, she can’t hear the song

Maybe they’re singing it slowly cos they don’t want her to hear yet

But she’s hearing the faint keyboard sound and only that is sweet already…..

Next day…**

A Monday morning, Leo went to his own apartment and the selling of MV’s picture magazine started, he took the face of current gists magazine and his wallpapers were given out to lucky fans..

It was an hectic day and it’ll be hectic like that throughout the week

Fans are waiting for Friday with great anticipation… Friday night, the concert night….

Lighthouse highschool**

“I think I should use the restroom” Valerie said during lunch break

” Don’t take long” Lillian said

“I’ll meet you at the cafeteria” Valerie replied and rushed to the restroom to urinate, while urinating, water from the open top of the toilet landed on her

It’s no ordinary water… Soapy one

She closed her eyes so it won’t enter but it has already entered…

She managed to clean up with her eyes closed before finding the way with her hands out of the restroom

“How funny” a voice said beside her

Without asking, it’s surely Whitney

She started laughing derisively..

“Leave my crush!, If you don’t then this is just the beginning” Whitney said

” Just date me and stop suffering” Darien’s voice said

Valerie laughed despite her hurting eyes that’s closed

“So the two of you are in conjunction…. Stop wasting your efforts cos it’s useless” she replied

Valerie suddenly felt a hand spanking her butt

“Darien how dare you!” She screamed, feeling pained that she can’t open her eyes

Whitney started laughing

“How’s it?, I’m sure she’ll still be a vrgn so her bum will still be bouncing.. and her thing will be so sweet, Valerie allow a good boy to have you and just leave my crush for me” Whitney said…

They both laughed again

” Press her chest Darien” Whitney said

“I’ll surely do that” he replied…

Valerie quickly covered herself in her standing position…

Darien’s hand is about to touch her when Dwayne hit him in the face, Lillian kicked Whitney in the face too and they both went down at a time

“You’re here hara$$ing a girl?, You both need to be killed and your body should be fed to fishes” Lillian said and held Valerie’s hand, she took her out of the place

Darien and Whitney stood

“How dare you hit my face!” Darien said angrily

“All bark, no bite, I pity you… You’ll end up dying a painful dea.th at this rate, bl©©dy bum-wipe” Dwayne said before facing Whitney

” You…. You think I’ll look at you after doing all this? Impossible, looking at you is really really impossible and one more thing.. anytime this happens again, I’ll make you regret it” he said

” You know I told you I’ll wound you anytime you touch her Darien… That one on your face is just the preamble, touch her again then I’ll be making you pay for it” Dwayne said seriously before storming out of the place

” Sht! ” They both said at a time…

“Sorry baby” Lillian said after Valerie has cleaned up

“It’s ok” she replied, coming out of the staffs bathroom with only a new towel on her body

“What will I wear?” She said

Lillian’s eyes widened

” I haven’t thought of that…. My sports wear is at home” Lillian said

“Mine isn’t available too” Valerie replied

” What do we do? ” Lillian said

” I have no idea” Valerie replied

“Here” someone said from the door, they looked at the direction and saw a hand with sports wear and snickers but the face is unseen behind the door … Even at that Valerie knows who it is .. it’s Dwayne cos the bracelet is on his visible wrist

She smiled as Lillian took it from his hand

“Thanks to anyone it is” Lillian said

He left Immediately

Valerie changed into his sports wear and snickers quickly, luckily they use same size of snickers, his foot must be so small…

Though the sports wear is a little bigger than her but it’s cute

“Go to class, I’ll meet you” she said after they came out of the bathroom

” You can’t take long, school exams are starting by next week so every time is not to be wasted” Lillian said

” Sure” she replied and they left separately

Valerie got to the school garden and met him standing

“Why did you allow yourself to get bullied like that? ” He asked

” It wasn’t my fault, I was urinating in the toilet when they poured soapy water on me from the top, I couldn’t open my eyes, I could have fought for myself.. trust me” she said, dipping her hands into the hoodie pocket…

He inhaled hard and drew her closer by her arm, she stood in front of him and looked up at him

“Ion know why but I hate seeing you getting bullied like that” he said

She smiled

” It’s because we’re friends” she said

“Maybe” he replied and hugged her..

She can’t ask for more, he hugged her willingly this time

“My sports wear looks good on you” he said

“I know… I love how it looks” she replied

He suddenly started stroking her hair along with the hug, it’s still slightly wet but he doesn’t care..


She closed her eyes on his shoulder and rubbed his back slightly

“Please don’t stop being my friend” Dwayne said

” I won’t… Trust me I want to always stay with you” she replied

He tightened the hug as if she’ll runaway if he leaves her…



NOTE: Searching for any story? Just go to google browser or any search engine, then type the title of the story with ‘thingscouplesdo’ for example. (Farida episode 1 thingscouplesdo).

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