Pinky Preshy Chioma

Episode 89

Patrick’s Pov:

I hung up immediately after speaking with Arya.

I can’t disclose to her who i am so that she won’t start feeling awkward.

As we all know am not even in good terms with her so she might end up screaming at me if she finds out am the one.

I just want to know if she’s well again and from the tune of her voice she sounds really ok.

What’s important now is that she’s safe and sound.

“Patrick!” That was my mom’s voice.

I quickly dropped my cell phone on the table as I sat heavily on the bed.

“Do come in” I said as she swing the door open and walked in.

“How about the girl you told me you were defending?” She asked.

Talk of the devil…

Like she knew that I was talking to her few minutes ago.

“She’s fine Mom and she has been discharged” I said as she smiled.

“You know your school will be resuming on Monday right?” She asked as I nodded my head.

“Yes I know Mom” I replied.

“I just want you to stay out of trouble.. I don’t want you to get yourself in any form of mess cos your dad will get so mad at you if you do” she said as I gulped hard nodding my head in agreement with what she was saying.


Martin’s Pov:

“She? What she are you talking about?” I pretended like I wasn’t getting her.

“You know exactly what am talking about Martin! You should know am no longer a baby I have brains” She said.

“I don’t know why I don’t understand what you are driving at..am confused” I said as she snorted.

“That’s what you will say but I know there is someone behind this so much happiness” She said.

“I don’t know what you are saying and I don’t also want any form of disturbance” I said trying to discharge her.

“Fine whatever you say! I still don’t believe you but I will leave you to go ahead and do what you are doing” She said as she turned to leave.

Just then, she stepped on a paper and picked it up.

“Arya?” She said as I quickly turned to her on hearing her say Arya.

“Where did you see her?” I quickly asked as she burst into laughter.

“So her name is Arya?” She laughed as I saw the paper in her possession.

I quickly snatched the paper from her and she continued laughing hysterically.

“What now? Are you going to leave this room or not?” I asked feeling defeated as she continued laughing.

“I knew it and I said am going to find out who she is and I did” She continued making mockery of me.

“She’s not anyone! Is just my… My imagination or something” I tried to lie to her.

“Come on Martin! It won’t do you any bad if you tell the truth huh.. if she really is your imagination then why did you ask me if she’s here and where I saw her?” She asked as I scratched my head trying to find another lie.

“I was really hoping to see my imagination like I want to… (Breaths heavily) whatever!” I ended up saying and she burst into laughter the more.

“You are not a good lie brother and that’s one thing am sure of” She said.

“Whatever! Yes she’s Arya and she’s my classmate nothing more” I exhaled deeply.

“Is there really nothing more huh? Or is that what you want to believe that there is nothing more you feel apart from the fact that she’s your classmate?” She asked.

“You do know that I and Kimberly are together right?” I started.

“Yes I know you both are dating” She replied softly.

“And you know Mom and Dad are friends and partners with her Mom right?” I said.

“Of course am more than aware of these things you are telling me” She snorted.

“They are all looking up to me to end up with Kim and it will be really difficult to get myself out of this since the family is involved” I sighed.

“Now let me ask you Martin, do you love Kimberly?” She asked as I scratched my head and breathed heavily.

“I don’t.. I really don’t love her! I like her as a person but the love is not there with her” I explained.

“What about the Arya girl? Do you love her or you also like her as a person too just like Kimberly?” She asked sitting on my bed edge.

“You want the truth?” I asked as she nodded her head in agreement.

“The truth and nothing else but the truth” She snapped.

“The truth is that am so in love with the Arya girl” I said passionately.

Alma took a deep breath and cleared her throat before speaking again.

“I know this might be hard but I want you to know that I will always advise you to go for the lady you really and truly love” She said as I turned to her in surprise.

“Are you saying you support me to go for her? You want me to go for Arya the is I love?” I asked anxiously.

“Of course I support that! Or do you want a family like ours? Do you want a family where people outside thinks is a very beautiful one but on coming in you will find out that it’s hell?” Alma asked as I shook my head.

“I will never want such a family for myself.. mom and dad hardly sees each other even if we live in the same roof! I can’t remember the last time I saw them smile at each other” I continued saying.

“That’s the more reason why you shouldn’t let such a mistake repeat itself again just because we are friends with Kimberly’s Mom” She said.

“Thank you so much for your support Alma! I don’t know what I would have done without you my darling sister’ I said with smiles all over my face.

“I just want the best for you and mere looking at things I can tell you really love this Arya and I don’t want you to ever make the mistake of letting her go no matter what the situation might be” She said.

Smiles escaped my lips as I hugged her tightly……


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